from ‘Why Are Fewer American Kids Plying Football?’ - Dave Hodges - August 15
(Hodges, a former football and basketball coach, laments the declining numbers of kids going out for football in high school, and wondered what is behind it, for comment.
The comment above mine - from a female - mentioned “Concussions (as) one reason, and the increase of immigrants, especially illegal invaders, has led to more soccer teams”. And went on: “Pussification of America is the other.” N.B. I hadn’t seen her comment before I put mine on the site.)
Stan Stanfield Fri, 08/16/2019 - 01:05
Estrogen mimics/endocrine disruptors in the environment from pesticides, plastics, and The Pill are demasculinizing our boys (and masculinizing our girls), so that they are not as interested in the rougher sports. And TPTB are happy to have that take place, because it helps cut down on the population numbers, which said PTB want to cut down drastically. Bad for the environment, doncha know. Plus the fewer the numbers, the easier to control them with, my dears. All, the work of our erstwhile masters.
I remember quite a few years ago now coming across a comment by some observer of the passing scene who noted that, in his local public park, the gays were all over in one area sunning themselves, and the lesbians were all over at the baseball diamond playing softball.
That was, as I say, quite a few years ago, now. And our EMs are still at it.
I’m not sure that Pres. Trump is man enough for the job at hand.
Why do I say that. Well, for one thing, he listens to Big Pharma on the subject of vaccinations. (A convenient tool for people control. Or outright death.) And he is apparently taking the word of his advisors on the subject of 5G. And GMOs. And to a worryingly large extent on the subject of gun control. Even sending his daughter (or supporting her in doing so??) into Congressional offices to talk with the Republicans about supporting the House Democrats’ scripted proposals. Apparently drinking the Kool-aid (or being told to) regarding these false flag gun-control events.
It’s a worry. The man is not stupid. I can only surmise that he is a made man. By the moneychangers, who have bailed him out of far too many bankruptcies for our own good. Plus - speaking of this angle - he is far too far in bed with the Israelis, in their interactions with their neighbors.
I mean, look at the stable of his advisors, and appointees. Not good.
I have cut him a lot of slack on these matters, buying the excuses for him for sending off missiles against the Assad duly elected government (not ‘regime’) when it was obvious to any independent researcher into the matter that the Deep State was behind the gas attacks in Syria, and so forth, because of his rhetoric, and because he is apparently supported in his presidency by a very much alive JFK JR., looking to avenge the assassination of his father by said Deep State; that latter support also including that of considerable elements of the nation’s military forces, who’ve been concerned for some time about the direction that the nation has been going with the likes of the Usurper at the helm. But at some point, any reasonable observer of the scene has to wonder, seriously, about his take on matters.*
I believe that he is beholden to the moneychangers, not just because of their financial support to him in the past. But that he is tainted by other things that they have on him. Apparently he wishes to keep his tax returns secret, not just because the Democrats want to see them and he is not about to give them an inch after what they have been doing to him. But because there is dirt in there, that could bring him down, at their hands. Even with the NeoCons behind him, for services being rendered by him to the pugnacious state of Israel.
As I say.
P.S. A regular feature in The New American magazine is called ‘Exercising The Right’. Every two weeks its reading public learns about some more examples of how the public having weapons of self-defense has saved many a life and thwarted much crime.
Lest we forget…history.
* Including his obvious reluctance to call Mossad on its role (in concert with the NeoCons in the administration of George W. Bush) in 9/11.
Those “dancing” characters “that we all saw,” Donald? I don’t know about that stock footage of some Palestinians. But I, like many Americans, saw those Five Dancing Israelis on top of their business-front van across the river from the Twin Towers, one flicking his cigarette lighter fiendishly into the camera with the burning tower in the bg of the shot; and who were all whisked away to safety in Israel, where some of them subsequently appeared on local TV, telling their story, about how they were there “to document the event”.
That they obviously knew about ahead of time, in order to be there to record it.
P.P.S. I see by way of an article on OpEdNews by Paul Craig Roberts that Reza Aslan, a TV host and professor at (some campus of) the Univ. of California has said that white supporters of Pres. Trump “must be eradicated from society”.
A shame. And here I thought I was a fairly reasonable person. Oh - maybe, because I am questioning Pres. Trump regarding especially his position on the right of the people to keep and bear arms, that I can be spared your wrath?
No. Didn’t think so.
Oh well. Worth a try.
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