Saturday, 31 August 2019

The Rule Of Law - Another Example...

…Of Chicanery And Deceit

Things were bad enough in this country, in the way of the trashing of the rule of law, when the American citizenry - of a nation founded on the principle of self-governance - failed to recognize that the definition of a ‘natural born’ citizen, as defined by the definitive tome of the day of the Framers of the constitutional contract, is a person, quote: ‘born in the country, of parents who are citizens,” unquote and my emphasis.   And that that eligibility requirement for the office of the presidency of the United States - and that particular federal office only, indicating its special nature in the eyes of the authors of the Constitution - STILL STANDS, absent a constitutional amendment to the contrary.  So, that oversight error on the part of the American citizenry of our day - as I say -  has been bad enough.  Without taking into consideration another such egregious error, just as spiteful the rule of law.        

This is all a terribly sad story, about a free people failing in their duty to look after their own interests.  Which oversight has allowed some very deceitful people, acting like cancer cells, to do their thing, in trying to take this country   over for a very long time.  But their day in the sun is done.

And that includes the deceitful category of U.S. citizens that has been dubbed ‘anchor babies’.  Of which there is no such thing in reality.  Only in the minds of those deceitful creatures amongst us  perpetrating that myth, and other American citizens who have been hoodwinked in the matter.  Presumably from thinking that one or the other of the political parties - doing their thinking for them - would have blown the whistle on the deception, if there were substance to the case, that the category of so-called ‘anchor babies’ is a chimera - a fake, a fraud.  As I say: a myth. 

It is based on a misreading of a passage in the Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution, enacted after the Civil War, which gave U.S. citizenship to the freed slaves.  The passage in question, quote: 

“All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside.”   My emphasis.  All reading of the historical literature on the matter shows that the authors of that amendment meant it to apply only to the citizenry of the United States.  Not to citizens of other countries (and thus, subject to their jurisdiction) in this country either illegally, or as tourists or on a work visa, or on a diplomatic mission, say.

It turns out that this has been a long-standing error in application of that term in the 14th Amendment.  One can wonder why.  In any event: It is an error.  

Undoubtedly it is part of the fraud that says that the U.S. Constitution is ‘a living document,’ and is therefore subject to ‘legitimate’ change in interpretation over the years.  It.  Is.  Not.  It is in the nature of a contract.  With a built-in provision for amendment.  

Which has not been applied in this case.  And so, this creative interpretation - falls.  In the re-application of the rule of law in this country.

In order that we can move on. 

In the right way.  To say: In obedience to



A personal word about Law.

In high school, when I was filling out application forms for college, and the question was asked in them as to the major that I was going to engage in, I gave the question thought between Law and Medicine, as equally of possible interest.  In the event, I chose the latter course of instruction, as a bit more in keeping with my sentiments at the time (in either event, wishing to be of service to people), and matriculated on that basis into the university of my choice (and with the aid of a most generous scholarship).  

In the later event, I dropped out of my formal studies prematurely - with the help of a nudge from a spiritual experience - and set out on what has been a lifelong journey researching into, in a word: Truth.

If I had decided otherwise in my choice of major, and, embarking on a study of Law, had found out earlier in life what I have since discovered about the corruption of that field of human endeavor,* things may have been far different.  For me.  And for this country.  

We will never know the answer to that hypothetical question, in its particular.  But we will will know the   
same outcome, in general:

that Truth will prevail on Earth.

As it does in Heaven.

As Earth rises in its essence, up a notch, or two, initially.  In an Ascension process.

With us, individually.

Or without us.  Individually.

Your choice, for You.  Child of God that you are.

That is all.

For now.

Details to follow.

* As I have discovered in the field of you-should-excuse-the-expression Medicine.

Truth In Action

1) from ‘Why Isn’t Congress Looking Into Epstein’s Intel Connections?’ - Dave Hodges - August 29

Stan Stanfield Thu, 08/29/2019 - 23:27
  • Let me guess: The patriots are not saying anything about this whole JE business because they figure that Barr & Co. smuggled him out to make sure he wasn't killed by the Deep State, saving him in exchange for his intel. And the NWO crowd are not saying anything about it because they are afraid of what might come out about their own critters that JE had intel on, and are willing to let sleeping dogs lie, at least until they know more about what is going on behind the scenes. 
  •    Oh, what a tangled web we weave......

2) from ‘Comey’s “Walk” Exposes the Deep State Cartel Running America - THE RULE OF LAW IS DEAD!’ - Dave Hodges - August 30
(Hodges is furious, figuring that AG Barr, with his association with the Bushes, is part of the DS and is just going to cover things up, and it’s time for civil disobedience.  Well; it may be.  But…)

Stan Stanfield - Fri. August 30

The other good 'Dave' on the Internet on these sorts of matters, of the x22Report, figures that Comey was let off for now because they are going to get him when a larger nail is banged into the coffin of the Deep State, coming up.  However, the proof of the pudding, and all that.  So: We'll see.  Shortly.    

3) from ‘The Radical Left Conspiracy Against Tulsi Gabbard’ - Dave Hodges - August 30 & on into August 31
(Hodges laments the dropping of Gabbard from the Democrat debates - as the only reasonable candidate there - and the possibility of Kamala Harris continuing on and her being selected, even with her background.  While AG of CA.  Not understanding her even more potent downside…)

Stan Stanfield - August 30/31

Dave, for the record, and your basic info: Kamala Harris is not eligible for the office of the presidency, because she is not a 'natural born' citizen.  The definition of a 'natural born' citizen is a person, quote, "born in the country, of parents who are citizens" thereof.  The definition is from the definitive tome of the day of the constitutional Framers on such nation-building matters, E. de Vattel's 'The Law of Nations'.  (Book One, Ch. XIX, Sect. 212.  Look it up.  It's right here on the Internet.)  It stands to reason: The whole POINT of the exercise on the part of said Framers was to make sure that the occupant of that particular federal office - and that particular federal office ONLY, signifying its special nature in (cont'd)  

their eyes - had NO DUAL OR OTHERWISE CONFLICTING LOYALTIES OR ALLEGIANCES OR INFLUENCES.  Had SOLE ALLEGIANCE to the United States (in this case).  (Their main concern was because that occupant would also, then, become the Commander in Chief of the nation's military forces.)  And that eligibility requirement for that particular federal office STILL STANDS, absent a constitutional amendment to the contrary.  
Some have tried to argue that the Naturalization Act of 1790 changed everything.  They fail to note that the Naturalization Act of 1795 repealed the misleading words in the earlier Act - and anyway, No Act or Resolution of Congress will suffice to change an eligibility requirement for the office.  And - guess what: (cont'd)     

That means that BHO was ineligible for the office as well.  (With the 'birther' issue a red herring.)  So, what do we do about that.  I'll tell you: He is arrested and brought to trial on charges of fraud, perjury, and treason; and when he is found guilty, all of the legislation that he signed into law, and all of the E.O.'s that he issued, and all of the appointments that he made - including to the SCOTUS, and inferior courts - go with him.  Into the dust bin.  For it to be as though he were never there.  For, he was never there legally.  And both political parties need to be taken to court, on RICO statutes, fined, their authorities jailed, and the parties dissolved.  That's how big a scandal that this is.  And Kamala Harris?  Dumped. 

P.S. Both major political parties tried a total of 8 times between them, between 2003 and '08 alone, to get a constitutional amendment going through Congress watering down that eligibility requirement for that office - all their proposals having this issue as their common denominator - and they failed each time even to get their proposals out of committee, such was the sensitivity around this issue.  So, what did they do?  It's obvious what they did: They colluded.  And figured that, between them, with their control of the Congress and the MSM, they could get away with it.  But guess what: Truth is truth.  And the truth WILL out.  And will yet bite you critters in the bum.  With the help of truth-tellers - and -warriors - in the country.

Friday, 30 August 2019

How Much Longer

  How Much Longer

How much longer
Must I have to endure
Living in an atmosphere
Of wrongdoing, where
Two wrongs make a right
Apparently, to you,
                   the citizenry
Of my country?
                        I refer
            to the candidacy
Of Kamala Harris for
              the office of 
              the presidency
Even though she is not
Eligible for it, any more
Than Barack Obama was
For neither of them being
A ‘natural born’ citizen
Of this country.

I want to see
A return to the rule
                    of law
In this country.
And just as soon
As possible.
While we still

P.S. Interestingly, in this context - the context of the inspiration for me to write this observation, and at this particular time:
     I have been sharing my studio apartment premises for a while now with a spider, of the Daddy Long Legs variety, who, for whatever reason(s), chose to set up shop just under my kitchen sink taps.  It was a little annoying; but it was, basically, alright with me.  Live and let live.  It wasn’t hurting me, and I wasn’t hurting it.  We were each just doing our thing, living in close proximity with each other was all.  Although it got disturbed whenever I turned on my taps, and crawled back out of the way under my window sill.  But those were the terms of the ‘agreement’ - our mutual living arrangement.  (Although I never figured out what was in it for the spider.  Its meager web never caught any flies, or anything.  Not that there are many of those around here even at the best of times.)
     But today I noticed that it had packed up its web and left.
     I hope that it is a sign.

Thursday, 29 August 2019

Truth Is My Middle Name...

...And It WILL Out

And so the censoring of conservative and Christian perspectives continues unabated in our (largely monopolistic) social media;* and just so is the principle of free speech disappearing from this country.  This country, founded on such basic principles.  And the last bastion in the world of such an attitude, of The People running their government.  Not the other way around.  As in communist countries, where the State is the all-powerful entity; ruling with an iron fist over the lowly, and dependent, individual.  

Because why?  Because, to that mindset, there is nothing larger than the State.  There is no purpose to life, other than to serve the State.  The State is the be-all and end-all of existence.  Where everyone is equal; and some are more equal than others.  Born with spurs, to ride roughshod over The Other. 


‘Words mean what I say they mean,’ said Humpty Dumpty.  And so do our erstwhile masters, aka EMs.  ‘Hate speech,’ then, being in the eye of the beholder; and consisting of anything contrary to the EM’s plans for the takeover of this country - with Crisis, in classic class warfare style, to give them that Opportunity - and its subsequent merging, wholesale or piecemeal, into their long-planned-for state of total people control, in a/the New World Order.  Dystopian at and to its core.

As I say…

Well.  Guess what, comrades.  There is something larger than Man, and his created State.  Of rebellion.  For, we individuals - incarnate souls - are the facets, fractals, aspects, points of view, experiences of our immediate Creator Source, in absolute alignment with The All That Is - Prime Creator.  And we are here, in this 3D classroom for apprentice gods - here given free will, in this realm of (seeming) Separation and Duality - in order to have and learn lessons, to that end.  And we are approaching graduation time out of this elementary school.

For all those of us who make the grade.   

For those who don’t: They can have another go ‘round or so in a 3D matrix.  To hone themselves against the cutting edge of Duality.

That.  Or, having proven to have succumbed irredeemably to the siren call of Matter,

be annihilated.        

Your choice.   

But do know:

You are being faced with living - and advancing up the spiral stairway to the heavens - by Truth

or not.

That is to say, ‘Or as the old radio show title had it:

Or Consequences.’

And you - no one else - will have earned either outcome.

* with the likes of talking about ‘illegal aliens flooding into the country’ designated as ’hate speech,’ because, well, it could lead to violence, doncha know.  Never mind that it is demonstrably a truth. plain and simple.  It goes against the ‘correct’ perspective.  The ‘official’ narrative.  Which is to be ‘inclusive,’ and all that jazz.

Tuesday, 27 August 2019

On Last Respects

My sister-in-law, mother to my four living nieces and nephews and one nephew who died tragically of an accident in his childhood years, and who, after the death of my brother (in a preceding accident), went on to become the mother of another sizable brood of children, Mormons all who were brought up well, Merilyn Stanfield Urry, passed on at 1:04 PM on Thursday August 22.  My eldest nephew emailed me the news.  My response to him:

"Thanks for this info, (name).  My condolences to all.  Unfortunately, I will not be able to go there for the funeral, as I no longer have the financial flexibility that I used to.  Please pay my last respects for me to the family.  She was the matriarch of a lovely family, of which she could be justifiably proud.

"And sorry to hear of your own financial 'dire straits'.  All the best in riding it through.  

"And let's hope for the same for this nation, going through its own 'dire straits,' as well. 

"Uncle Duane"

1) I made reference to the nation because my nephew had added in his email info about a Tea Party group that he is involved in.  He is quite the patriot.  

2) I was reminded of a ‘family’ story.  Merilyn told me, when I was visiting them on a Family outing a few years ago - both families together, as they do every other summer (this was the only one that I took part in, then or since; another story) - that she remembered once (this was many years before, when my brother was still engaged in creating a family while he worked to get a career in the movie business off the ground) when my brother came home from a Priesthood meeting one early evening and chuckled to her how he had a directly opposite perspective from the one that their group was told that they should have, where the ‘official’ version of priorities for Priesthood members was Family first, Church second, and Job third.  I didn’t comment at the time on the remark and story.  I wish now that I had.  I have to trust that she understood his perspective.  
     It was based on the fact that he had a dream to make a film about the Book of Mormon; and in order to get to such a position, he concentrated on raising money for various film properties and ideas.(1)  His whole outlook on life, then, was colored by the desire and need to make films (Job) in order to get to his dream of making a film about the Book of Mormon (Church). And as he told me once, when I was living with them (another story as well), he didn’t want to make a huge amount of money, that that wasn’t his priority; just enough for his family to be comfortable (Family).  
     As I say: I have, now, to trust that my sister-in-law understood.
     Communications in families being so important.

Which reminds me of just one additional point, at this point.  About the American Family.

To get into that subject, a comment about how David Axelrod - a ‘Red diaper baby’’ - has been quoted as saying that Pres. Trump’s replacement of Ruth Bader Ginsburg - on her own death bed - “will tear this country apart”.  How has this country come to this pass?  with the president having the opportunity to name another conservative/constitutionalist to the SCOTUS??  and with the 2020 elections looking more iffy by the day for the Democrars, with their too-far-out Democrat candidates failing to make much of a headway into the hearts of the American public??? and Trump slowly making headway in closing down the southern border to all of those prospective Democrat voters????  And major voting & electoral reform on the horizon, complete with photo ID requirements, and elimination of all-too-easily-programmed electronic voting machines, and…and…… 

It could all augur a signal for a Der Tag uprising by the Marxists.  Who are in a fight to the death with conservatives (read: non-socialists) and Christians (read: non-atheists at worst, and non-Satanists at best).(2)  And have succeeded in seducing a huge number of our youth in their campaign, having taken over the education systems in the country (part of “the long march through the institutions”), and having subjected them to huge debt to pay off college fees, at a time that many jobs have been quietly shifted overseas; to give the youth an incentive to Rise Up Against The Machine! and all…

My closing comment to this whole subject:   

Unbeknownst to the Marxists, and the Innocents inveigled into their control (’Sons of The Revolution - Unite!’), there is a larger picture at work here.  Wherein and whereby they are ‘naturally’ feeling that there is a major shift at work, in how the world works.  But it is not the dystopian New World Order that they are being led to believe in.  It is the working-out of 

The Plan.

To the Synthesis stage of the operation of human civilizational development.                  
Where the ‘best of both sides’ of the equation are brought together.  In the development of a Community of nations operating in conjunction with and under 

the Will of our Creator Source.

At long last.  

With feasting for the return of

the Prodigal Son.

And paying our last respects to all that it took to bring us to this point.

In time.  And 

in time.


(1) The original one of which was for a TV pilot film for a planned series about Air Force test pilots; of which he had some knowledge, having obtained his filmmaking abilities in the Air Force, in making short training films.

(2) You don’t really think that all this business of raping and killing babies in rituals is just the work of atheists, do you??
   These people are deliberately flouting God.  If the story about the ‘fallen angels’ isn’t true, it sure must be close to the mark.

Sunday, 25 August 2019

On Moving On

(All this talk about 'reparations for slavery' is just the NWO crowd's continued attempts to Divide and Conquer this country, create class warfare of all kinds.  Since the Russian Collusion thing didn't pan out to help bring down Pres. Trump, the '4 a.m. call' has gone out to harp on the theme of 'racism,' as part of the attack theme of 'white supremacism'.   I hope people wake up to all this Marxist penetration - attempted penetration - of the nation's psyche.  And help us Move On.)    

    Moving On

Yes, there was slavery
In this country
As there has been
Throughout history
And in all parts
Of the world,
Between tribes
In Africa.
But people move on.
Don't they.

How The New 'Economy' Could Work

Before the new global monetary system kicks in, a word:

You do understand that ‘interest’ is only a concept, an idea, don’t you?*  And that if we have an ‘interest’ in working in harmony with each other and with Nature, that is all that it would take to share goods and services with each other - and especially at a time of abundance??  

Welcome to such a time.  At our level of technology.  And Necessity.  Before we blow our ‘studies,’ in this classroom for apprentice gods, and fail to reach Graduation Day. 

Which involves understanding that:

* There is enough gold in the world - already processed and available - to give everyone in the world a Fresh Start.  (Call it a Jubilee.)

* Freely sharing with one another involves cultivating the concept, the idea - and the feeling - of generosity.  And if we do, ‘All else will be added unto’ us, in the New ‘Economy’.  Of Abundance.  Based on the development of replicators, and free energy devices - small and large - and 3D printers, and the like.  Thus, the ‘pump’ of the system being heart energy.  Learning to give and thus to receive (a Law).  

And a permanent heart opening is (the definition of) Ascension.  So, practicing ‘generosity’ is practice for Ascension.  Is The Way.                             

It’s a matter of learning how to hold the required Light to be able to stay in an ascended state, above the 3D realm of Karma/Rebirth, Separation & Duality.  It’s the passing of a test.  To graduate out of the elementary-school 3D curriculum.  Normally an individual matter, now to be engaged in on a global level.  For those who are ready to advance, ‘on the spiral stairway to the heavens’ - out of 3D and into the higher realms.  Of consciousness.

Just giving you a little peek at the Finals exam.

The rest is up to 


* As is ‘fractional-reserve banking’.  All merely concepts.  For lower-conscious souls.


Saturday, 24 August 2019

About Time

So let’s see what The New American magazine has to say about Facebook in particular and Big Tech in general, in their current issue.  

Oh-oh - what’s this?  They’ve been accorded The Treatment?  What for??  Mmmm…

“It is a nearly universally accepted fact that Big Tech has a far-left bias.  From censorship of conservatives and Christians, to promotion of every liberal cause that comes down the pike, companies such as Facebook, Twitter, and Google routinely abuse the platforms they claim are conduits for the people.  Any person or organization that makes any real progress promoting conservative, Christian, traditional values against the lies of liberalism will eventually find themselves in the cross hairs of the liberal social-media elite.

“Our time has come.

“Facebook claims to be a free-speech platform that only bans content that violates its Community Standards — including ‘hate speech.’  But since Facebook gets to define ’hate speech’ in keeping with its own political agenda, one would expect too much for that definition to be consistent.  Case in point: In mid-July, The John Birch Society (this magazine’s parent organization) posted the cover of the July 8 issue of The New American on Facebook.  That issue’s cover carried the title ‘Immigrant Invasion’ and included a real photograph of illegal aliens illegally crossing a border fence.

“Despite the fact that nothing in the  post, the accompanying picture, or the associated article contained anything that could be construed as ’hate speech,’ Facebook almost immediately deemed that magazine cover as ’hate speech’ and not only took down the post, but also banned The John Birch Society from monetizing videos on Facebook for 30 days…In a message from Facebook, the JBS was told that the removal of the post and the advertising ban were the result of that post, which the message said ‘goes against our Community Standards on hate speech.’”

Oh, BS, FB.  Who are you trying to kid?  It’s okay to support illegal aliens breaking into our country (along with MS-13 gang members and ISIS & other terrorists and drug and gun runners and child and adult sex traffickers slipping through our porous southern border, made that way largely by Democrats in the oh-so-safe House failing to provide the monies to seal it properly), that’s presumably being ‘loving,’ but it’s not okay to call them on it, that’s being ‘hateful’??  Give me a break.  

Okay, got it: Your political position is not only that ‘We gotta git those voters in here - pronto!’ but that there should be no borders, no countries per se, that there should be only a One World Order.  Call it, say, a New World Order.  Hey - I’ve heard of that.  It seems to consist of the same sorts of conditions as practiced in Red China by its ruling authorities (and as facilitated by Google).  The main feature of which is called one’s Social Credit.  Step out of line of the ruling Order, and lose your ‘privileges’.  And your organs to boot.

The boot of a totalitarian state, run by  psychopaths lusting for power.  Power Over Others.

POO for short.

The article continues:

“So the mere use of the phrase ‘Immigrant Invasion’ and an accurate picture of real people illegally crossing the border into the United States — both of which were true, accurate and non-demeaning — were enough for Facebook to classify the post as ‘hate speech’…

“And the not-very-subtly-named ‘Abolish ICE’ page on Facebook posted a cartoon of President Trump getting an X-ray showing him with a swastika instead of a heart.

“So it appears that the ‘violation’ for which JBS and TNA were slapped down had nothing to do with the picture or the caption on the July 8 cover story and everything to do with what Facebook considers to be the wrong side of the argument.  In short, Facebook is pro-illegal immigration and will brook no opposing views.  The ‘hate speech’ label is pure hypocrisy masquerading as benevolence.

“After all, Facebook’s Community Standards say the social network bans ‘hate speech’ because ‘it creates an environment of intimidation and exclusion [!] and in some cases may promote real world violence.’  Does referring to the president as Hitler and calling for the violent overthrow of ICE detention centers and CEOs [of companies out of favor with the Left] across the country not qualify as ‘an environment of intimidation’ and ‘promote real-world violence’?  Of course it does.  Yet while the JBS post of a real picture of people illegally crossing our border and advertising an article that offers peaceful solutions to that problem gets slapped down as ‘hate speech,’ posts calling on actual violence against ICE and others are allowed to remain on the platform.  Facebook’s bias is evident... [my emphasis]

“Following the same ‘logic’ that allows the denigration of anyone or anything associated with conservatism or basic American principles, there exists on Facebook a litany of posts dehumanizing police and depicting violence against them.  One popular meme appearing on pages associated with Black Lives Matter (BLM) shows a black man firing a pistol point-blank into the driver’s window of a police cruiser and carries the caption, ‘When this starts to happen, you’ll know why…’”         

We will ‘know why,’ alright.  This is arrant insurrection, plain and simple; the poisoned fruit of ‘the long march through the institutions,’ the revolutionary principle of Divide and Conquer to lead to overthrow of the existing order.  Otherwise, every anti-white and anti-cop ‘statement’ - text or picture - would be blocked as well, on the same grounds.  It's very clear: It all goes far beyond any reaction to any real violence conducted on black Americans.  It is revolutionary literature, designed to take down the established order, and replace it with - as I say - a/the New World Order. As the next article in this issue of TNA goes into; titled ‘Big Tech Under Fire’.    

And about time.

There will be a New World Order.  Just not the dystopian one planned for us by the Dark side.

Wake up, America.  You have a job to do.

A very important job.

For all of humanity.

And - actually -



P.S. You may say/try to argue: 'They are private businesses - they can do whatever they want in this regard.'  But they are using the public airwaves to conduct their 'private business'.  Thus they need to meet our Community Standards.  You know; the Community Standards of the United States of America?  that is very big on such principles as free speech??  I'm sure that you have heard of it.
     Although, with the education systems in this country under the control of a Fifth Column for far too many years, it is very possible that many people don't have a clue about such fundamental values of this country.  Think that it will be easily merged into a global government, much like that practiced by Red China.
     Not.  Likely.

Friday, 23 August 2019

Not Quiet On The Western Front

1) from OpEdNews: ‘Is White Genocide Possible?’ - Paul Craig Roberts - August 22
(A summary - and of historical experiences of genocide -  of moves afoot to demonize white Americans as ‘white supremacists,’ as the new tack to take down the country by our modern-day Bolsheviks since the Russian Collusion Delusion attempt to take down Pres. Trump fell through, now replaced by playing the race card.  The attack being led by the NY Times, as codified into the NYC school curriculum by their new head of the public school system. - a man of Mexican descent.  It is unknown if his parents were illegal aliens or not.
My message sent to a friend over in Scotland.)

Message From America

Found in a bottle on the West coast of Scotland.  No Return Address.


2) A friend has forwarded me an article from a site that I already take:

from ‘How To Prepare For A Global Corruption Purge’ - article by Martin Geddes - August 21/posted here August 22.

(My response to my friend:)

Got it.  Good, comprehensive summary of the situation.

A good site with this sort of take on the whole thing is x22reportdotcom.  A posting 6 days a week (excluding Saturdays).  He seems to have a bit of an inside connection to the Trump administration.  And of course the big connection to what is going on is 'Q'.  Used to post on 8chan, before that site was taken down, by TPTB.  But 'he' is supposed to be back up and running very shortly.  Which could very well signal The Storm.



Not so incidentally, the x22report site has been troubled recently, first by the discovery of a virus on his site that caused him to have to redo his site, and then just yesterday, when I tried to access it directly (i.e., via my search engine), my computer warned me off of going there, with a stern warning about infection - and didn’t even allow me to try to push through the warning, if I had been so inclined, which I wasn’t, at that point.  (But I was able to access it via a link from another site; with my personal virus detector not going off, as it had before on trying to access that site.).   

I think we can expect this sort of thing to happen more and more.  As we approach

The Storm.

Thursday, 22 August 2019

'Oh, That's Alright, Then'

In the first of my blogs posted yesterday I talked about channeled material, and ‘taking it with a grain of salt,’ as it were - feeling into it for its validity, to you, and leaving what doesn’t pass that test.  

Case in point: The fellow who runs a site that deals in such material, and his own observations about life and, er, ’truth’ based on that sort of ’contact’ - and a very well-meaning, sincere fellow he is - who has been led to believe, based on that material, that BHO is a very high-spiritual person who can do no wrong, as it were.  Some time ago, when he happened to refer to BHO in that, er, ‘light’ I emailed him to let him know about the evidence that his hero had clay feet, as it were, was not eligible for the position of the presidency of the United States.(1)  He was kind enough to email me back, and basically let me know that he knew all about the birth certificate kerfuffle, and that it was a phony situation, but thanks for writing, etc.  I let the matter go at that point, realizing that he was a ‘true believer’ in his channeled sources - and indeed, there was more than one on this particular issue, and both were from his favorite such sources (channeled through the same channeler) - and I wasn’t going to be able to stand up against such worthy beings, in his estimation.  And so I let the matter go, with him.

But he referred to the BHO personage yet again, very recently, and in the same adulatory way, and I had had enough of puerile persiflage, and sent him another email, going into a little more detail this time about that scam; thinking that I was pointing out that the matter was about more than the ‘birther’ issue, was equally about his parentage; and thus, that this was a very serious matter, indeed, and needed to be acknowledged, and dealt with, especially by self-anointed spiritual persons (not using those words in my communication).  Again, he was kind enough to email me back - in the same sort of indulgent tone - but this time, added the comment/observation that (words to the effect) ‘Oh well; since George H.W. Bush was born in Germany…well; you know……’


The implication is that one or other of his channeled sources had told him that.  Or at the least, let him believe that.  And so…

Well; of course:       

It’s a moot thing that BHO was/is not a ‘natural born’ citizen, because - you know - 

Turn around is fair play.

Two wrongs make a right.


But lest you are thinking: ‘Channeled material?  Terrible, terrible  it’s from demons.  How do I know?  Because’ [in effect] ‘the Bible tells me so,’ I have but one question for you (among a ton of such questions):

You know the Temptation of Jesus in the Wilderness:

Who was there to record it?  

Unless your answer is that you think that Jesus told the story to his disciples some time later, and one of them wrote it down, some time later, verbatim.  

No.  Occam’s razor: The simplest answer is that it is a story.  Written by a storyteller.  Or tellers.  As apparently was the entire so-called New Testament.(2)

And as for the so-called Old Testament: How can one believe in such an unworthy sadistic god?

More like a tribal god.  Of which there were many, in those far-from halcyon days of yore.(3)  

Be perceptive.  Follow Truth - to the very


We have lots of catching up to do with this matter, of living by and in the Light of Truth.  But it is important that we do so.  Because

that is

the Point

of the whole



And so it’s okay for Ted Cruz to run for that office.  And Marco Rubio; and Rick Santorum; and Bobby Jindal.  And now, back on the other side of the political aisle: Kamala Harris.  Because…well…you know………

Yes.  I do know.

Who is gong to make the cut.

The grade.  To graduation Day.  In the Light of The New Day.

And who is not.

Because ‘it’ - 

the exercise - 

all comes down 

in the end

to one question:

Who can live by and in the Light of Truth

and who can’t stand the intensity of such


Coming through them.

For, we are all


of the Light

into our experience.

Occluded to whatever degree of occlusion

that we give it

in our roles



And thus, letting ‘the side’ down

to that degree.


(1)  And thus was a sort of Manchurian Candidate helping to lead us into the New World Order trap of our erstwhile masters, of the Dark side.
   Now, one can argue that such a ‘job’ would fall to ‘a high spiritual being,’ in helping The Plan to work out, to its Completion.  But let’s deal with this whole scenario one step at a time.  

(2) Se, e.g., ‘Cesar’s Messiah: The Roman Conspiracy to Invent Jesus’ by Joseph Atwill.  Also the online series ‘Jesus Never Existed’ hosted by Kenneth Humphreys.

(3) Associated with the Anunnaki.  ‘Those Who From Heaven to Earth Came,’ whom Zechariah Sitchin has written so eloquently, and research-minded, about.   

On The Field

In my last bog (I seem to be on quite a roll that way, building on one directly to the next these Transition days) I referred to Life being “the Field of experience” that we are currently ensconced in, to learn lessons from the experience.  One of the biggest of those lessons is about straying from our basic nature as members of our wider Nature.

Take medicine.  The humongous costs of our health/medical system is a clear measure of how far we have strayed, in this Field of experience, from good nutritional practices, as compounded by the side effects of the drugs that we use as replacements for good nutritional practices.  Having forgotten - or never having known about in the first place - the advice of the man called the Father of Medicine, Hippocrates, who said (or is said to have said): "Let your medicine be your food and your food be your medicine.”  And because we have strayed from that sound advice, we have the current epidemic of cancer, as one example.  And Man having become something of a cancer on the planet, having forgotten his interdependent relationship with all of Nature.

And as for the idea/this business of ‘having forgotten, or never having known about’ such-and-such, there is another big lesson in this realm: the ability to control others, by depriving them of knowledge of their political roots, as well as of their relationship with Nature.  Thus, erstwhile masters over people first attack them by taking control of their educational systems, and quietly, insidiously changing or erasing their history.*  And just so, as how so few young Americans these days know much about the Founding Fathers of, and basic principles of, their country.  

I don’t want to belabor the point.  Just to make it.  And the rationale for abiding by the Constitution (as the law of the land), e.g.:

If you can’t live by Law, then you are not going to be able to graduate into the higher realms.  Because ’it’- The Plan - is predicated on Law.   And the ability for one to align oneself with it.

Let a word to the wise be sufficient.

Unto the day thereof.


* Our leaders have no excuses for having allowed this to take place.  The enemies of this Republic even announced their intent: in making a "long march through the institutions".  A primary one of which is a targeted country's educational institution.

Wednesday, 21 August 2019

What's In A Name?

I recently in these pages referred to the Rock of Gibraltar.  That ‘term’ was synonymous with the era of prudent investment.  (And thus also the name, and company, of Prudential.)  And then the era of Masters of the Universe took over, with all of their hotshot money-making schemes, Credit Default Swaps and Collateralized Debt Obligations and so forth -  ‘derivatives’.(1)  Masters of the Universe.  Whose sole purpose was to ‘make money,’ and as much of it as possible.  Hang any caution; full speed ahead.  And if your indiscriminate behavior causes a Big Bust, well, that’s what you ‘hedge your bets’ with, have politicians in your pocket for: to bail you out (with the taxpayer’s money) if and when the going goes south.  Sweet.


But I digress - a bit - from my main point for this blog.  I wanted to look at this business of names.  It’s actually interesting, how we humans have come up with family names.  Smith, for a particularly common example.  It is from families whose male heads made a living by being a smith.  And take Carpenter.  And Baker.  And Bishop.  

And take my family name, of Stanfield.   My paternal grandmother - who, as a Mormon, was big into genealogy(2) - told me one summer which my brother and I were spending with them, as was our custom for some years when younger, that our family name came from European stock where the prime progenitor was known for having placed a stone or stones in his field as a marker of his property.  Hence, ‘stone in the field,’ or stanfield, as the family name became over time.  And also, via usage, my father took on a nickname of ‘Stan’ as against his given first name of Orville.  Probably feeling towards it fairly much as how I felt when entering the Army for my two years of service under the Draft (as a c.o., or conscientious objector; another story.  Or at least, another part of this story), and felt my given name of Duane being a bit twee in the circumstances, and thus took on the same nickname, of Stan, which has ‘followed’ me in life ever since.(3)  

But I have recently given all this some thought; under the general topic heading of ‘there are no coincidences’.  I am looking at my surname - my ‘family’ name - as an example.  Stanfield.  A stone in the field.  A solid rock in the Field of life.  Dedicated to the Source behind it all - all, of the visible spectrum manifestations of what is at its very rock-solid core, energy.  Pure energy.

With our ‘true’ bodies being bodies of Light.  

Which we are on our Journey of reclaiming.  After spending some time wandering in the Field of experience.  

And picking up wisdom along

The Way.

Now, do I know fully ‘what it’s all about’?  

No.  But I’m going to find out.  Because this ‘stone’ has legs.  So to speak.

Join me.  And be, as well, as sturdy as a stone in

The Field.                     


(1) ’Debt (or at least ‘financial’) instruments’ they are called.  As if giving them a fancy innocuous name would make them smell any sweeter than the awful offal that they are, or at least, have become, in the hands of addicts. 

(2) For those who don’t understand the reference: ‘Mormons’ - more properly, members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints; aka LDS - are big on the idea of baptizing their family forebears, who came before the establishment of The Church, into The Church, for them, by proxy. 
   That is to presume that we humans only have one bite at the apple, as it were, doesn’t allow for the concept of reincarnation.  Which concept is gaining more and more of an evidentiary status as we go, via recollections - mostly by children, before their current life status takes over their vehicle’s memory synapses, filling them with so much input that they lose ‘sight’ of earlier memories.  But to continue.

(3) Unlike my brother - three years older than I - who fairly early on engaged in the same sort of creative cover of his own given name, of DeVon.  I remember the day when we were playing in the back yard of our home in Southern California when Mom came out and asked, “Who’s ‘Bob’?"  A letter had come - from the Charles Atlas people, famous at the time for body-building ads in the comic books - for a ‘Bob’ Stanfield.  My brother sheepishly owned up to the deed.  But hey - they’re all just ‘names’.  Tags.  To help us navigate our ways through this life experience.  Although they can have a deeper significance.
   Read on…

You Create Your Reality

In my nest-to-last blog I referred to being immersed in “the Dark stuff”.  But I do not want to give it a lot of my energy.  And lo - a channeled message (carried on a site that I follow, Golden Age of Gaia) had just come through that addresses this very issue, and beautifully.  It is entitled:

‘A New Pattern From The Future’ - Peggy Black and ‘the team’ - August 19


“(Y)ou are seeding the field with awesome future possibilities.“

There is an evolution of consciousness going on..  And a particular theme to be aware of:

‘Energy flows where attention goes’: “Watch what you focus upon.  Where you place your focus is where your energy goes.  So don’t feed your energy to a reality that you do not want to continue to create…

“You are here to assist the transformation of this dense dysfunctional reality.  There is a future reality awaiting your invitation and command, never doubt that…”

And so forth.  Now, do I take all channeled material on face value?  No.  I take it on a ‘feeling’ value.  If it resonates, I find it supportive.  If it doesn’t, I don’t.  But from all that I have read on this general subject, it would appear that we Earthians - aka Gaians - are being supported ‘on the inner and the outer’ - from both the galaxy and the higher realms, at this crucial time in our evolution - for us, and for those around us, wishing us well. 

Take it all for what it is worth to you, and leave what doesn’t work for you.   

©2019 Peggy Black All Rights Reserved. Notice is given that the creation of videos by people other than the author, channel and scribe is prohibited. You may share this message and distribute as long as nothing is changed, you credit the author and include this copyright notice and web address. FREE 88 messages available

Tuesday, 20 August 2019

The Time Is NOW...

...Or Close Enough

In my last blog, of late last night/early this morning, I ended roughly on the subject of censorship.  To indicate just how big a deal that subject is to me - i.e., the whole subject of the elimination of the exercise of free will by an oppressive state, or body of any kind - let me just say that, with Thomas Jefferson, “I have sworn upon the altar of God eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of Man.”(1)  

But we will come to a point in time when we freely choose to align with the Will of our Creator Source, in order to advance on our Pilgrim’s Journey back into Unity.
And that Time is


Or at least, close enough  To start acting like it.

P.S. Did it ever occur to those of you souls who have incarnated into a very limiting black vessel, at this time of major transition, that you were thereby given a special test, to be able to inherit degrees more of accomplishment, for passing the final test to graduate out of the classroom of 3D experience, and move on and up the spiral stairway to the heavens?
     Think about it, before you react to the announcement that the definition of a ‘natural born’ citizen is that of a person, quote, “born in the country, of parents who are citizens,” unquote.  That that is the definition of the term as understood by the constitutional Framers who put it in their constitutional contract as an eligibility requirement for the office of the president of the United States - and that particular federal office only, signifying its special nature in their eyes.(2)  And that eligibility requirement for that particular federal office STILL STANDS, absent a constitutional amendment to the contrary.  And so, the two presidential terms of office of Barack Hussein Obama need to be stricken from the record, for his being an illegal occupant of that office.  And if you can pass that test - along with the rest of the curriculum - you can graduate.  And if you cannot pass that test, you will not graduate; and will have to stay in the 3D classroom for more seasoning.  As the special souls that you are.   
     As I say: Think about it.  Before you react, to the establishment of the realm of Truth on this
     Earth, ascending.
     Special kudos to those souls who have risen above their birth circumstances.  And rejoice in their accomplishments.  As you accompany them
     At last


(1) Among many quotes of note from that esteemed gentleman among the Founders of this country.  Though not so’s many of our youth know about any of that, these dark days. 
   A pity.  And we were even warned by the current-era revolutionaries of the approach they would take, in their (attempted)( overthrow of this country: a “long march through the institutions”.  And here we are.  At the end of their journey.
   Fortunately, it is the end of the larger journey as well.  But to continue.   

(2) Apparently - according to the historical record - mostly to do with the occupant of that office becoming as well, then, the Commander in Chief of the nation’s military forces.  So that the constitutional Famers were doing all that they could in their time to make sure that the occupant of that office had NO DUAL OR OTHERWISE CONFLICTING LOYALTIES OR ALLEGIANCES OR INFLUENCES.  Had SOLE ALLEGIANCE to the United States (in this case)