Tuesday, 20 August 2019

In The New Dispensation Of Time

I want to see:

* those guys in New York who doused those cops in water for just doing their job, to be traced down and brought to justice.
   Local police are all that is standing in the way between law and order and mayhem.  They deserve our appreciative support.  If they do wrong on the job, may they be brought to justice for it.  And if they do their job honorably, may they be commended for it.
   Until we move fully into the New Dispensation of Time, we need law and order to be maintained from outside of the individual.
   And so:

* May all manifestations of mayhem be dealt with accordingly.  And that includes:

* ‘Mayhem’ done to the Constitution.
   I have heard the sordid situation regarding the Constitution referred to as ‘originalists’ vs. proponents of its being considered as ‘a living document’.  The latter of which category is sophistry, pure and simple.  (The situation might better be described as ‘literalists’ or ‘factualists’ vs. ‘fictionalists’ or ‘creative expressionists’.)  Yes, the wording of the Constitution - the constitutional contract - has left a little room for interpretative leeway.  But It needs to be interpreted according to its original intent.  It has a legitimate way of being changed.  It’s called the amending process.  As with all contracts.   But a wet noodle it ain’t.

Or to say, wasn’t.  As we move into the New Dispensation of Time.  And fall under divine Law and Will.  Living in community.  To say: Common unity. 

P.S. And let’s get somethings straight, as we deal with the remnants of the Old Order:  Being against someone who is doing something that you consider bad is not being a racist, or anti-Semitic, or whatever the demonizing word charge.  You have to be against someone for their race or religion or whatever, to be considered in that sort of category.  You are not being (Insert appropriate ‘hate’ word) simply because you are against what they are doing - the politics of the matter.  Case in point: The attempt by the NWO crowd to smear Pres. Trump as being ‘racist,’ when he is simply doing his job as regards our national security in securing/attempting to secure our southern border against the invasion of illegal immigrants.  (And MS-13 gang members.  And ISIS and other terrorists.  And drug and gun runners.  And child and adult sex traffickers.)  Got that, New York Times???
     And the same for the attempts to smear someone as ‘anti-Semitic’ just because they are critical of something that the state of Israel is doing, say.  That is a nonsense.  And that goes for laws against the BDS movement.  If the state of Israel were getting along with its neighbors, there wouldn’t be any such an initiative.  It’s not ‘anti-Semitic’ to engage in political protest.  Such laws are outrageous in a free country.
     As would be any laws that blocked people from boycotting, or urging the boycott of, some business or other because of their position on something or other.  People have a right to express their feelings.  To a certain extent, yes: If they cause physical damage to a person or property, or engage in libel, they can and should be held liable for it, and face justice for it.  But boycotting a business because you don’t like their position on some socio-econo-political issue is a form of free speech/expression.  The state should stay out of the business of penalizing people for expressing their views that way.
     And don't let me get started on the censoring by Big Tech and Big Media of views that they don't like, in order to 'protect' people from 'dangerous information' like 'anti-vaccine content' and a conservative political point of view, and so forth.  The Ministry of Truth alive and going like gangbusters in our formerly free country.  (Grrrrr....)                   
    But anyway, we are on the verge of a New Era.  These things will start resolving themselves, in the light of   
     the New Day. 

P.P.S. If you want a take on the Love angle on all this, see the John Smallman article on the Golden Age of Gaia site for August 19.  Good stuff.  
     That just didn’t happen to be where my mind is at the moment.  I’m still immersed in/dealing with the Dark stuff, and want to address it first.  Time enough for the better stuff later on.  
     As we move into a ‘state’ of Abundance, and where human life is in harmony with Nature.

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