In the first of my blogs posted yesterday I talked about channeled material, and ‘taking it with a grain of salt,’ as it were - feeling into it for its validity, to you, and leaving what doesn’t pass that test.
Case in point: The fellow who runs a site that deals in such material, and his own observations about life and, er, ’truth’ based on that sort of ’contact’ - and a very well-meaning, sincere fellow he is - who has been led to believe, based on that material, that BHO is a very high-spiritual person who can do no wrong, as it were. Some time ago, when he happened to refer to BHO in that, er, ‘light’ I emailed him to let him know about the evidence that his hero had clay feet, as it were, was not eligible for the position of the presidency of the United States.(1) He was kind enough to email me back, and basically let me know that he knew all about the birth certificate kerfuffle, and that it was a phony situation, but thanks for writing, etc. I let the matter go at that point, realizing that he was a ‘true believer’ in his channeled sources - and indeed, there was more than one on this particular issue, and both were from his favorite such sources (channeled through the same channeler) - and I wasn’t going to be able to stand up against such worthy beings, in his estimation. And so I let the matter go, with him.
But he referred to the BHO personage yet again, very recently, and in the same adulatory way, and I had had enough of puerile persiflage, and sent him another email, going into a little more detail this time about that scam; thinking that I was pointing out that the matter was about more than the ‘birther’ issue, was equally about his parentage; and thus, that this was a very serious matter, indeed, and needed to be acknowledged, and dealt with, especially by self-anointed spiritual persons (not using those words in my communication). Again, he was kind enough to email me back - in the same sort of indulgent tone - but this time, added the comment/observation that (words to the effect) ‘Oh well; since George H.W. Bush was born in Germany…well; you know……’
The implication is that one or other of his channeled sources had told him that. Or at the least, let him believe that. And so…
Well; of course:
It’s a moot thing that BHO was/is not a ‘natural born’ citizen, because - you know -
Turn around is fair play.
Two wrongs make a right.
But lest you are thinking: ‘Channeled material? Terrible, terrible it’s from demons. How do I know? Because’ [in effect] ‘the Bible tells me so,’ I have but one question for you (among a ton of such questions):
You know the Temptation of Jesus in the Wilderness:
Who was there to record it?
Unless your answer is that you think that Jesus told the story to his disciples some time later, and one of them wrote it down, some time later, verbatim.
No. Occam’s razor: The simplest answer is that it is a story. Written by a storyteller. Or tellers. As apparently was the entire so-called New Testament.(2)
And as for the so-called Old Testament: How can one believe in such an unworthy sadistic god?
More like a tribal god. Of which there were many, in those far-from halcyon days of yore.(3)
Be perceptive. Follow Truth - to the very
We have lots of catching up to do with this matter, of living by and in the Light of Truth. But it is important that we do so. Because
that is
the Point
of the whole
And so it’s okay for Ted Cruz to run for that office. And Marco Rubio; and Rick Santorum; and Bobby Jindal. And now, back on the other side of the political aisle: Kamala Harris. Because…well…you know………
Yes. I do know.
Who is gong to make the cut.
The grade. To graduation Day. In the Light of The New Day.
And who is not.
Because ‘it’ -
the exercise -
all comes down
in the end
to one question:
Who can live by and in the Light of Truth
and who can’t stand the intensity of such
Coming through them.
For, we are all
of the Light
into our experience.
Occluded to whatever degree of occlusion
that we give it
in our roles
And thus, letting ‘the side’ down
to that degree.
(1) And thus was a sort of Manchurian Candidate helping to lead us into the New World Order trap of our erstwhile masters, of the Dark side.
Now, one can argue that such a ‘job’ would fall to ‘a high spiritual being,’ in helping The Plan to work out, to its Completion. But let’s deal with this whole scenario one step at a time.
(2) Se, e.g., ‘Cesar’s Messiah: The Roman Conspiracy to Invent Jesus’ by Joseph Atwill. Also the online series ‘Jesus Never Existed’ hosted by Kenneth Humphreys.
(3) Associated with the Anunnaki. ‘Those Who From Heaven to Earth Came,’ whom Zechariah Sitchin has written so eloquently, and research-minded, about.
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