Saturday 10 August 2019

On Passing Through It All

Life gets one down sometimes, doesn’t it.  And then we remember.  Sometimes little things.  Or something comes back to us from our past.

I was going through one of the piles of reading material on my coffee table/computer stand when I came across a piece of mail, dating from 2015, that I had failed to open at the time, thinking to get to it another day.  Until it got buried in its stash of this archeological dig of a room.  It was a copy of a little booklet called Angels On Earth.  Its day had arrived, for me: This time around I took the time and trouble - an expression - to open it.  And found it full of touching stories - each but a couple of pages at the most - of angelic interactions with us humans, and other signs of a larger reality than just this one.  That we often take so for granted.  Full of lessons to be learned.  And memories to take with us, on our journey through

And I realized that it was of a piece with another ‘blest from the past’ that I had come across in my reading in the sun at my local park earlier in the day.  From a back issue of The New American biweekly magazine - this one dating from 2017 - I had dipped into it for a particular article (on the dangers of the federal REAL ID; an outgrowth of the 9/11 false flag op designed to incarcerate Americans into a surveillance society; as in Red China, where our every move and communication is monitored by the state, 1984 Big Brother style), and after filling up from it with angst for my country, I literally turned the page, and came across a page of short blurbs on positive things going on in the country, in their running feature called ’The Goodness of America’.  All good stuff.

Lest we forget.

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