In my last blog I referred to the “tactical morals” of Obama in being both a Marxist and a Muslim. To expand on the subject.
I have recently uncovered, in my bachelor-flat clutter, of books and magazines and mail (the latter of which has good stuff in it but which I know darn well that I will never get back around to) and papers, a little pamphlet titled ‘Islam: Religion of Bigots’. By an intrepid researcher on Islam by the name of Robert Spencer, it goes into the horrific underside of the so-called ‘religion of peace’. Which would seem to refer to the fact that Islam exerts such a heavy hand on whatever country it takes over that no one can mount an opposition to it, and therefore, there is ‘peace’. Of a sort. The sort of a gag. And I kid you not. Speak out against Allah or His Messenger, and you will be subject to being killed. That sort of thing.(1)
All of this in this country, courtesy of TPTB who wish to bring this country down, as an impediment to their lust for power. For Power Over Others. Or POO for short.
But hey - nothing is worse than our own homegrown brainwashed whites who have drunk the Kool-aid and are so sold on it that they are lacerating themselves, if only figuratively - have become self-hating.(2) Like those Jews whom the Zionists amongst their tribe think are not sold enough on their superiority to join in the takeover plot.
As to that.
The Zionist Jews - emulating their forebears, the Bolsheviks - in order to take over the U.S. for the establishment of their totalitarian New World Order (in cahoots with other, powerful families; aka fascists), knew that they would have to subvert and secularize the country’s dominant culture on the one hand - a la Hollywood - and set up a competitive religion on the other - Allah Islam, and duke it out with said supremacist religion (to whom we infidels are more than that, are dimmis; aka dummies) after the deed was accomplished; figuring that with their superior intelligence, and help from the Dark Lord - whom they give supplication to; think child sacrifices, and loosh, etc. that they have been offering as tokens of their best regards - they could cary that job, and challenge, off, too.
And just so have we been subjected - a good word, that, in this context - to the ‘likes’ of tactical morals, emanating from both the Zionist Jews/atheists amongst us and the Muslims. Think taqiyya on the one hand; and on the other, think Saul Alinsky’s ‘Rules for Radicals’. ‘Whatever It Takes.’ ‘By Any Means Necessary.’ Lie, cheat, steal. Kill, even. Whatever it takes, to accomplish your end. The end justifying the means. There being no right nor wrong but thinking makes it so. What is right is whatever advances my agenda, and what is wrong is whatever impedes it. Because there are no absolutes. (And for the atheists: There is no Absolute, period.) All is relative. Relative, to whoever holds the Power…Disgusting stuff.
But necessary. In order to give us ‘spiritual beings having a human experience’ an edge to hone ourselves against. And so, is a part of The Plan, for all that.(3)
Now coming to a close. For
it’s graduation time. To a new, higher level of consciousness. Wherein - and whereby - all these elementary-school lessons are over.
For now. (And NOW.) At least, for those who are ready to advance, Up the ‘grade’ of
the stairway to the heavens.
Of which I think there are at least twelve. Before Unity.
But then,
what do I know.
At least I know one thing.
I know immorality when I see it.
And I see it all around me.
And subject to change.
And not soon enough, for me.
And I hope
for you, too.
For, you see, you - in your essence - are God having an experience of - yes, Itself; but also, of
(1) And glancing through this little pamphlet brought to mind a couple of other such pamphlets buried in my clutter; viz. ‘Obama and Islam’ by Spencer and David Horowitz; and ’The Truth About Islam: Is This Really a ‘Religion of Peace’? What The Koran Actually Teaches About ‘Jihad’ and Jesus’ by Christians Against Radical Islam.
(2) ‘America - and white supremacists; and so Western Civilization itself - are responsible for Climate Change, and so they have to go’.
Um, that Climate Change…that would be that construct of the likes of the Trilateral Commission, created as a means to gain POO? That Climate Change?? Including whatever is going on in the entire solar system, because of conditions on our Sun - that one???…
(3) ‘Joseph’ (of just-previous reference in these pages) to the contrary notwithstanding. But I will go with my basic feel for the situation, at present. It all seems to make sense, this way.
And there is sense in the Creation.
Or there wouldn't be one.
In any event: Either 'way' - mistake or opportunity - we're going Up.
And to continue, on that note...
In any event: Either 'way' - mistake or opportunity - we're going Up.
And to continue, on that note...
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