Saturday, 25 May 2019

On The Great Divide

Some refections on where we are at.  In this country.  And the world.

To start with my home country.  In a free country, operating under free institutions, the people are not the property of the state, to do with as it wills.  We in the U.S., it would appear, have become that way, owing to some bit of skullduggery, of nefarious business along the way.  But properly speaking, the people are the sovereign in this country.

And so it shall become again.  But in a further light.  The further Light of the nature of all of us.  As facets, fractals, points of view, expressions of our Creator Source.  In perfect alignment with the Will and Nature of

The All That Is. 

With us fractals operating under the Idea that:-

As you do unto others, so do you do unto yourself - literally.  For, We Are All One.  And All IS One.

Now, for some details.

Take the LGBTQo+ phenomenon.  Those souls have incarnated into this physical realm of males and females with their brains skewed from the norm, which makes them think of themselves as other than their ‘pure’ dualistic biological natures.  There are a number of environmental factors involved in that skewed orientation.  I don’t want to go into all that here.  Here, I just want to highlight the fact that said spectrum is off the norm.  Is abnormal.  And thus, should not be codified in law as though it were a normal condition, and thereby being given some cache, as though it is nothing to look at, correct.  When it is the equivalent of a canary in a coal mine, definitely something that needs to be looked at. And corrected.  By a truly healthy society,*

This is not a religious matter per se. It is, rightly speaking, a spiritual matter.  And so, e.g., it is a nonsense that ‘we’ have been brainwashed into letting biological males, with male body strength, compete against females in various athletic competitions, just because they ‘feel’ that they are females.  And letting them use Female lavatories and showers/dressing rooms is a measure of our lack of having dealt with this matter in a proper fashion.  As homo sapiens sapiens.  With some degree of intelligence thereby.

This ‘funny’ business has, of course, been a part of a larger agenda: that of attempting to bring this country down, a la the same sort of agenda of the communists of old.  Which brings me to my next point: which is  

the matter of the New World Order crowd attempting to disrupt and take over this country, as they have been in the process of attempting to do in Europe.  This is the Dark-side equivalent of - trigger for -

the Real Thing.

The end of the line.  For a/the Play.  In a/the Process, of education.  The education of

apprentice gods.

Learning to use power.

The right way.

And being very careful, in

the process.

For being creators by our very nature.

A nature of, and from, high energy.

Not the low energy of

the Dark side.

Which has allowed us to ‘hone our edge,’ in our educational process.

And so, is due some credit. 

And so, as we in the U.S. in particular look to the disenthronement of the Deep State, may we be careful in our treatment of souls some of whom have just been playing parts on that side of The Play.  Are not of the Dark side per se.  Have not ‘sold themselves to the devil,’ as it were.

As for the others - those seemingly irredeemable souls.

Ah, well.  My advice:

Leave them to heaven.

As has been said:

Judge not. 

Lest you be judged.  

For, remember:

We Are All


* Yes, we have had homosexuals for a very long time in this realm.  But as I say, there are environmental factors involved in this phenomenon, and they have become more extensive in our time, by all accounts.  So, we need very much to get at the underlying causation of the phenomenon.  If we are to be rightly responsible incarnates, looking after our responsibilities as such incarnates.  In this schoolroom, for aspiring gods.
   As I have said somewhere before:
   Life is a school  The purpose is to graduate.


P.S. Part of The Play, and The End Game going on:

A friend has forwarded to me a sad story from the Collective Evolution site, of their being taken down by the censoring/deplatforming going on, by our Erstwhile Masters:

“It is getting really thing is that the light is getting stronger so the PTB are feeling more and more backed into a corner.  Otherwise there would be no need for this.
The brighter the light, the darker the shadow.
Am just reading Edward Bernays 1928 book, Propaganda, with an updated introduction.”

“What’s happening to media today is both heartbreaking and crazy, and we’re not sure how many people are actually aware of the Orwellian-type of censorship that’s currently taking place in our world. When it comes to geopolitics, things have become quite clear within the past few years. There is a general consensus among many political leaders and academics that, for a long time, there has been a deliberate manipulation of the opinions of the masses, and the individuals behind this “unseen mechanism, constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power” of global geopolitics. Our minds are “molded, our tastes formed” and our ideas are “suggested, largely by men we have never heard of.” (Edward Bernays)”

(My response - in part:)

Yes, bad news.  CE is an excellent site.  Sorry to hear that they have been hit so bad by the censorship/demonitization etc. going on.  But I guess it was inevitable, for a site of such integrity.

Thanks for alerting me to this article. 



And then there is Mike Adams, over on his Brighten site, at Counter Think, with a hard-hitting 'Five Cosmic Things' going on: how we are being done in by our EMs, in their moves to depopulate the planet, and turn those who are left into transhumans -  they think.  On their way to being killed by these monsters.

The Games that People will get up to...

...when they lose contact with

their essence.


Even them.

Lest we forget.........

...and lose our own such contact.

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