Now You See It,
Now You Don’t
I have referred in these pages recently to the subject of money, specifically as to how it is conjured up out of thin air, according to tenets of what is called Babylonian Money Magic. A little more on the subject of money, as to how it has been used, by experts on the subject, to come close to taking down this country - America. My home country.
The subject - of money itself - came up last night, on New Year’s Eve, when I went out to dinner with members of the family that I am now living with, that of one of my nieces, and the subject came up of the days before I had become a vegetarian. Somehow I got talking about the days when I was living in a single-parent relationship with my mother (my brother by this time of note having been shipped out to live upstate with our father, because of being too much, in his teen years, for our mother to handle) when she would constantly give me a dollar to go out and eat on, being too tired from working all day (first, upon divorce from her second husband, pumping gas at a nearby gas station, and then as a bookkeeper for an oil pipe and supply company, in oil-rich Long Beach, California, and, more specifically, Signal Hill, a section thereof). That dollar would buy me a hamburger, a side of fries, and a chocolate milk shake - my main meal for years and years, in my late-elementary and junior high school and into my high school days. This was circa mid- to late-forties and barely into the fifties, when a dollar was, as they say, a dollar. Only it had even at that time become something else; with the rot hidden under a strategy of what could be called Fabian politics.
I am talking about the fact that ‘the dollar’ had, even by then, become something else officially. Most Americans don’t have a clue that there is actually a legal definition of a U.S. dollar, and the Federal Reserve Notes in their wallets and banking accounts don’t meet that requirement. A U.S. dollar is defined by statute as worth a certain amount of silver, and is (was) convertible to gold as another precious metal. The U.S. ‘dollar’ today is - i.e., Federal Reserve Notes are - convertible to nothing but themselves. It has been a game of, Now you See It, Now You Don’t. Even as late as the early ’70s there were five-dollar Federal Reserve Notes still circulating that said on them that they were convertible to silver. But they were quietly withdrawn from circulation around that time. What happened??
Two things. 1) Pres. Richard Nixon, under the pretext of cutting off gold speculators screwing around with the value of gold, took the country’s money supply entirely off of any kind of gold standard (which had already been weakened under FDR in the ‘30s). And 2) Nixon’s Secretary of State, Henry Kissinger, arranged with the Middle Eastern oil-producing countries - called the OPEC countries, for Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries - to engage in their international trade via the U.S., er, ‘dollar’ in exchange for this country providing them defense. Indirectly in the form of U.S. financial aid, and directly in the form of the U.S. military. Against whom? Against any other countries that might attempt to take them over, for their oil reserves. And against their own people, who might rise up in protest against the regimes running said countries.
And so oil replaced gold as the backing of/for the U.S. monetary system.*
As long as it lasted. But you need to understand, that, with a private consortium of bankers, known as the Federal Reserve - which is neither federal nor does it have any reserves - our Erstwhile Masters, in charge of the country’s money supply since 1913, have been able to make oodles of money for themselves (from prior knowledge of monetary-policy movements) by playing with - gambling with - its supply. Boom and bust. Boom and bust. Over and over. And, because it is fiat money - i.e., money without any substantial backing, just ‘the promise to pay’ in itself - its flooding into the system causes inflation: each individual unit (i.e., that now-flexible ‘dollar’) becoming worth less and less until it becomes nearly worthless. And thus, the dollar of my youth - which was worth, still, very close to a dollar - is now worth about three cents in purchasing power, comparatively.
It has been a heist of mammoth proportions.
No wonder TPTB - our EMs - hate Donal Trump. He appears to be (and down even to a picture on a wall in the White House) the likes of Andrew Jackson, who got rid of the Central Bank of his time. Even though Trump has swum in those heady waters of our EMs, he is not, at heart, one of Them. He is, at heart, one of Us.
And so he has to go. Via such tactics as the seducing of the far Left into calling him every name in the takeover book.
Lie, cheat, steal. Kill, even. Whatever It Takes. By Any Means Necessary. The end justifies the means. To people for whom there is no right nor wrong but thinking makes it so…
I was talking with my niece a little, over the hot chocolate that she prepared for us to finish our night out with, about the huge amount of darkness that has descended on this country. Not to frighten her out of her busy life, as a mother of a large brood of kids and extremely active in her Church. But to help her, at least a little, to understand why I took umbrage at a friend of mine, whom she knows (at a distance), for said friend accusing me of dealing with, quote, “all that conspiracy stuff”. Said from a state of somnolence from which more Americans, really, need to awaken. And everyone. As sovereign entities, responsible for our own governance. And that of our countries over us.
Those of us, that is, who still live in such countries. With such rights as guaranteed them by their constitutions…
I am not interested in taking my marching orders from people - Americans, who either don’t understand the full extent of the darkness going on in their home country, and thus are indirectly part of the problem, or who understand it full well, and thus are directly part of the problem.
This is war.
I aim to win.
* Known as the petrodollar. Which is now being undercut by the BRICS nations, in demanding a gold-backed international currency system. Which is the beginning of the end for our EMs.
But to continue.
* Known as the petrodollar. Which is now being undercut by the BRICS nations, in demanding a gold-backed international currency system. Which is the beginning of the end for our EMs.
But to continue.
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