The campaign for the 2020 elections, to judge by the material starting to hit my mail box, has begun in earnest. My response: A hypothetical address to the U.S. Congress, Assembled, as a result of a declaration of Martial Law in the country, stemming from a major move by the far Left to mount a violent overthrow, and ‘capitalize’ on the ensuing turmoil to bring about the totalitarian New World Order of their dreams, and those of their masters on the far Right, who are using them as useful idiots and cannon fodder to accomplish their long-held dream of a dystopian global government 1984-style:
‘Beyond the general travails of the moment is a deeper issue, perfectly reflected in a major incident of this country having abandoned its rule of law for the rule of men, also known as arbitrary law, also known as tyranny. To wit:
‘The definition of a ’natural born’ citizen is a person, quote, “born in the country, of parents who are citizens,” unquote. This is an eligibility requirement for the office of the presidency - and that particular federal office only; signifying its special nature in the eyes of the constitutional Framers. The whole point of the exercise having been to make sure - at least as sure as the Framers could make it, in the wording of their constitutional contract - that the occupant of that particular office - who would as well, then, become the Commander in Chief of the nation’s military forces; the historical record well indicating that being their major concern in this matter - had NO DUAL OR OTHERWISE CONFLICTING LOYALTIES OR ALLEGIANCES OR INFLUENCES. Had SOLE ALLEGIANCE to the United States (in this case). And that eligibility requirement for this particular federal office STILL STANDS, absent a constitutional amendment to the contrary.
‘This body, as arguably the key component of our tripartite system of government, for being responsible for the making of, and retaining of, the rules and law of the land, has been fatally negligent in its duty to said law, and to be the voice of the citizenry - the citizenry - of the nation. In its lack of action in this regard, it has aided and abetted in a terrible crime having been committed on this Republic. Therefore, as acting Commander in Chief of the nation under the terms of its martial law, I declare this body hereby dissolved.
‘For those of its current membership who were here during the period of the usurpation - that is, under the non-natural born citizen called Barack Hussein Obama - to face more serious charges, regarding their neglect while under their oath of office. And for new elections to be held within 120 days -
‘and those will be clean elections. With no State’s votes to be counted towards at the least federal offices that have not passed a strict test of cleanliness and legality, as to be monitored by Certified Public Accountants, and the military arm of this Republic.
‘There is more to say about these dark days that we are in. But that is sufficient, for now, to the situation at hand.
‘Sergeant at Arms: Clear this hallowed, and unfortunately terribly defiled, hall, and adjacent offices, of these, our fellow Citizens who failed in their duty, and oath of office, to uphold - to “protect and defend” - the Constitution of the United States of America. That we may get back under the normal state of the rule of law of this nation just as speedily as possible.
‘Having dealt with its other traitors as well.’
Most of whom at their deep heart are not of the Dark side and don’t understand that they are just playing a part in a Drama.
And that all will be revealed.
In a Truth and Reconciliation process.
At the right time.
In the meantime…
Lights! Camera! Action!
…unless you are bored with it.
As I am.
And just want it
to come to its final
To begin
the Real Thing.
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