Thursday, 8 August 2019

An Interesting Ride

Further on the subject of ‘Crimes Real And Perceived,’ the title of my blog of late last night/early this morning:

I would like to address in these pages of my journal the phenomenon of the likes of Rep. Maxine Waters inciting a crowd, and others by extension listening in via the (oh-so-supportive) media, to ‘get in the faces wherever they are’ of members of President Trump’s Cabinet, and by naturally-implied extension, his supporters in Congress.  As subsequently happened.  And could easily have developed into terrible consequences.  Which could still happen.


There is a placer for hard-hitting dialogue and debate in a republic - to say, in our American form of government.  Which is a federal constitutional republic, wherein we live by the rule of  law.  Not by the rule of the mob, as in a pure democracy.  Or tyranny of any kind, where the mob can be incited - orchestrated - to do the will of the ruling tyrant or tyrants.  And Waters was playing with such fire. 

At an incendiary time, that kind of call-out is like a match to a mob.  It can ignite a flame that could become unquenchable - and she damn well knew it, in her attempts to set off such a game-changing conflagration, in a form of class warfare.

Now, to her ‘credit’ - in a form of excuse - Rep. Waters is, like a lot of our politicians, going to go down for her crimes committed while in office, and so she can be said to be just trying to cover her, er, tracks.  But given that little bit of slack, she is still guilty of whatever will come out in the way of such crimes, in the general setting-to-rights now to proceed.  That we can all move further into

the Light. 

And I say “further,” because all of this that we have experienced in this dimension, of Separation and Duality/Polarity, has been part of a - The - Plan.

Life being a school.  And the Purpose being

to graduate.

Put on your graduation hats, students.  And hold onto them tight.  We are about to go on

an interesting ride.  

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