Friday, 9 August 2019

Scenarios - 3

  A Sore Subject

In checking through a particular pile of old reading material, in preparation for a clean-out of some of such piles in my room - old copies of various magazines and newsletters, and other printed matter - I came across a copy of the July 2017 issue of Whistleblower magazine in which a particular atricle’s title caught my eye:

“Female Athletes Crushed By ‘Women Who Were Once Men’”(1)

Ah yes.  That particular sore subject, that is still current in our day - and which has even increased in soreness.  And usage.  By the New World Order crowd.  Who snicker at us Patriots for our pushover mentality.

Browsing in a bookstore many years ago - as was my wont, back in the days when there still were a number of bookstores around for such social activity - I came across a paperback with the intriguing title ‘BrainSex’.  By Anne L. Moir, a Ph.D in genetics, and David Jessel, a journalist, it was about research even then on this very sort of subject.  To wit:

Just because a male feels like a female - identifies himself as a female - it doesn’t make him a female, with a female’s muscle mass and heart and lung strength, and so forth.  His brain tells him he is a female, if it does, because he has a female-patterned brain.  On a spectrum.  From an abnormality in his mother’s hormonal bath at a particular, early stage of her pregnancy/his fetal development.  (I think it’s the 8-10-week window, as I recall from that reading on this subject.)  When a female-patterned brain can be ‘wired’ into a genetically male body and vice versa and every stop along the abnormal spectrum in between, like trannies.(2) 

So, spare me the ‘equality’ con.  Genetic males, with their genetically different body development from females, should never have been allowed to compete against females in various sports.  That was to compound error with error.  Not only has their brain development gone awry.  But so has the sociopolitical arena.  And I would submit:

On purpose.  Another weapon in the NWO crowd’s arsenal, for Divide and Conquer.  Creating Crisis in order to create Opportunity.(3)   

As Dennis Prager has said (in another article in this July 2017 issue of Whistleblower; titled ‘If a Trump supporter had shot a Democratic congressman’): “Hysteria is to the left as oxygen is to biological life.”

Biological life itself even, then, up for grabs by The Powers That Be.  All, to accomplish their goal: Power Over Others.   

POO for short.    

I will be addressing The Answer to all this, in these pages, very shortly.  In the meantime:

Wakey wakey.      


(1) by Chelsea Manning  

(2) The causes are/can be various:
   an abnormality in the adrenal glands of the developing fetus or the mother or both; estrogen mimics/endocrine disruptors in the environment, from such as pesticides, plastics, and The Pill; stress, of all kinds - physical/mental/emotional/nutritional (there is evidence that there is a higher incidence of homosexual children born in the wake of wars than the ‘normal’ background ‘noise’ can account for, e.g.).  And an obviously major cause is the effect of drugs like barbiturates, prescribed to pregnant women without sufficient regard for their potential effect on the developing fetus.  
   I say “major cause” because of the high incidence of that factor in our modern, pill-popping society.  But the most common factor could well be the pollution of our environment with those gender benders, from the ‘convenience culture’.
   Which brings up as well the deleterious effects on us of our widespread junk food diet.  (And which another article in my piles of past reading material addresses; this one entitled ‘You Are What You Eat: The Research and Legacy of Dr. Weston Andrew Price’ in the August 7, 2017 issue of The New American magazine.    But one subject at a time.

(3) And also for easier People Control.  Cut the number of people - by a) destroying the family unit (old Marxist ploy), and b) making less people wanting to have children - the easier to control them with, my dears.

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