Thursday, 1 August 2019

What If....

A friend, who periodically checks out my blog site, and acting as a friend, has advised me to ‘give it a rest’ regarding BHO’s ineligibility for the office of POTUS, saying, in effect, on the one hand, Who cares, and on the other, wondering where it would lead to.

I’ll tell you where ‘it’ will lead to.  ‘It’ will lead to Americans waking up to their responsibilities as self-governing individuals.  Before the Marxists take over their country.

My country.

To say: It will lead precisely to where we are going - to hell in a handbasket - if we don’t straighten up and fly right.  And recognize the difference between living by the rule of law, and living by what is called ‘the rule of men’.  By arbitrary law.  Also known as tyranny.

Let me play a little game of What If with you, dear possibly sorely put-upon Reader of these pages.

What If…

A person who did not have sole loyalty or allegiance to the United States - was under the influence of one or more foreign powers - somehow became president of the United States.  Was slipped into that extremely commanding position of power - not only regarding the U.S. itself, but in terms of the world as a whole - as a sort of Manchurian Candidate.  All smiles and good cheer on the outside.  And malevolent at heart.  Who, once there, began quietly to change the U.S. government from within, in such forms as appointing fellow, er, ‘travelers’ to positions in federal agencies and departments, and firing senior officers in the military branches who were too ‘patriotic’ for the New Order aborning, and who allowed Russia and Red China ringside seats from which to watch - monitor - our national defense systems at work in a major energy grid Exercise, and issued Executive Orders setting up a totalitarian - and I mean total - dictatorship in the event of a Crisis calling for a declaration of Martial Law, and oh, a bunch of other measures along these same lines.   

Now, you might be thinking, right around now, Oh, that sort of thing would never happen here.  What are you, a conspiracy theorist or something?(1)  What with the two-party system and all, with the Republicans and Democrats keeping an eye on each other??

Which is like two foxes guarding the hen house.(2)  But to continue.

The point being that all of these circumstances have been created.  Along with the flooding into the country, under BHO’s administration - and forgetting for the moment all of the MS-13 gang members, and ISIS and other terrorists, and drug and gun runners, and child and adult sex traffickers - of millions - millions - of potential Democrat voters, in the form of illegal aliens.(3)

And the further point being that we are seeing the results of the breaching of the wall of the Constitution through that act in our immediate past, in the further crumbling of the rule of law in this country with the unquestioned candidacy of yet another ineligible candidate for the presidential office (and for the same reason), in the form of Sen. Kamala Harris.  Whose parents were not citizens of the U.S. at the time of her birth.

She can be a Senator of the U.S..  As long as she was “nine years a Citizen of the United States,” and has met the other constitutional requirements for that particular federal office.  

And no, she cannot be a Vice President of the United States, either.  See the Twelfth Amendment to our Constitution.

That is to say:

to our rule of law.   

Now, if you wish to attempt to continue to live under the rule of men - 

of tyranny - 

that is, would be, your choice.

But I wouldn’t recommend it.

The lessons of history, and all that. 

Which we seem to have forgotten, largely.

Or were never taught about.  Properly.

The corruption - to the end of tyrannical takeover - being so longstanding in the nation, and all.

P.S. We are being given a peek into our nation’s future by Australia at this time.  TPTB Down Under are trying to slip a major step in the direction of tyranny over on the Australian public in a totalitarian two-step; one of which is a regulation being sold as a block to the black economy and money laundering, which would ban private cash exchanges over 10,000 Australian dollars (but as a ‘regulation’ could be changed at any time by the regulators; say, into banning such exchanges outright);(4) and the other of which is a ’negative interest’ feature in their banking.  The latter is based on the idea of keeping individuals from hoarding their money in fear of a financial collapse, so that they have to pay a fee on the monies they keep stored as savings in the banking system.    
     Now, theres is nothing wrong with the idea of a cashless society per se, or even of ’negative interest’ to keep the currency circulating.(5)   You would just have to make sure that such a system was in the right hands.
     As in a kingdom of heaven. 
     Anything less could result in hell to pay.

P.P.S. I recall that when my friend got after me for harping on again in these pages about the ineligibility of BHO, my instant reactive response was to say: "Someone has stolen my Constitution from me, and I want it back".  And I do not resile from that position.
     We WILL live by and under Law.
     In one form or another.


(1) You do know that the CIA coined that term, don’t you? In the aftermath of the JFK assassination, when too large a percentage of the U.S. populace was not buying the official narrative, about the ‘lone gunman’ Oswald??  And enlisted their media henchmen in their campaign to discredit such voices, by ridiculing such people???  You’ve heard of Operation Mockingbird????  No?  
   How come, not?  You’re a citizen of the U.S., aren’t you/?? The sovereign in this country???  The country being a form of self-government, and all……

(2) Case in point: Following on with their obvious collusion with the Democrat Party honchos in the Obama Affair, the Repubs put up their own ineligible candidates for that office, on the same basis, i.e., not being 'natural born' citizens, in the 2012 elections.  Think Ted Cruz.  And Marco Rubio.  And Rick Santorum.  And one or two others, that I don't recall offhand.  
   The corruption is endemic.
   Both corrupt enterprises have to go.

(3) I have commented elsewhere in these pages about the crocodile tears being shed and lamentations being raised by the Dems for those poor children being ripped from their parents at the southern border, who would be coming up with a different tune if they were all potential Republican voters.
   Spare me the hypocrisy, Congress critters.  And do your damn job.
   Oh.  That’s right.  This all is your job.  Isn’t it.  Helping to create Crisis, in order to give you the Opportunity to take over the country, and merge it - wholesale or piecemeal - into your vaunted New World Order.  Where people will toe the line of the ruling regime.  Or be done away with.  As in the French Revolution of old.
   Or more precisely: as in the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia.  When and where ‘kulaks’ was the demeaning, and demonizing, word, and category, du jour.

(4) And think about the degree of a surveillance state that that system would take to monitor such exchanges.  Plus: The proposed change excepts digital currency.  But as a regulation, that exception can be changed simply by the regulators.  
   Say that you signed a petition criticizing the government’s policy regarding politically tolerated speech: 
   ‘Transaction invalid.  Access denied.’    

(5) The latter system has been tried out and has worked well.  But it cut the Central Bank system out of the picture.  Result: Plug pulled.
   No such individualistic measures to be allowed in the Brave New World.  Where the CB-system banks will be ‘too big to fail’.  And y/our deposit money belongs, essentially, to the bank.
   Sounds familiar, doesn’t it.
   And creepy.
   And creeping closer.

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