Saturday, 24 August 2019

About Time

So let’s see what The New American magazine has to say about Facebook in particular and Big Tech in general, in their current issue.  

Oh-oh - what’s this?  They’ve been accorded The Treatment?  What for??  Mmmm…

“It is a nearly universally accepted fact that Big Tech has a far-left bias.  From censorship of conservatives and Christians, to promotion of every liberal cause that comes down the pike, companies such as Facebook, Twitter, and Google routinely abuse the platforms they claim are conduits for the people.  Any person or organization that makes any real progress promoting conservative, Christian, traditional values against the lies of liberalism will eventually find themselves in the cross hairs of the liberal social-media elite.

“Our time has come.

“Facebook claims to be a free-speech platform that only bans content that violates its Community Standards — including ‘hate speech.’  But since Facebook gets to define ’hate speech’ in keeping with its own political agenda, one would expect too much for that definition to be consistent.  Case in point: In mid-July, The John Birch Society (this magazine’s parent organization) posted the cover of the July 8 issue of The New American on Facebook.  That issue’s cover carried the title ‘Immigrant Invasion’ and included a real photograph of illegal aliens illegally crossing a border fence.

“Despite the fact that nothing in the  post, the accompanying picture, or the associated article contained anything that could be construed as ’hate speech,’ Facebook almost immediately deemed that magazine cover as ’hate speech’ and not only took down the post, but also banned The John Birch Society from monetizing videos on Facebook for 30 days…In a message from Facebook, the JBS was told that the removal of the post and the advertising ban were the result of that post, which the message said ‘goes against our Community Standards on hate speech.’”

Oh, BS, FB.  Who are you trying to kid?  It’s okay to support illegal aliens breaking into our country (along with MS-13 gang members and ISIS & other terrorists and drug and gun runners and child and adult sex traffickers slipping through our porous southern border, made that way largely by Democrats in the oh-so-safe House failing to provide the monies to seal it properly), that’s presumably being ‘loving,’ but it’s not okay to call them on it, that’s being ‘hateful’??  Give me a break.  

Okay, got it: Your political position is not only that ‘We gotta git those voters in here - pronto!’ but that there should be no borders, no countries per se, that there should be only a One World Order.  Call it, say, a New World Order.  Hey - I’ve heard of that.  It seems to consist of the same sorts of conditions as practiced in Red China by its ruling authorities (and as facilitated by Google).  The main feature of which is called one’s Social Credit.  Step out of line of the ruling Order, and lose your ‘privileges’.  And your organs to boot.

The boot of a totalitarian state, run by  psychopaths lusting for power.  Power Over Others.

POO for short.

The article continues:

“So the mere use of the phrase ‘Immigrant Invasion’ and an accurate picture of real people illegally crossing the border into the United States — both of which were true, accurate and non-demeaning — were enough for Facebook to classify the post as ‘hate speech’…

“And the not-very-subtly-named ‘Abolish ICE’ page on Facebook posted a cartoon of President Trump getting an X-ray showing him with a swastika instead of a heart.

“So it appears that the ‘violation’ for which JBS and TNA were slapped down had nothing to do with the picture or the caption on the July 8 cover story and everything to do with what Facebook considers to be the wrong side of the argument.  In short, Facebook is pro-illegal immigration and will brook no opposing views.  The ‘hate speech’ label is pure hypocrisy masquerading as benevolence.

“After all, Facebook’s Community Standards say the social network bans ‘hate speech’ because ‘it creates an environment of intimidation and exclusion [!] and in some cases may promote real world violence.’  Does referring to the president as Hitler and calling for the violent overthrow of ICE detention centers and CEOs [of companies out of favor with the Left] across the country not qualify as ‘an environment of intimidation’ and ‘promote real-world violence’?  Of course it does.  Yet while the JBS post of a real picture of people illegally crossing our border and advertising an article that offers peaceful solutions to that problem gets slapped down as ‘hate speech,’ posts calling on actual violence against ICE and others are allowed to remain on the platform.  Facebook’s bias is evident... [my emphasis]

“Following the same ‘logic’ that allows the denigration of anyone or anything associated with conservatism or basic American principles, there exists on Facebook a litany of posts dehumanizing police and depicting violence against them.  One popular meme appearing on pages associated with Black Lives Matter (BLM) shows a black man firing a pistol point-blank into the driver’s window of a police cruiser and carries the caption, ‘When this starts to happen, you’ll know why…’”         

We will ‘know why,’ alright.  This is arrant insurrection, plain and simple; the poisoned fruit of ‘the long march through the institutions,’ the revolutionary principle of Divide and Conquer to lead to overthrow of the existing order.  Otherwise, every anti-white and anti-cop ‘statement’ - text or picture - would be blocked as well, on the same grounds.  It's very clear: It all goes far beyond any reaction to any real violence conducted on black Americans.  It is revolutionary literature, designed to take down the established order, and replace it with - as I say - a/the New World Order. As the next article in this issue of TNA goes into; titled ‘Big Tech Under Fire’.    

And about time.

There will be a New World Order.  Just not the dystopian one planned for us by the Dark side.

Wake up, America.  You have a job to do.

A very important job.

For all of humanity.

And - actually -



P.S. You may say/try to argue: 'They are private businesses - they can do whatever they want in this regard.'  But they are using the public airwaves to conduct their 'private business'.  Thus they need to meet our Community Standards.  You know; the Community Standards of the United States of America?  that is very big on such principles as free speech??  I'm sure that you have heard of it.
     Although, with the education systems in this country under the control of a Fifth Column for far too many years, it is very possible that many people don't have a clue about such fundamental values of this country.  Think that it will be easily merged into a global government, much like that practiced by Red China.
     Not.  Likely.

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