Tuesday, 13 August 2019

On The Rule Of Law...

…And Its Demise

Words mean what I say they mean.’


My take.

The Democrat Party has been taken over by its far Left wing.  That means, in effect and in practice, that they wish to rule by the brute force of the mob.  For, they subscribe to the notion that the Constittuion is a mere “piece of paper” (as it was defined by another member of the New World Order crowd, former president George W. Bush, in a pincer movement on the country from both sides of the political aisle) - a wet noodle, to be shaped at will.  The will, on the far Right, of a tyrant; and on the far Left, of the mob.  

Relativists, all.    

The law is what we say it is.

Words mean what we say they mean…

…and in the rest of the world, our Erstwhile Masters are facing a rebellion of The People.  Before they are turned into robots, via Transhumanism.  Anything, to get The People under the thumb of our EMs…

‘The People’.  Remember them?  Fractals of our Creator Source?  With souls??…

Change is afoot.


If you are going to go for a New World Order ruled from the top

make sure that it is in

the right hands.

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