The Mueller Investigation, and followup Hearings before Congress: A bust for the Democrats. And the OIG Report pending. And the Declass. And the unsealing of Indictments, whatever all they hold.
The tide beginning to turn. To the point that AG Barr even brought back the death penalty. A particularly ominous note, that.
What to do, to reshape the narrative, back to Get Trump.
Got it.
More Gun Confiscation - er, Control. For the sake of The People, doncha know…
Communists being communists.
‘You Can Trust The Communists…To Be Communists’. To be true to their calling.
I remember when I first came across information regarding this particular tactic as part of the overall strategy for takeover of the country. It was in the very early ’70s, and I was working at a furniture factory in the East Bay Area, some miles south of Oakland. The radio in the lunchroom was set to a particular station, which carried both talk shows and music. One day late in the lunch hour, when no one else happened to be still there, I was idly listening to a major talk show host out of San Francisco, when he introduced his next guest. Who was a young Jewish guy from Hollywood, I caught, and his subject was Gun Control. What? Yes. They were terrible things, to be in the possession of just anybody. They should be, at the very least, controlled, opined the young guest. There was none of this Mass Shootings going on at the time; so the talk show host, logically, I thought, asked his guest what he had to say when people said that that was just a ploy of the communists to get guns out of the hands of the public.
The question totally put the young Jewish guy from Hollywood off of his spiel. I forget what happened after that. That session ended rather abruptly, and the show host signed off for his lunchtime session. He was a well-known talk show host; from San Francisco; on the liberal side of the political fence, if anything, although that factor was not as big a deal at the time as it has become in our day and Crisis age. I can imagine, from our vantage point in this sort of subject, that the young Jewish guy from Hollywood cornered the talk-show host after the mikes were turned off, and called him, rather confrontationally, on his question, undoubtedly having expected a more amendable welcome to the show. It was a perfectly legitimate question, and especially since the country was getting (being sucked) deeper into a (lucrative, no-win) "land war in Asia,"* and some college-age young people in the U.S. were starting to organize into demonstration calls, not just against the war, but for ‘Ho - Ho - Ho Chi Minh!’. The talk-show host was just being evenhanded in his approach to the question. The young Jewish guy from Hollywood obviously expected, or at least hoped for, more of a supportive sharing of the microphone from that source.
The Left certainly has that now, from the largely monopolistic Mainstream Media. And increasingly Bolshie activity on the part of the social media. Big Tech. Censoring conservative voices simply for being conservative. Not even under the pretense of being ‘racist,’ or ‘hate speech’ anymore. Just out-and-out censorship, of speech on the ‘wrong’ side of the political process going on.
The process of takeover of this nation, by the New World Order crowd. For their vaunted - and terribly totalitarian - global, One-World government. Run by our erstwhile masters. On the Dark side. Bent on making the world safe for tyranny.
And doing a good job of it.
So far.
But, fortunately,
about to face their Waterloo.
With a superior Plan at work.
P.S. People, people…Yes, there are some ‘crazies’ out here amongst us. But how come you have so easily bought into the ‘official’ paradigm, that the answer to such as depression is drugs? with their terrible side effects?? including lethally???
Depression - as with many other such mental conditions - is a symptom. Not a disease. It is controllable, and treatable, by nutritional factors.
The Day of Sorcery is over. It’s time for -
as I have said before, many times, in these pages, in the larger context; heralding the Event -
the Real Thing.
To include free energy devices. And what are called Med Beds. And teleportation. And. And. And……
As I say:
The. Real. Thing.
* quoting Gen. Douglas MacArthur; who counseled JFK not to get bogged down in one such. And the latter of whom was beginning to take that sage, old-soldier’s advice, before
another story.
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