Friday, 3 May 2019

Adventures In The Skin Trade

Jews - not the Jews; some Jews (for they are individuals, too; just like the rest of us incarnate souls) - are God’s little helpers.  Imbued with attributes of termites.   To eat away at the foundations of whatever country they find themselves in, or are drawn to.

Why do they do that?

For power.  More specifically: Power Over Others.  (Or as I call it: ‘POO for short.’)  In order to come out on top.  Feeling themselves superior to those ‘Others’ around them.  And thus constantly pushing for what is called ‘international socialism’.  Aka totalitarianism.  With them at the top of the heap.  At the pinnacle of the kingdom of POO.  

Why ‘God’s little helpers’?

For the purposes of The Play.  The Drama.  Of, in another metaphor, the classroom.

For aspirant gods.

All of us.

Learning lessons along

The Way.

And facing, and accomplishing, sooner or later, graduation time.  Out of the particular ‘classroom’.  Individually.  And sometimes collectively.  Just as in a metaphorical school.  The latter stage being where we are at, at this particular time.

And Time.

Unfortunately, some of the souls, both Jews and others, allow themselves to become too identified with the parts that they are playing in the Drama, thinking of it all as ‘real’ - and not ‘reel,’ as it were - and, in effect, sell their souls to ‘the devil’.  The Lord of the Dark.  (Of the Incar-nation, as it were.)  

Bad choice.

But - 

their choice.

The same as for all of us apprentice gods.

All, at different places along The Way, is all.

Although, sometimes, as it so happens, on a spiral path, we find ourselves all at the same relative Turning Point.  (Again: metaphorically speaking.)  As is the case now.  In Our Time.

And wither you go, from here, fellow pilgrim??

My hope is that as many of us ‘pieces of the continent’ as possible choose the Higher Path.  But - 

as always -

your choice.

See you.

At some



To it all. 

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