Wednesday, 15 January 2020

On 'The Real Thing'

I am sure that some of my at-least somewhat regular readers will have wondered what I have meant in these pages, and increasingly recently, by the term ‘The Real Thing,’ and by the use of the term ‘Synthesis’ to describe the concluding stage and state of The (historical) Process that we have been engaged in.  Herewith a brief explanation.

By ‘The Real Thing’ I am referring to the stage and state of moving beyond The Drama of/in 3D life, described as a/the realm of Separation and Duality - a/the realm of the application of free will, wherein and whereby incarnate souls are engaged in their soul’s evolution, by making Choices, and discovering the results and outcomes of said Choices, by their effects on others and themselves, with the Law of Karma at work.

A quick explanation of that Law.  It simply means bringing things back to a state of Balance.  Operating under the principle that As you do unto others, so do you do unto yourself - and literally.  For, We Are All One, in essence.  And there is perfect Justice in the Creation; because it is under the jurisdiction of a perfectly just Creator.            

A word as to how that Justice works.  Which brings into the equation the concept of reincarnation.  Whereby we, after a given lifetime, are helped to ‘look back’ at our last incarnate’s choices by Guides, to gain insights as to the ramifications of those choices, and are then sent back into the 3D arena, read also classroom, to work out our karma ultimately to Completion, in order to be able to move on, and Up, the spiral stairway to the heavens, leading ultimately to Unity with our Source.(1)   

To clarify, at this point in my explanation: You don’t stay in your current incarnate form for long in the ‘afterworld’.  Your current incarnate form is reflective of, and related to, life in this 3D realm, patterned on the form of a higher primate, for life experiences, and the personal growth that proceeds from those experiences and decisions.  You are not forever your current race or religion or nationality or sex.  As the Psychosynthesis-trained people say: ‘You have a body, but you are not your body.’ (2)  But to continue, in this summary of this matter.

To the subject of a Synthesis, which marks a Completion of a Process.  There is some truth in both the ‘thesis’ and the ‘antithesis’ of such a process.  Take, for example, the idea, currently being manifested by the atheistic regime in charge of Mainland China, and in the minds of totalitarian statists in the West, of both an atheistic and outright satanic bent of mind, of total control over the people, considered by them as mere ciphers of the state - sheep to be sheared, cattle to be culled, at the state’s will.  This is ‘the reverse image of The Real Thing,’  in that it is a reflection - as through a glass darkly - of the perfect Justice in the Creation.  To say: that everything that we do and think is recorded on the skein of ‘life’,’ in order for the Law of Karma to work - in order, that is to say, more precisely, for perfect Justice actually to work.  The atheists - and outright satanists - just reflecting a Truth, albeit incompletely.  In an attempt to be gods without graduating from, and through, The Process.(3)   

I am saying, that now that the Dark side has taken a process/The Process to its ultimate level, of total global control over The People, that ‘state of fruition’ has ‘opened the door’ for its natural Reaction to it.  In the form of total global control by the side of the Light.  In other words: 

the kingdom of heaven.  Meaning, a state of Completion.  Allowing, thereby, for advancement, from that base, further on The Path.  And collectively, now.  Rather than just individually.  And thus, why I say, that

it’s time.  And, in harmony with the concept of As Above, So Below: 

that it’s Time as well. 

And know, that in these higher realms, above the elementary school classroom of 3D ‘life’,

there is no corruption.  Because

it’s part of The Reality Itself.   

Which is holy - and wholly - beyond words.     


(1) As to the subject of reincarnation: There are many evidences pointing to the truth of that concept available to us in our day, from such sources as the research and study papers of Dr. Ian Stevenson, and the stories of many incarnate souls who have experienced (usually in their childhood, before their current incarnate soul’s life experiences begin to ‘crowd them out’) memories of past lives that contain such detailed and specific information as to render the possibility of fraud, well, impossible.  Anybody with any degree of an open mind can see all this for themselves.  Which puts the lie to many religions.  But there you go.  Truth will - must, in the end - out.

(2) We incarnates don’t create souls.  We put the pieces together by which to generate the vessels for souls to incarnate in and through.  We haven’t earned our wings yet, in order to be able to do (aspects of) The Real Thing.
   Which is part of the current scene in and of The Play, wherein those fatally attracted to and by the Dark side would attempt to mimic that divine creative ability by turning humans into a form of robot.  It’s called Transhumanism.  And it is part of the current scene that has to go.  As we approach liftoff, to the next, higher, dimension. 

(3) Do I believe in The Bible’s ‘take’ on the subject of Satan and ‘fallen angels’?  The Bible is so full of outright nonsense and error that it is hard to tell if there is anything of actual substance to it, other than as a record, in what is called the Old Testament, of the sorry relationships between the Hebrews and their neighbors, and. in what is called the New Testament, of the attempt by one Jew in particular, upon seeing the writing on the wall of the inevitable siege and sacking of Jerusalem and destruction of the Temple there, to ‘live to fight another day’.  A story which I have dealt with in some detail before in these pages.  So for now, just to say: That particular biblical story may have some element of Truth in it.  But I personally wouldn’t take it as, er, gospel truth. 
   What I would say is that some souls are operating under the principle of Service to Self, and others are operating under the principle of Service to Others.  And the latter is the higher - and quicker - road.  To
   the Point to it all.

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