1) To: The New American
Date: May 11 2019
Dear Sirs:
I found the cover story to the May 6 issue of TNA titled Forced Vaccinations to be commendable. One caveat.
The article says: “Notably absent from the table is autism, which many physicians link to thimerosal, a mercury preservative in several vaccines, including MMR.” Not so. Thimerosal is not in the MMR shot because it has live viruses in it, and the mercury would kill them. The MMR’s true function, however, is just as deadly.
All live-virus vaccines contain glutamic acid (MSG), which acts as a stabilizer (feeder) of the viruses. It is also a precursor of a substance called glutathione, which helps the body excrete heavy metals and toxins. Glutamic acid in/associated with a vaccine, which the body’s immune system is reacting against, would tend to inhibit the production of glutathione at the best of times. If a live-virus vaccine like the MMR were given at the same time as a vaccine that contained mercury, e.g. - like the flu shot - the interaction would tend to inhibit the body’s ability to excrete the mercury. Result, among other potential deleterious conditions: Brain damage.
No wonder the MMR is associated with the likes of autism. Just in a different way from what is suggested in this highly important article.
Yours sincerely,
Stan Stanfield
2) To:The President of the United States
Subject: Uprising in/Invasion of the U.S.
Date: May 11 2019
Dear Pres. Trump:
There is talk of an uprising in the country among illegal aliens and by ISIS and other terrorist cells, to be joined by traitors amongst the citizenry, a la the Der Tag uprisings in Eastern European countries after WWII. This has all been made more possible by the invasion of our states by illegal aliens. Under Article IV of the Constitution, you are responsible for the protection of the states from invasion. Mr. President, I urge you to act, and act swiftly and decisively, against this very real potentiality, of a major challenge to the national security. Whatever it takes, do it.
Respectfully yours,
Duane 'Stan' Stanfield
I’m not precisely sure why the American public is standing still for the stonewall that the Democrats have put up, and continue to put up, against serious action to stop the infiltration into this country, not only of illegal aliens but of insurgents, determined to do overthrow-style violence. I mean, it’s obvious; isn’t it? That we are under invasion?? And being set up for attack from within simultaneously??
What’s it going to take for the American people to WAKE THE HELL UP???
This is not rocket science. Any fool can see what’s going on. All it takes is for a person to
You’re acting like pushovers.
The Adversary is smirking mightily these days.
And the Founding Fathers are turning over in their graves, and groaning. I can hear it from here.
Come ON, Patriots. Show your stuff. And that all that our forefathers sacrificed for this day, of Judgement, was not in vain.
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