And so, as the Marxists/NWO crowd (which category includes the corporate and banking bigwigs behind them) make bolder and bolder pushes to initiate and incite violence out of which Opportunity they mean to take over the country, and the Patriots rise up in reaction to the Left’s provocations, and hopefully - to the Left - in doing so engage in full-fledged retaliation, so that the Left, in concert with their henchmen in the (near-monopolistic) MSM, can point their finger at ‘white nationalism/supremacism/domestic extremism/terrorism’ - the Marxists give their game away, to all who have eyes to see. All, in order to take away the guns of the citizenry; with ever more stringent controls than they are already employing designed to lead to full confiscation, and the UN taking over the role of ‘law and order’ in the country.
Moments in this scenario:
* 'Mad Max' Maxine Waters in her call to 'get in their faces wherever they are'.
* The twittered message about “the campaign of hate that labels Hispanic immigrants as ‘invaders’” posted by Joaquin Castro, in aid of his brother’s presidential campaign, and The War in general. (“Immigrants”? Really, Joaquin? You mean illegal aliens? And as in MS-13 gang members, and ISIS terrorist cell members, and drug and gun runners, and child and adult sex traffickers?? whose ’national security’ job it is for Pres. Trump to put a stop to???…)
* Rep. Adam Schiff’s equating of ‘white nationalists’ - as in Pres. Trump’s supporters - with “white supremacists,’ as “dangerous” and to be treated as “domestic terrorists”. (White nationalists. As in not globalists, you mean, Adam?…)
* The confronting of Trump supporters and members of the Republican Party by agitators, paid or unpaid.
But I could go on, and on. You get the idea:
Ignition point.
So. What to do.
As I have said before:
The answer to all of this, is
The changing of the system thereof. On the entire planet. In a time of Abundance. In both gold, and the technological ability for us humans now to meet our needs with such as 3D printers, and replicators, and free energy devices, and ‘med beds’ - along with such features of life as teleportation; and so on and on.
Our having Come of Age.
With a Jubilee to be declared. All debt erased. No more fiat financial system. Which makes all of this a global event.
A New World Order, alright.
Just not the dystopian one of our erstwhile masters (hereinafter to be referred to as our EMs). But a part of The Process that has been at work.
Very much like the Hegelian idea of ‘the dialectic’. (And as adapted for the idea of people and world control by the Marxists in the form of what they call ‘dialectical materialism’. Which could be called, in the light of the larger picture, ’dialectical spiritualism’.) A socio-political position - a thesis - setting up a reaction to it (for not being total in form), in the form of an antithesis, which in turn, in their interaction, sets up a response in the form of a synthesis; but until the Process runs its full course, that synthesis just becomes the thesis of another go ‘round. Until the end of The Process. At the global level.
Where we are at now. The final
Synthesis. Of our human endeavors.
And which calls for a setting to rights of all that is unclean, in order for us to be able to exist in such a Light. (Of what can be called unitary consciousness. Beyond duality consciousness.) Call it a Truth and Reconciliation Process. All crimes to be investigated, and their roots uncovered. Think the true origins of WWI and II. Of the Korean War, excuse me, Police Action. (When the U.S. Secretary of State Dean Acheson announced at a key meeting that ‘Korea was not within the U.S.’s ‘sphere of influence;’ which ‘announcement’ did not go unnoticed, and led the North Korean communists and their sponsors, Communist China, to venture into the South, as part of the geopolitical process at work, by our EMs.) Followed by the Vietnam War. During which the globalists sold war material to both sides. (And which was ‘enhanced’ by a false flag announcement by Pres. Johnson.) And the first Gulf War. Which was triggered by the same sort of game, with the U.S.’s State Department envoy to Saddam Hussein announcing to him that the U.S. had ‘no opinion’ on his beef with Kuwait. And the second Gulf War, triggered by a particularly heinous false flag op - the bringing of war right into the U.S. heartland - when Mossad worked with their NeoCon counterparts in this country, and specifically in the Bush Jr. administration, to carry off an operation long in planning, which we know as 9/11.
And on and on, into many of the mass shooting affairs over these years; in both this country and others.. All designed to bring about gun confiscation. With the U.S.. the last obstacle on Earth to the (best-laid) plans of our EMs.
About to meet their Waterloo.
Because this planet will not fall under the spell of the Dark side of things.
Because there is a larger Plan at work, than theirs.
As we humans have experienced life in a classroom. About to give way to
the Real Thing.
On this planet.
Some players in this Drama might well have to end up on some other planet, to work out their personal processes. As apprentice gods. Gods in the making. Who have yet to learn that the Creator of this Creation is a God, not of Lust.
But of Love.
And that makes all the difference.
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