Thursday, 22 August 2019

On The Field

In my last bog (I seem to be on quite a roll that way, building on one directly to the next these Transition days) I referred to Life being “the Field of experience” that we are currently ensconced in, to learn lessons from the experience.  One of the biggest of those lessons is about straying from our basic nature as members of our wider Nature.

Take medicine.  The humongous costs of our health/medical system is a clear measure of how far we have strayed, in this Field of experience, from good nutritional practices, as compounded by the side effects of the drugs that we use as replacements for good nutritional practices.  Having forgotten - or never having known about in the first place - the advice of the man called the Father of Medicine, Hippocrates, who said (or is said to have said): "Let your medicine be your food and your food be your medicine.”  And because we have strayed from that sound advice, we have the current epidemic of cancer, as one example.  And Man having become something of a cancer on the planet, having forgotten his interdependent relationship with all of Nature.

And as for the idea/this business of ‘having forgotten, or never having known about’ such-and-such, there is another big lesson in this realm: the ability to control others, by depriving them of knowledge of their political roots, as well as of their relationship with Nature.  Thus, erstwhile masters over people first attack them by taking control of their educational systems, and quietly, insidiously changing or erasing their history.*  And just so, as how so few young Americans these days know much about the Founding Fathers of, and basic principles of, their country.  

I don’t want to belabor the point.  Just to make it.  And the rationale for abiding by the Constitution (as the law of the land), e.g.:

If you can’t live by Law, then you are not going to be able to graduate into the higher realms.  Because ’it’- The Plan - is predicated on Law.   And the ability for one to align oneself with it.

Let a word to the wise be sufficient.

Unto the day thereof.


* Our leaders have no excuses for having allowed this to take place.  The enemies of this Republic even announced their intent: in making a "long march through the institutions".  A primary one of which is a targeted country's educational institution.

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