Tuesday, 20 August 2019

The Time Is NOW...

...Or Close Enough

In my last blog, of late last night/early this morning, I ended roughly on the subject of censorship.  To indicate just how big a deal that subject is to me - i.e., the whole subject of the elimination of the exercise of free will by an oppressive state, or body of any kind - let me just say that, with Thomas Jefferson, “I have sworn upon the altar of God eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of Man.”(1)  

But we will come to a point in time when we freely choose to align with the Will of our Creator Source, in order to advance on our Pilgrim’s Journey back into Unity.
And that Time is


Or at least, close enough  To start acting like it.

P.S. Did it ever occur to those of you souls who have incarnated into a very limiting black vessel, at this time of major transition, that you were thereby given a special test, to be able to inherit degrees more of accomplishment, for passing the final test to graduate out of the classroom of 3D experience, and move on and up the spiral stairway to the heavens?
     Think about it, before you react to the announcement that the definition of a ‘natural born’ citizen is that of a person, quote, “born in the country, of parents who are citizens,” unquote.  That that is the definition of the term as understood by the constitutional Framers who put it in their constitutional contract as an eligibility requirement for the office of the president of the United States - and that particular federal office only, signifying its special nature in their eyes.(2)  And that eligibility requirement for that particular federal office STILL STANDS, absent a constitutional amendment to the contrary.  And so, the two presidential terms of office of Barack Hussein Obama need to be stricken from the record, for his being an illegal occupant of that office.  And if you can pass that test - along with the rest of the curriculum - you can graduate.  And if you cannot pass that test, you will not graduate; and will have to stay in the 3D classroom for more seasoning.  As the special souls that you are.   
     As I say: Think about it.  Before you react, to the establishment of the realm of Truth on this
     Earth, ascending.
     Special kudos to those souls who have risen above their birth circumstances.  And rejoice in their accomplishments.  As you accompany them
     At last


(1) Among many quotes of note from that esteemed gentleman among the Founders of this country.  Though not so’s many of our youth know about any of that, these dark days. 
   A pity.  And we were even warned by the current-era revolutionaries of the approach they would take, in their (attempted)( overthrow of this country: a “long march through the institutions”.  And here we are.  At the end of their journey.
   Fortunately, it is the end of the larger journey as well.  But to continue.   

(2) Apparently - according to the historical record - mostly to do with the occupant of that office becoming as well, then, the Commander in Chief of the nation’s military forces.  So that the constitutional Famers were doing all that they could in their time to make sure that the occupant of that office had NO DUAL OR OTHERWISE CONFLICTING LOYALTIES OR ALLEGIANCES OR INFLUENCES.  Had SOLE ALLEGIANCE to the United States (in this case)

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