Friday, 31 January 2020

It's A Wrap...

…And A Rap On The Knuckles

With the vote to release the need for any more witnesses, the Senate has moved on from this whole charade of an Impeachment trial.  It’s a shame that they didn’t hold their final vote, on the question of acquittal itself, at the same time, or at least the same day, and clear the air for Pres. Trump’s State of the Union Address next week to concentrate on more important issues.  But what’s done is done.  Except for some reverberations; and one of such that I particularly like has been delivered by Ed Martin, President of the Phyllis Schlafly Eagles, as follows:  


Ed Martin to Adam Schiff: No One is Above the Law

Washington, D.C.:  Ed Martin, president of Phyllis Schlafly Eagles, filed a FOIA request today with Rep. Adam Schiff's office demanding copies of all digital and paper correspondence between Schiff, his staff, and former NSC staff Eric Ciaramella. Mr. Martin delivered the request by hand this morning to Schiff’s office. 

"Adam Schiff has paraded this blatantly political sham in front of the cameras long enough," said Martin. "Schiff and his staff have wasted taxpayer dollars and precious time Congress should be using to work for the American people. We must demand these partisan hacks reveal the true roots of their plot against our duly elected president.

"I demand that Adam Schiff hold himself to the same standard he's been preaching about in the Senate chambers. You're absolutely right, Adam — no one is above the law. It's time for House Manager Schiff to put himself under the spotlight of FOIA and produce all communication between him, his team, and an Obama-era political appointee named Eric Ciaramella [the so-called whistleblower]. That name has long  been associated with members of Schiff's staff. There is overwhelming digital evidence suggesting the current impeachment is the direct result of a coordinated attack on our president that began even before he took the oath of office.

"This is a sham impeachment in search of a crime. We must turn on the lights of transparency, shut down this insane congressional gridlock, and force the people's elected representatives to get back to real work. Adam Schiff can lead the way by releasing the documents we demand — without delay. Turn over the Ciaramella information now!"


“If we don’t impeach this guy, he will get re-elected!” - Rep. Al Green 

On Going Too Far

I see, in an article posted today at OpEdNews by Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, that now there is something called ‘cultural imperialism’ or ‘cultural insensitivity’ whereby if a white author writes a story with a black character in it, it stands a huge chance now of being turned down by a publisher flat.*  

I am reminded of a full-page cartoon in an issue of the New Yorker magazine many years ago.  A young man in an obviously affluent family and household is at dinner with his parents who are both at the other end of a large dinner table from him, and he is addressing them thusly:

“It is not broccoli.  I say it’s spinach, and I say to hell with it.”

I say this PC crap is spinach, and I say to hell with it.

More specifically: that ‘it’ has gone too far.  It is, and has been all along, a tool of the New World Order crowd to be used to overthrow the existing order, and bring in their so-desired totalitarian super-state.  To beat the majority - the Other - over the head by, and with.  And so it is part Marxist.  And part corporatism.  Aka fascism.  With the same nest of vipers at the top of the pyramid of power in the world.  

About to be overthrown, itself. 

And just in time.  By the looks of it.  With other such ‘signs of the times’ as well as the title to another of my day’s helping of emails:

‘Muslim Rapes Boy, Says It’s “Culturally Acceptable” in His Home Country’.

Just not in this country, boyo.


* And, there are now ‘sensitivity checkers’ for publishers to send manuscripts to, to get, or be turned down for, ’sensitivity approval’.

On Playing With The Law

from ‘President Trump Makes U.S. History With This New Law On Immigration’ - posted at - Jan. 31:  

Just this month the highest court in the land has ordered it permissible for the Trump administration to start enforcing new limits on immigrants who are more likely to be dependent on government-funded programs such as WIC or housing assistance…According to NBC:

The court voted 5-4. Justices Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Stephen Breyer, Sonia Sotomayor and Elena Kagan said they would have left a lower court ruling in place that blocked enforcement while a legal challenge works its way through the courts. 

The Department of Homeland Security announced in August that it would expand the definition of “public charge,” to be applied to people whose immigration to the United States could be denied because of a concern that they would primarily depend on the government for their income.

“In the past, that was largely based on an assessment that an immigrant would be dependent upon cash benefits. But the Trump administration proposed to broaden the definition to include noncash benefits, such as Medicaid, supplemental nutrition and federal housing assistance…”

As it should be.  The country is not obligated to take in immigrants who are either immediately or soon going to go onto the welfare provisions IN ANY WAY.  The U.S. citizens are not doormats, to be subjected to being trodden on by immigrants, with their hard-earned tax monies being siphoned out of their own pockets into those of newcomers to the country - those for whom the welcome mat is always laid out: If they can meet basic, commonsense criteria.

Some people in this country seem to think that the federal government has its own money, or states their own, to pay for such largesse.  They need to be disabused of that notion.  Hey - the federal government is $23 trillion - that’s TRILLION - dollars in debt.

Wake up and smell the coffee.   

“Anyone who would be likely to require that broader range of help for more than 12 months in any three-year period would be swept into the expanded definition.”  

And the immigration requirements of other countries?  Is this so abhorrent, so out of step with other nation states??  I would doubt it seriously.

The socialists - and the New World Order crowd in general - have been in charge of this country long enough.  Time to set things right.

In all ways.

Which, actually, includes a major renovation of the country’s, and the world’s, monetary system.

But first things first.  Which means establishing the consciousness by which The New can manifest.  

And be maintained.  And that means, to demonstrate that one can honor

bona fide, righteous


Case Not Quite Closed

In my penultimate blog I ‘announced’ the Impeachment trial case “closed”.  Well; not quite.  Consider: 

from ‘Why Mitt Romney Must Prevent Joe Biden From Testifying in the Senate Impeachment Hearings’ - Dave Hodges - January 31:

Why the Democrats and the Republicans do not want the Bidens to testify is tied to the fact that ultimately, Romney confederate, Cofer Black will be exposed. Witnesses are not deserved in the Senate, but I would like to see them because it would blow the lid off the Congressional and Senatorial corruption that exists with regard to Ukraine and their cess pool of criminal activities.  

“It is my belief that America will never be vindicated and validated in the modern era and if people like cartel-darling Nancy Pelosi, Ukrainian arms dealers servant, Adam Schiff, and one of the world’s most notorious criminals, Hillary Clinton, don’t go to prison for their treason and other felonies committed against the people of the United States. However, there is a impediment to these prosecutions. The mafia-like criminality associated with many top politicians, such as Mitt Romney, are so embedded into the American framework, that corruption and criminality are two of the mainstay characteristics of the present political landscape. In other words, being a serial criminal is the expected norm for many politicians. And there is nobody more deserving of going to prison than Mitt Romney.  

“Mitt Romney BEGGED for Donald Trump’s support when he decided to run for the open Senate position in Utah. Trump campaigned for Romney. Then why did Romney suddenly turn on Trump? This is where the investigative work of Alexandra Daley and myself come into play.

“On the CSS radio show, Daley and myself presented clear and irrefutable evidence that Romney’s National Security Advisor for his 2012 Presidential Campaign, Joseph Cofer Black, sits on the Board of the same Burisma Holdings that was being investigated for corruption back in 2014, yet  Vice President Joe Biden and the criminal Obama Administration demanded any criminal investigation into Burisma be shut down. Why? Because Burisma was/is their mechanism for illegal arms dealings throughout the world. Romney’s criminal associations are not his only transgressions. Romney has long been rumored to be the recipient of hush money paid to offshore accounts for his complicity in leading investigations astray. In this sense, Romney has become a Democratic operative within the Deep State. As Daley and myself pointed out, Romney’s criminal trail becomes very conspiratorial when we also include that former CIA Director, John Brennan, a  9/11 co-conspirator and his Deep State partner, Cofer Black, is still the link that issued the passports to the 19 Saudis that hijacked the planes on 911. The central thread that ties together Romney, Brennan and Black is Burisma. Opening up Burisma, as Daley and I have exposed, is the key to revealing the depth of the depravity and criminality of most Democratic leaders as well as the Republican, in name only, Mitt Romney.

“Ukraine is the center of corruption, with regard to illegal arms dealing and also serves as the Democrats’ shadow organization for corrupt activities such as child-sex-trafficking and drug running.  

“When Donald Trump became President, the Ukrainian corruption became a case of inevitable discovery by Trumpif he were to be elected President. This is why Obama sponsored illegal spying, through the Fusion GPS, into Trump, then just a private citizen. The Democrats and Romney began to develop plans to remove Trump in order to prevent the inevitable discovery of the depth of Ukrainian corruption. So why did Romney want to shut down any investigation of Ukraine’s role as well?  That’s the question that got this investigation started and it’s earth-shattering. Romney’s National Security Advisor, Cofer Black, sits on the Board of the same Burisma Holdings that was being investigated for corruption back in 2014, and the Vice President and Obama Administration demanded be shut down. Why? Because Burisma was/is their vehicle for corrupt practices in Eastern Europe. This is the Pandora Box that had to be shut down. This led to the Russian collusion and now the quid pro quo related to Ukraine and the impeachment trial.

“And CIA Director, John Brennan’s 9/11 Deep State partner, Cofer Black, is still the link to all that goes on there. In fact, I can state unequivocally that Burisma is at the heart of Ukraine corruption.   I know this matters greatly to Mitt Romney as he is not yet done with politics. If Black is prosecuted, it will reflect on Romney. Romney wants to run for President again in 2024 and he needs to distance himself from Cofer Black, John Brennan as well as the Bidens. 

Burisma Holdings is the hub of U.S. Democrat activities to corrupt both Ukraine and American politics and there is proof.  Cofer Black, joined the CIA in 1974 and rose to be Director of The National Counterterrorism Center, before joining Mitt Romney’s campaign.

“Standing in the way of Romney’s Presidential desires is the fact that Burisma Holdings is the centerpiece of U.S. Democrat activities that serves corrupt both Ukraine and American politics. Romney’s political ambitions took a hit when Zelensky became Ukraine’s President and he would not play ball with the Deep State. And the walls are really closing in on Mitt Romney, because former Ukrainian prosecutor, Viktor Shokin has filed criminal charges against Joe Biden for his role in covering up this corruption. The longer that this goes on, the more the Romney-Cofer Black connection will become a detriment to the ambitions of Mitt Romney.

“So who is this Cofer Black? As we revealed on the CSS, Joseph Cofer Black, joined the CIA in 1974 and rose to be Director of The National Counterterrorism Center, before joining Mitt Romney. This brings into the Romney associates sphere of influence the Bidens, John Kerry’s step son, et al. Daley and myself made an excellent case that Black had ample warning to head off the 911 attacks and did not because that was not what is Deep State handlers wanted. If Romney was to ever, once again, run for President, this would come up.

“Black was also the Head of Counterintelligence who somehow missed the 9/11 attacks when the evidence was right there in plain sight.  And the 911 material is damning to Cofer Black and ultimately Mitt Romney.

“Alexandra Daley revealed the following through her own research and through that of Freedoms Outpost:

“‘According to Freedom Outpost, Brennan was the CIA station chief in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, when the 9/11 hijackers were given visas to travel to the United States.

“‘In September 2014, a whistleblower named Greg Ford, a former military intelligence officer, told Ground Zero Radio’s Clyde Lewis that the CIA had objections to the approval of those visas but Brennan actually overrode them.’

“‘The second in command of the CIA station was directly quoted by the whistleblower as saying, “No way, absolutely we are not going to stamp those visas.”

“‘But CIA Saudi station chief, John Brennan, overrode the officer in charge and ordered the visas to be stamped and issued. They came, they learned to ‘take off’ an airplane but said they were not interested in ‘how to land.’ Cofer Black ignored the reports about this strange behavior, and he became a pivotal figure in Romney’s election bid in 2012.

“Freedom Outpost also stated, ‘If it weren’t for John Brennan, 9/11 may never have happened.’”

Cofer Black was in a supervisory position over Brennan and he allowed this happen. This unholy alliance continued to their associations with Burisma.  If I were a betting man, I would bet that the impeachment trial will never see witnesses, because this would come out.

“So how do the Republicans and Democrats keep a lid on this material? Well, they hire a plant. Here name is Ronna Romney McDaniel. Yes, she is related to Mitt Romney. In fact, McDaniel is the head of the Republican National Committee and she just happens to be the niece of Mitt Romney.

“McDaniel as the head of the RNC has control of much of the Republican purse strings. Mitt Romney desperately needs to not have the Biden’s testify in the Senate impeachment hearing. McDaniel, with her long purse strings is in position to make sure this never happens.

“If the Bidens testify, then Cofer Black and Brennan testify. That cannot be allowed to happen because this would serve to wake up America as to the elvel [sic] of criminality that exists inside of our own government. 

“The impeachment trial will soon be over....No damning witnesses and Ukrainian corruption, along with Democratic Party and Mitt Romney complicity will continue unabated. The Bidens will not testify. Subsequently Cofer Black and Mitt Romney will not testify. Everybody will walk. Nobody will ever go to jail. There is one caveat. The former Ukrainian ex-prosecutor, Viktor Shokin,  removed under pressure from Vice President Biden, has brought charges against Joe Biden for obstruction. This could be the undoing of Mitt Romney and the Democratic Party. I hope Viktor has someone to start his car and test his food.”

Want to object, Mitt?  John??  Cofer???



P.S. For the record: I do not advocate anybody be sentenced to death for treason in any of this bad business.  
     We have all had various parts to play in a Great Play. 
     Let’s move on.
     And Up.
     As much as possible.
     As the facets of our Creator Source that we all are.
     In our essence.


P.P.S.  I see that Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R.-AK) has decided that, based on the evidence already in in the Impeachment trial, she will not vote to prolong the farce.  Which dooms the Democrats’ bid to drag this stinking dog along as far as they can.*  And let them get on with their proper business.  
     Which is keeping them from such “proper business” as confirming more judges, as nominated by Pres. Trump.  Which would seem obvious to the most brainwashed of American citizens as a major reason for the Dems’ attempts to impeach their huge nemesis.
     As to that figure.  And to clarify, for the record.
     I am not a ‘blind’ supporter of Pres. Trump.  Some particular major points of concern that I have about his leadership:
     * His support of the rollout of 5G without proper studies of its potential effect on the health of the citizenry - studies, that is to say, not conducted by the beneficiaries of its rollout; and along this same line, of the health of the American citizenry:-
     * His failure, insofar at it is in his power, to put a halt to all travel into this country from Mainland China.  Which ‘quarantine’ way is the way to put a halt to the spread of a pandemic.  And lastly, for this short list of my concerns about his leadership:
    * His failure, in his Middle East Peace Plan, to give sufficient attention to the rights and position of the Palestinians, in bending over backwards to enhance the case of the israelis.
       Who still need to answer to the American public for their role in the likes of the attempted sinking of the USS Liberty.  And their sins of omission regarding the suicide bombing of the US Marine barracks in Lebanon.  And their sins of both omission and commission in the atrocity that was 9/11.
       But all of this will come out in due course.
       As Truth takes over on this planet.  In this 
       New Dispensation of Time.    


* With the Dems needing four Republican senators to join them in their bid to keep it stinking up the Senate chambers any longer.  And now, having just Sens. Susan Collins and - lo - the aforementioned Mitt Romney in their ‘possible’ camp.  Even with his huge conflict of interest to be potentiality unmasked in that scenario.  
   Anything to give him some Democrat votes in the next ‘open’ election for leadership of the nation…


P.P.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, to a reporter on the (increasing) prospect of Pres. Trump being acquitted in the Impeachment trial in the Senate:

“Does the President know right from wrong?  I don’t think so.  That’s all I can say to you.”

And all I can say to you, Speaker Pelosi, is:

‘Coming from you: that’s a bit rich.’

And as a commenter put it in the Comments thread to an article on this subject ( ‘Pelosi Defies Senate’s Authority, Says Even if Senate Votes to Acquit, Trump Won’t Actually Be Acquitted’ - Carmine Sabia - January 30; posted at Jan. 31):

“Ahhh let's see, does not accept the results of an election, won't accept the acquittal of a sham impeachment. Who cares, she is done, stick a fork in it.”


On Being Above The Law

I have been reading recently how, in being accusatory towards President Trump, Democrats are declaiming that "No one is above the law".

Except, apparently, those Democrat-run governments, both city and state, who have declared their areas of jurisdiction and responsibility to be sanctuaries for illegal aliens.

And not only that.  Are making it legal to issue driver's licenses to them.

The easier to get them on the voter reg rolls, my dears.


Thursday, 30 January 2020


Epidemic Goes Viral!

* “The [so-called] whistleblower's attorney, Mark Zaid, openly admitted back in 2017 that a "coup" had started against the president from within the administration, and that CNN's coverage would play a "key role" in the effort.
   “He also openly solicited intelligence community members to help impeach and "get rid" of Trump, years before Trump's call with Urkaine's leader that triggered the current impeachment proceedings…”  (‘Justice Roberts blocks Sen. Paul from naming whistleblower, source says - and Paul may force the issue” - Gregg Re, Fox News - January 30)  

* The Dems didn’t do their job properly on the Impeachment thing, including making subpoenas legal, and attempted to cover it by saying, in effect, ‘tough’. 

* And now, seeing their best-laid plans not working in the Senate, some Dems (and their echo chamber in the MSM and the Comments sections of various news articles) have taken to arguing - get this.  Truly get this - that their allegations in the Articles of Impeachment are, quote, “akin” to criminal conduct.  And should be accepted on that basis.  Because - you know - close is good enough.  (Even in a trial in the Senate for impeachment of a president???…the same corrupt attitude echoed in Rep. Schiff’s ‘reading’ for the cameras of the Trump-Zelensky phone call transcript that was purely his spin on it.)    

* And as if to clinch the ‘case’ - that the Dems have no shame: A California House Impeachment Manager has come right out and admitted that it has been all about the 2020 election, that they needed to bring the charges before the election was effectively all over and it would all be “moot”.

Case closed.

As Ed Martin, President of the Phyllis Schlafly Eagles, has said:

No New Witnesses, Acquit Now

End this impeachment sham — House managers lack any foundation.

Washington, D.C.: After rushing the ham-fisted impeachment of President Donald Trump through the House, Democrats brought the process to a screeching halt. They delayed turning over articles of impeachment to the Senate and they are stalling during the trial by demanding more witnesses and evidence. 

"All of America sees right through this sham," said Ed Martin, president of Phyllis Schlafly Eagles. "House Democrats know they can logjam the Senate even longer if they drag out this trial. They can prevent the Senate from confirming judges and continuing with their work. It's despicable and it must end now. 

"Every Senator should vote to restore the dignity of their chambers. Senators should vote against calling new witnesses. They should then immediately vote to acquit President Trump. The President's legal team has proven without a doubt that there has been no violation of law or public trust. The President is and has been working for the citizens of the United States. 

"To the Senate: vote no to witnesses and vote to acquit the President. Vote to end this national embarrassment." 



P.S. From the Question-and -Answer session in the Senate trial:

Q: 'How should the Senate consider more than one motive in assessing Article 1?’ (Question from Repub Sens. Collins, Murkowsky, and Romney - so-called ‘moderates’.)

A: Mixed motives?  Bull-oney.  Trying to say that Pres. Trump had some underling ‘motive’ to the clear words in the phone conversation is tantamount to putting your own words in his mouth.  (As Shifty Schiff did.)  Wondering about “the thinking of the man in charge,” as Sen. Feinstein put it??  No way to determine such a subjective, spin-doctored hypothesis.  Throw this Impeachment scam of a stinking dog out.

It’s obvious that the Dems are just trying to get Trump out of the way, By Any and All Means Necessary, in order to move their totalitarian New World Order forward.  Total perfidy.


Wednesday, 29 January 2020

The End Of The Line


Bill Gates, through the Bill And Melinda Gates Foundation, funded (partially) the Pirbright Institute, which owns the patent to the coronavirus strain currently making the rounds on the planet.  

The patent page for coronavirus explains that it “may be used as a vaccine for treating and/or preventing a disease, such as infectious bronchitis, in a subject,” suggesting that this is just another weaponized viral strain designed to sell more useless, deadly vaccines, while at the same time killing off a few thousand, or perhaps a few million, people…”

Quoting Ethan Huff, at Mike Adams’  Who pointed out as well that said Institute “owns all sorts of other virus patents”.  The rationale being for them to be used in vaccines.  The apparent intent being to create the need for a vaccine for them/for the release of them into the ‘wild’.  (Accidentally.  Or deliberately.)  A vaccine - beyond the huge amounts of money to be made therefrom - which gives our Erstwhile Masters the excuse they are looking for (as in ‘Crisis = Opportunity’) to lace it with whatever other ingredients they wish to put in them.  In order to control us.  Or kill us.  Whatever It Takes, to subdue us to their use of us.  

Those of us left alive.  In their Brave New World, aka the New World Order.

This is the sot of thing that I was looking for you, dear Readers, to get to in your thinking on the subject of ‘Discussing’ that I introduced in my last blog.  Hoping that your thinking would begin to take you along the following line of thought:

The ‘novel coronavirus’ looks to be a man-made bioweapon.(1)  And we aren’t going to get the truth of what’s going on in China froth the Mainland Chinese government.  Not only because it would harm them on the economic level.  But because, being atheistic, they have no morals, except the ‘moral’ of Whatever It Takes.  Lie, cheat, steal.  Kill, even.  Whatever It Takes to accomplish your goal.(2)      

And we can’t look to the truth of the matter - such a matter - coming from the American government either.  Regardless of the fact that a lot of Americans are religious believers.  Because the country itself is secular; and in addition, is under the control (the Deep State; the Illuminati, etc.) of capitalists.  Who have demonstrated - time and time again - that they are, largely, out only for ‘a buck’.  For the bottom line.  And in that pursuit,

they have precisely the same set of morals as the atheists in control of Red China.

That regime has, at least, a ‘good’ excuse for the way it behaves.  It is (as Mike Adams has pointed out) a closed culture, operating by/with a philosophy of obedience to the hierarchy, submission to the state’s dictates, bribery, corruption in all matters - because as atheists, for them there are no absolutes, except that of loyalty to the state.  But TPTB in charge of the American, and Western in general, ‘regimes’ are no more to be trusted.  Because they are, when all is said and done, out for power.  Power Over Others - POO for short - and power in general.  Having been seduced by the power of

money.  Or, more precisely, that of

interest-bearing money.

Money created out of thin air.  By those in 


And so - aa these things go - the stakes have now been raised to the planetary level.  On the one hand: the materialists.  Believing in nothing beyond this material level.  That ‘statement’ - that ‘antithesis’ to a belief in something more than Man - now to  be challenged.  And give way.  And on the planetary level.  To its opposite.  Being the reverse image of

the Real Thing.

But not of religions in general; of belief systems.  But of


Full-blown Truth.

The End of the Line.  Of

The Play, that we have been in.

Orchestrated.  For aspiring gods

to graduate.

From their elementary school studies. 

Those, that is to say,

who make the grade.

To say: Who are willing to get off their hard-and-fast belief level.

And move on.  And Up.

In the Ascension Process.  Going on

as we speak.     


(1) ”The way this whole coronavirus situation is taking shape would seem to be exactly what Gates once proposed as a ‘solution’ to the alleged problem of ‘overpopulation.’ At an infamous TED Talk, Gates explained that vaccines are one of the keys to reducing global population levels, and what better way to do that than to unleash patented coronavirus on the masses in order to later introduce a patented vaccine for it?
   “What’s further interesting is that the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation co-hosted a “high-level pandemic exercise” back in October that involved discussions about how ‘public / private partnerships will be necessary during the response to a severe pandemic in order to diminish large-scale economic and societal consequences.’
   “Held in partnership with the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security and the World Economic Forum, this latest endeavor by Bill Gates is highly suspicious, to say the least, especially when considering that it was held just in time for the coronavirus outbreak…”

(2) As Dr. Mike Adams has pointed out, the CHICOM regime can’t be trusted in anything that it says, including from its so-called accreditation bodies, because, e.g., it has been caught allowing so-called ‘organic’ products to be adulterated.  Including in medicines.  (Which are  beginning to flood the U.S. market, and be the main - because of cost; from slave labor - source of our medicinal ingredients.  What could go wrong??)  Why?  Because - as I say -they are atheists; for whom the only morality is Whatever Advances Your Agenda.  
   Plus, of course, we are the enemy.  To their totalitarian tendencies.  With the stakes now including the entire planet.
   But to continue.  Along that line, of thought.    


One Planet - One Humanity - One Destiny

 A Wakeup Call

Many years ago I worked, for a year, for an NGO connected with the UN called Planetary Citizens.  Its theme was One Planet - One Humanity - One Destiny.  Its mission was to attempt to help raise human consciousness to that level.  We now live in an era wherein, because of the considerable international travel of the planet’s inhabitants, a terrible virus - either natural or man-made - could be propagated all around the planet, and, with a delayed incubation period, and a particularly high transmissibility rate, could circulate undetected beyond the capability of a successful treatment for it.   But what would happen if that ‘virus’ were Truth?  And all those who survived were those who were inoculated with it??   


Tuesday, 28 January 2020

A Take On The Novel Coronovirus Breakout


Facebook, Twitter, Google hide China-epidemic “misinformation”

I picture a few wan techies gathered around a fact-checking AI robot that repeats, “Must censor…must censor…must censor…”
FOX News“Silicon Valley scrambles to stop coronavirus misinformation,” (Jan 27, 2020):
“The coronavirus’s rapid spread worldwide is forcing Big Tech to confront the equally viral proliferation of misinformation — in the form [of] outright falsehoods and half-truths about the outbreak.”
“Facebook, Google and Twitter have all struggled in different ways to contain medical misinformation, in particular around vaccines, in recent years. The Silicon Valley mainstays face a potentially much bigger challenge as coronavirus spreads across the world, having already infected 2,800 people in China and killed at least 82.”
The FOX article mentions two pieces of alleged misinformation: the US government secretly patented the coronavirus, and oregano oil can defeat the virus.
In order to help these social media giants, in their effort to spread only truth and eliminate lies, I suggest a test run. They should revisit another epidemic: 2009 Swine Flu—in order to correct the record. At that time, conspirators prevented accurate information from reaching the public. Instead, lunatic ideas about the epidemic were allowed to stand. A precedent was firmly established for future reporting about “outbreaks.”
The conspirators had somehow infiltrated a news organization at high levels, and they began floating lie after lie. This was a monstrously egregious situation. The public was unaware.
I have uncovered a solidly credible witness who observed this seedy operation. She was an employee of the news organization. In fact, she was a star investigative reporter for CBS News. Her words carry weight.
Her name is Sharyl Attkisson. I interviewed her. Facebook, Google, take notice, and swiftly elevate her words to the top of your news feeds and rankings.
Q: In 2009, you spearheaded coverage of the so-called Swine Flu pandemic. You discovered that, in the summer of 2009, the Centers for Disease Control, ignoring their federal mandate, [secretly] stopped counting Swine Flu cases in America. Yet they continued to stir up fear about the “pandemic,” without having any real measure of its impact. Wasn’t that another investigation of yours that was shut down? Wasn’t there more to find out?
A: The implications of the story were even worse than that. We discovered through our FOI efforts that before the CDC mysteriously stopped counting Swine Flu cases, they had learned that almost none of the cases they had counted as Swine Flu was, in fact, Swine Flu or any sort of flu at all! The interest in the story [written by Attkisson and published on the CBS News site] from one [CBS] executive was very enthusiastic. He said it was “the most original story” he’d seen on the whole Swine Flu epidemic. But others pushed to stop it and, in the end, no [CBS News television] broadcast wanted to touch it. We aired numerous stories pumping up the idea of an epidemic, but not the one that would shed original, new light on all the hype. It was fair, accurate, legally approved and a heck of a story. With the CDC keeping the true Swine Flu stats secret, it meant that many in the public took and gave their children an experimental vaccine that may not have been necessary.
Q: You’ve revealed serious problems caused by vaccines. Have you run into opposition as a result of covering these stories?
A: This is a long discussion but yes, it is one of the most well funded, well orchestrated efforts I’ve ever seen on a story. Many reporters, if not all, who have tried to factually cover this topic have experienced the same opposition as have researchers who dared to uncover vaccine side effects. Those who don’t want the stories explored want to censor the information from the public entirely, lest the public draw the “wrong” conclusions about the facts. The media has largely bought into the conflicted government, political and medical complex propaganda on the topic that marginalizes researchers, journalists and parents who dare to speak to the scientific facts they’ve uncovered or to their own experiences. It’s a giant scandal of its own.
Q: I know you’ve had problems with your Wikipedia page. What happened there?
A: Long story short: there is a concerted effort by special interests who exploit Wikipedia editing privileges to control my biographical page to disparage my reporting on certain topics and skew the information. Judging from the editing, the interest(s) involved relates to the pharmaceutical/vaccine industry. I am far from alone…
(end of interview excerpt)
Does that tell you something about the way major media cover epidemic and vaccine stories?
There is even more.
The staggering capper on this tale? Roughly three weeks after Attkisson’s Swine Flu revelations appeared in print, the CDC, obviously in great distress over the exposure, decided to double down. The best lie to tell would be a huge lie.
Here, from a November 12, 2009, WebMD article is the CDC’s response: “Shockingly, 14 million to 34 million U.S. residents — the CDC’s best guess is 22 million — came down with H1N1 swine flu by Oct. 17 [2009].” (“22 million cases of Swine Flu in US,” by Daniel J. DeNoon)
Are your eyes popping out of your head? They should be.
So…Google, Facebook, Twitter, do your duty.
Let’s defeat misinformation. Let’s get the facts in front of the public.
Let’s win the war against conspiracy theorists who deceive us.
I’m sure you’re with me. I know you people who run social media are honest, loyal, and trustworthy. I know you’ll do the right thing.
You’re heroes in your own mind. Now become heroes in our minds as well.
The world is waiting.
A long silence ensues.
Maybe I wasn’t clear enough. Look, in the summer of 2009, at the height of the so-called Swine Flu epidemic, the CDC was CLAIMING that thousands of people in the US had Swine Flu. But they had stopped counting cases, secretly. Get it? They stopped because tests on almost ALL Swine Flu patients showed NO sign of Swine Flu or any other kind of flu. The whole thing was a hoax. HOAX. Get it? And history matters. Now we’re faced with another so-called epidemic, and the word “skepticism” barely begins to describe what our reaction should be.
More silence.
Google, Facebook, Twitter? You mean…you mean…YOU ARE THE CONSPIRATORS? YOU’RE twisting the truth and pushing disinformation? YOU’RE PULLING THE TRICK OF ACCUSING OTHERS OF DOING WHAT YOU’RE REALLY DOING?
Gosh, o golly, gee. You mean…THIS is why, when, every morning I open up my computer and roam around, I see mountains of b.s. news piled high and deep?
Well, I guess that means WE’LL have to censor YOU by walking away.
(sounds of heels clicking rapidly on a corridor floor, growing more faint…)
(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, The Matrix Revealedclick here.)

More Horse Pucky From The Dems

From western ‘Nancy Pelosi Says House Will Soon Pass Legislation Aimed at Blocking Trump’s Travel Ban’ - Jason Hopkins - January 27; as posted at on Jan. 28:

“House Speaker Nancy Pelosi announced that House Democrats will soon introduce legislation that aims to block President Donald Trump’s ban on travel from several countries.

“Pelosi revealed in a news release on Monday that Democrats on the House Judiciary Committee will introduce and vote on the s0-called NO BAN Act, which would limit the White House’s authority to impose travel restrictions on foreign nationals, in the next few weeks.

“The introduction of the bill comes roughly three years after the president introduced his first travel ban, and follows confirmation that he plans to add more countries to the list.

“‘House Democrats continue to stand opposed to President Trump’s cruel, un-American travel ban in all of its iterations. In the coming weeks, the House Judiciary Committee will mark up and bring to the Floor the NO BAN Act to prohibit religious discrimination in our immigration system and limit the President’s ability to impose such biased and bigoted restrictions,” Pelosi said Monday.

“‘In his last address as President, Ronald Reagan warned that “If we ever close the door to new Americans, our leadership in the world would soon be lost.” House Democrats are working tirelessly to uphold our role as a global leader and a beacon of hope and opportunity for countless people around the world,’ the speaker continued.”

What outright bull-oney.

Put in conjunction, not only with the fact that persecuted Christians in various countries have been blocked from coming here (in ‘favor’ of Muslims being poured into the country by the Deep State actors, in order to dilute the culture here standing in the way of the New World Order crowd), but with the report out of Texas about a naturalized American citizen who was forced to take down the American flag from his balcony because, the apt. manager said, ‘It might threaten Muslims’.*  Say what??!   

What really stunned me is that she said it’s a threat towards the Muslim community,” Tran told reporters. “I’m not a threat toward nobody.”

Ah.  No, of course not.  But that’s not the point, Duy.  You see, the NWO crowd are out to take down the United States as is, and make it but a part of a region of their (totalitarian) New World Order.  That’s why all the noise these days, by the far Left, about ‘white nationalism,’ and ‘white supremacists,’ and ‘racist…hater….bigot’ and such.  It’s all part of the Marxist playbook.  Who don’t realize that they are the cannon fodder for the corporate-government-complex players in this Drama, acting like puppeteers behind the scenes.  And they are getting close to their main theatrics; before the reaction to their best-laid plans, in the form of support for Pres. Trump, gets out of hand.  It’s all scientific to them.

If deluded science.  

Or at the least, partial.  ’Scientific materialism’ just getting part of the picture.  Of what life is all about.

Which we are all about to find out.        

* at on Jan. 28, orig. posted at ‘Proud Texas Man Told Remove His American Flag Because It was A “Threat To Muslims”’.
(“Duy Tran…decided to fly his American flag at his personal residence in America and was told that it needed to be removed for the the [sic] threat is [sic] presents to Muslims living in America. Seriously?”)

Very seriously.

On Staying The Course

‘Your money or your life.’

‘ - what?!  C’mon, gimme your money, and I’m not bullshitting.’

‘I’m not either.  You have been led to believe that you are just a punk.  When you are, in fact - and I am talking about your soul, here, not the vessel in which it is currently encased, for educational purposes, and experiences - a piece of your Creator.  And as such, you are a god in the making.’

‘ - what the hell are you talking about, man?’

‘I am talking about the fact that you are more, far more than you have been led to believe.  Including by other souls who have turned to the Dark side, and are attempting to get in a position of Power Over Others.  Or POO for short.  Sensing that they are godlike,in their deepest nature, but not wanting to go through the whole curriculum to get there, and inherit their full potential.  As apprentice gods.  Just like you.’

‘…You are talking some crazy sort of shit, man.  C’mon.  I ain’t got all day.’

‘ You have all the time it takes to get there.  Some get there sooner than others.  But we all get there, sooner or later.  Except those who choose not to.’

‘…What happens to them.’

‘They flunk the test.’

‘…That sounds ‘xactly like me.’

‘ You are giving up on yourself too soon, friend.  On your true self.  Which is far more than these meat suits that we are wearing in this realm.  This material realm of seeming Separation, and of Duality.  To say, of the opportunity to make choices.  Before we accept that there is Plan in and Purpose to life, beyond just in and for itself only.  And at that point, of recognition - of consciousness-raising - we enter onto a higher Path.  On our journey up to the mountain top.  As a manner of speaking.’

‘…You do have some strange ‘manner of speaking,’ dude.’ 

‘I’m just trying to help you think more of yourself.  Higher about yourself.  As a pilgrim.  Destined for higher things.  If you will just stay the course.’        


P.S. from ‘Bolton Blasted by Friend, Right-Hand Man - Told To Withdraw Book Immediately’- Randy DeSoto - January 27; posted at on Jan. 28
(“A former top aide to John Bolton made a compelling case why the once-National Security Advisor to President Donald Trump should not release his tell-all book until after the 2020 election.
The New York Times reported on Sunday that Trump told Bolton in August that he wanted to put a hold on $391 million in military assistant until Ukraine agreed to investigate former Vice President Joe Biden and his son Hunter Biden, as well as other alleged interference by Ukrainians in the 2016 election, according to an unpublished manuscript of Bolton’s book, due to be released in March.
“Fred Fleitz, who describes himself as a friend of Bolton and served as his chief of staff in both the Trump and George W. Bush administrations, believes his former boss is setting a bad precedent if Bolton allows his book “The Room Where It Happened” to be published before the upcoming presidential election.
“Given the importance of protecting a president’s confidential discussions with his senior advisers, I strongly disagree with Bolton’s decision to release the book before the November presidential election and call on him to withdraw it from the publisher immediately,” Fleitz wrote in an Op-Ed for Fox News.
“Presidents must be able to candidly consult with their advisers without worrying they will leak these discussions to the press or obtain high-dollar book contracts to publish them,” he continued…”
(I am OliveRaindrop.)


This is all abut book sales.

  • OliveRaindrop
  • Now (Jan. 28)

    No.  It's about the NeoCons and their agenda to bring in a totalitarian New World Order; a parade that Trump was raining on, and thus, needs to be taken down, By Any Means Necessary.  From their traitorous perspective.

“Asking a foreign leader to get to the bottom of issues of corruption is not a violation of an oath.”
                                                                     Jay Sekulow, attorney to Pres. Donald Trump
  • But it is if it fits your ideological narrative.  Because, to such an ideologue, ‘there is no right nor wrong but thinking makes it so.’  What is right is whatever advances your agenda, and what is wrong is whatever impedes it.  Pres. Trump is an impediment to the NWO crowd’s agenda.  So he has to go.

  • Discuss.

  • In this, our classroom for growing apprentice gods.

Point No. 2 for today:

from ’New Jersey Defeats Mandatory Vaccine Bill’ - Dr. Joseph Mercola - January 28
(A temporary win.  But consider:)

Everywhere we look, we find signs of out-of-control Big Pharma influence on medical policies and public health laws. This shouldn't come as a surprise, considering drug ads account for the vast majority of most media outlets' advertising revenues.

"As a result, the media are no longer providing us with fair and balanced reporting on the prevention and treatment of disease, and this certainly includes the subject of drugs and vaccines…

Drug Industry Is the Hidden Hand Behind Vaccine Laws…”

In a word:



…but not half as obscene as Rep. Schiff’s made-up phone call between Pres. Trump and Pres. Zelensky, where he told the cameras that Trump said (ref. from ’Schiff doesn’t regret lying about Trump phone call with Ukraine’ - Jack Davis, The Western Journal - Jan. 27, posted here Jan. 28): 

"We've been very good to your country. Very good. No other country has done as much as we have. But you know what, I don't see much reciprocity here," Schiff said, playing the part of Trump during the phone call.

"I hear what you want. I have a favor I want from you, though and I'm gonna say this only seven times, so you better listen good. I want you to make up dirt on my political opponent, understand? Lots of it ... on this and on that," Schiff said.

"I'm gonna put you in touch with people and not just any people. I'm gonna put you in touch with the Attorney General of the United States ... Bill Barr. He's got the whole weight of the American law enforcement behind him and I'm gonna put you in touch with Rudy. You're gonna love him, trust me. You know what I'm asking, so I'm only going to say this a few more times in a few more ways. And by the way, don't call me again; I'll call you when you've done what I asked," Schiff said.

No words.