Wednesday, 21 August 2019

You Create Your Reality

In my nest-to-last blog I referred to being immersed in “the Dark stuff”.  But I do not want to give it a lot of my energy.  And lo - a channeled message (carried on a site that I follow, Golden Age of Gaia) had just come through that addresses this very issue, and beautifully.  It is entitled:

‘A New Pattern From The Future’ - Peggy Black and ‘the team’ - August 19


“(Y)ou are seeding the field with awesome future possibilities.“

There is an evolution of consciousness going on..  And a particular theme to be aware of:

‘Energy flows where attention goes’: “Watch what you focus upon.  Where you place your focus is where your energy goes.  So don’t feed your energy to a reality that you do not want to continue to create…

“You are here to assist the transformation of this dense dysfunctional reality.  There is a future reality awaiting your invitation and command, never doubt that…”

And so forth.  Now, do I take all channeled material on face value?  No.  I take it on a ‘feeling’ value.  If it resonates, I find it supportive.  If it doesn’t, I don’t.  But from all that I have read on this general subject, it would appear that we Earthians - aka Gaians - are being supported ‘on the inner and the outer’ - from both the galaxy and the higher realms, at this crucial time in our evolution - for us, and for those around us, wishing us well. 

Take it all for what it is worth to you, and leave what doesn’t work for you.   

©2019 Peggy Black All Rights Reserved. Notice is given that the creation of videos by people other than the author, channel and scribe is prohibited. You may share this message and distribute as long as nothing is changed, you credit the author and include this copyright notice and web address. FREE 88 messages available

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