Tuesday, 7 May 2019

On Letting The Side Down - Or Not

Consider, if you will.

If there is a God - something more than Man; and all the evidences in by now of the reality of the phenomenon of reincarnation would point to that fact(1) - then it follows naturally that we, our soul essences, are part of God.  That is to say, are of God.  Individuated essences of God.  On our Way up the mountain of Discovery back to God.  The One.  Bearing gifts that we picked up along our Way.  Back to


with God.

God meeting God in a Self-Realization pact.

As to those gifts.

For example.

A soul incarnating as a zealous Christian in one incarnation could well be a zealous Muslim in another/its next incarnation.  Or a zealous atheist.  Or could incarnate as a shy, retiring type, not wanting to have anything to do with such activity, just wanting to get on with one’s small, individual life, eschewing to be part of some larger ‘movement’.

Although life itself is part of a larger movement.

And what all that we souls get up to is part of a grand Play.  

For what purpose?

To ‘catch our consciences,’ in the words of the soul that became known as Shakespeare.(2)  To, that is to say, give us experiences, in a setting of seeming free will - a stage, on which to strut our parts, interact with one another.  And gain insights from it all.

To take with us, on our individual - individuated - journeys up that Mountain that I referred to.


Part of The Play is to have a foil.  A Dark side, to the side of the Light.  The side of the Light being, in tact, the reality of The Play.  The Creation being made of Light.  And needing another Side against which to ‘hone ourselves’.  Our individual - individuated - ‘pieces of the continent, parts of the main,’ in the insightful words of another one of Us.(3)  And thus, the thoughts of the likes of Lucifer, and Satan.  Whether mythological or not, it doesn’t matter.  In the end.  And The End.

Where we are now.  Having come to

that time.

And Time.      

And time, too, then, to see how self-identified we souls have become with what are simply our roles in The Drama.  And if we are willing to release our roles.  And take our bows.

And then, get on with ‘it’.


What ‘it’ is all about.

In its essence.

My point, in this blog, being to look at the matter of our roles, as roles; and to see if those soul essences - fractals of The One - who have beeb playing parts on the Dark side

will understand the nature of The Play

and be willing to release their roles in it.  And come back

to the side of the Light.

I am asking - hoping:

Don’t be caught 


May as many of us fractals get on with our journeys up the mountain of Discovery as possible.


you will just have to keep on playing parts in

The Play.   

Another word for which -

and especially in relation to what is awaiting the rest of us, on our individual journeys on the Royal Highway; which sometimes coincide with each other’s, in a mass Event, of Awakening - 




(1) Meaning that therefore there is Plan in and Purpose to life, beyond just in and for itself only; a larger Reality, that this one that we experience in our five-sense bubble of awareness is simply a part of.

(2) Or at least, pretended to be Shakespeare.  Took on that camouflage - of a small-time actor - in order to avoid possible deleterious action/confrontation with the royal house of the day. 
   There being mysteries aplenty, in the Game of Life.

(3) John Donne.  He of the well-known phrase For Whom the Bell Tolls.
   A worthy Meditation, to muse on.

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