Sunday, 25 August 2019

How The New 'Economy' Could Work

Before the new global monetary system kicks in, a word:

You do understand that ‘interest’ is only a concept, an idea, don’t you?*  And that if we have an ‘interest’ in working in harmony with each other and with Nature, that is all that it would take to share goods and services with each other - and especially at a time of abundance??  

Welcome to such a time.  At our level of technology.  And Necessity.  Before we blow our ‘studies,’ in this classroom for apprentice gods, and fail to reach Graduation Day. 

Which involves understanding that:

* There is enough gold in the world - already processed and available - to give everyone in the world a Fresh Start.  (Call it a Jubilee.)

* Freely sharing with one another involves cultivating the concept, the idea - and the feeling - of generosity.  And if we do, ‘All else will be added unto’ us, in the New ‘Economy’.  Of Abundance.  Based on the development of replicators, and free energy devices - small and large - and 3D printers, and the like.  Thus, the ‘pump’ of the system being heart energy.  Learning to give and thus to receive (a Law).  

And a permanent heart opening is (the definition of) Ascension.  So, practicing ‘generosity’ is practice for Ascension.  Is The Way.                             

It’s a matter of learning how to hold the required Light to be able to stay in an ascended state, above the 3D realm of Karma/Rebirth, Separation & Duality.  It’s the passing of a test.  To graduate out of the elementary-school 3D curriculum.  Normally an individual matter, now to be engaged in on a global level.  For those who are ready to advance, ‘on the spiral stairway to the heavens’ - out of 3D and into the higher realms.  Of consciousness.

Just giving you a little peek at the Finals exam.

The rest is up to 


* As is ‘fractional-reserve banking’.  All merely concepts.  For lower-conscious souls.


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