1) from OpEdNews: ‘Is White Genocide Possible?’ - Paul Craig Roberts - August 22
(A summary - and of historical experiences of genocide - of moves afoot to demonize white Americans as ‘white supremacists,’ as the new tack to take down the country by our modern-day Bolsheviks since the Russian Collusion Delusion attempt to take down Pres. Trump fell through, now replaced by playing the race card. The attack being led by the NY Times, as codified into the NYC school curriculum by their new head of the public school system. - a man of Mexican descent. It is unknown if his parents were illegal aliens or not.
My message sent to a friend over in Scotland.)
Message From America
Found in a bottle on the West coast of Scotland. No Return Address.
2) A friend has forwarded me an article from a site that I already take:
from goldenageofgaia.com: ‘How To Prepare For A Global Corruption Purge’ - article by Martin Geddes - August 21/posted here August 22.
(My response to my friend:)
Got it. Good, comprehensive summary of the situation.
A good site with this sort of take on the whole thing is x22reportdotcom. A posting 6 days a week (excluding Saturdays). He seems to have a bit of an inside connection to the Trump administration. And of course the big connection to what is going on is 'Q'. Used to post on 8chan, before that site was taken down, by TPTB. But 'he' is supposed to be back up and running very shortly. Which could very well signal The Storm.
Not so incidentally, the x22report site has been troubled recently, first by the discovery of a virus on his site that caused him to have to redo his site, and then just yesterday, when I tried to access it directly (i.e., via my search engine), my computer warned me off of going there, with a stern warning about infection - and didn’t even allow me to try to push through the warning, if I had been so inclined, which I wasn’t, at that point. (But I was able to access it via a link from another site; with my personal virus detector not going off, as it had before on trying to access that site.).
I think we can expect this sort of thing to happen more and more. As we approach
The Storm.
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