Monday, 13 May 2019

Further On Synchronicity

I have a hard time with astrology.  Personally, I can’t relate to it.  But I have read enough on the subject, and heard anecdotal reports, sufficient for me to keep an open mind on the subject.

Case in point.  A friend has just sent me the following (with chart enclosed; and reproduced as sent):

“As you know, the Moon Nodes are the two points at which the orbit of the Moon intersects the solar ecliptic. Known as Rahu and Ketu in Vedic astrology, these points are seen as highly significant in a person's chart, with the Moon representing the past and the Nodes indicating previous and future incarnations and the progression of the soul on the Karmic wheel.

“The Nodes have a period of 18.5 years. What's interesting is that you and I have birthdates 18.7 years apart, which means our Nodes coincide—to a spooky accuracy of 1 degree. I would venture to suggest that *this* is the root of our connection. (Attached image shows your planets in the inner circle, mine in the outer, nodes highlighted in yellow).

“Your Nodes are also on the 6th/12th House axis (the Christian axis, ruled by Virgo & Pisces). This, along with your Pisces Ascendant *and* South Node in Leo(!) would suit a Crusader or King Arthur type. Aquarius North Node confers a keen sense of 'rightness' and the desire to fight injustice, and the Christian axis adds compassion and a capacity for sacrifice (and suffering) for 'the cause'. 

“Your South Node (your past) is in Leo (the Sun King). In the context of reincarnation, Leo suggests you come from a past of power and influence, and must hang up your crown this time around and be an ordinary person. Not easy. Leo is also expressively theatrical, and many South Node Leos feel their life is somehow 'scripted'—and will assume that significant others are part of their production. The Pisces (the actor) weighting emphasises this.

“Typical of any boy hero however, with your Sun squaring the Ascendant you may be a reluctant to accept this reality/destiny. The astrological 'square' aspect is the 'star-crossed' lovers dynamic made popular by Shakespeare, so you're got your own internal Romeo & Juliet playing out—which can never be resolved (in this life)…”


My response:

“Heavens above - that's interesting.  I can relate to all that.

“Along this sort of line, an old (and old) friend of mine from FF days [name] just emailed me on his b/day (yesterday) and asked me for some comment for him, serious or funny or whatever, after giving it a moment's thought.  I gave it said moment, and emailed him back the result of my inspiration; to wit:

‘”Live life as though it were a Tragedy, knowing all the while that it is a Farce.'

I think there's something in there in all this.  



Just saying, that Life is not only a Drama.  But it is an illusion.

A good one.  But an illusion nevertheless.

In which to ‘catch our consciences’.  As the playwright said.  And not cause too much damage in 

The Process.

As for those Dark forces amongst us.  Still plying their ‘trade’.  Of further movement along the Path of Life for Power in the ol’ 3D realm:

I wonder what they will do - what their choice will be - when they discover that this 3D realm

is going to change under their feet, as it were.  And go Up a notch, or two.  On the ol’ Resonance register.  And leave them stranded.  While the rest of us move on.

Oh, they will be given another 3D ‘realm’ in which to ply their trade.  New souls always coming on line, again as it were.   And needing some ‘education’ in the elementary school.  And being stuck on the Wheel of Karma for however long it takes them to figure it all out, and move on, and Up.  But that can’t be much satisfaction to those poor, benighted souls who have chosen the Wrong Path.  You see,

they never really win.  Because they ‘win’ -

or not -

in an illusion.  Never in

the Real Thing.

That’s reserved for 


Not kiddies.

Kidding themselves.

Over and over.  On

the playground.

But then, who wants to spend the rest of their creation, and creative time, playing a harp on a cloud, when they can be experiencing the real thing.  Eh?



P.S. To clarify:
     Some souls are just playing parts on the Dark side in the Drama.  Others are hardcore addicts.  To the latter I say, and warn: 

     You are running the risk of being annihilated - stuck on the Wheel as you are, and gumming up the works, as it were - if you don’t come off it, and go for the Light.  Like the phototropic being that you are, by your basic nature.  As a fractal of your Creator.  That just got stuck in playing a part.  That is to say, another kind of part.

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