Saturday, 18 January 2020

Sign Of The Times

Many years ago, when I dropped out of my formal education studies at university and started out on what has become a lifelong search for truth - of all kinds; in many areas of life but in particular regarding the point of life itself - I headed for ‘the largest public library in the Western world,’ which I figured must be in New York City; all the way across the country, from my home in Southern California.  My first night there I was able to stay in the room of a former high school fraternity mate, from a year ahead of me, who was going to Columbia University, for some reason that I have forgotten at this point in time, and who had rented a room near the campus in the apartment of a Jewish couple (whose library, I noticed on my way out the next morning , was full of books on Communism; a peculiarity - to me at the time, which would prove, in my research into such things, not to be much of a peculiarity after all), before I found a place to stay, cheaply, which turned out to be in a rundown hotel a block or two from Times Square.(1)  That Square is named after the fact that the offices of The New York Times are located in it.  And thereby hangs my tale.

People will know Times Square from the myriad of pictures of it, over the years, in particular at such major occasions as VE-Day, that one with the iconic photo of a U.S. sailor bending a willing gal over for a kiss, with admiring onlookers celebrating the act, and purpose for it; and on other, somewhat lesser occasions, with the big billboards in the Square featured in the background of the shots.  And such shots occasionally including the electronic news highlights flowing around the tall Times building in the center of the Square.

The New York Times.  Known, affectionately - for a long time - as The Gray Lady.  And for its masthead motto: All The News That’s Fit To Print.  A motto that has, sadly, become another truism, of All The News That’s Print To Fit. 

The NYT is, again sadly - but especially so, for having fallen so far, from its own ballyhooed standards - not the only newspaper that has succumbed to ‘reporting’ propaganda rather than news.  It would appear that journalism schools and majors around the entire country have entered into a conspiracy (yes, I used the word deliberately; it’s time to call things as they are, and break through the attempts by TPTB to head off exposure of their horrific plan) to a) report what TPTB want reported and the way they want it reported, and to b) even make up stories that convey the essence of what the ‘reporter’ wants to convey.  Some of you will recall somewhat recent reports - from more reputable sources - of how some NYT reporter or other was caught even making up characters to enhance a story that they wanted to ‘report’ on.  Now, to head off potential criticism here of my outrage regarding this matter, I am fully aware that ‘it was always thus’ - that there is a long history of slanted or otherwise questionable reporting, first in our newspapers, and then as electronic sources of what is reported to us as going on in the world took over in the field.  Take the business about the Hearst newspapers basically being responsible for the Spanish-American War, for example.  And the so-called Gulf of Tonkin incident that embroiled the U.S. in the Vietnam War.  (And for that matter, how FDR & Co. helped set up the atrocity that was Pearl Harbor.  Where was ‘investigative journalism’ at that time??)  And, on a less outrageous note, how a reporter who covered the New Year’s Rose Parade in Pasadena for many years turned out to have made up the characters in his on-scene ’reports,’ including even pretending to have met the same person(s) in succeeding years at the Parade.  But the matter has taken on the character of institutional rot.  Of widespread working with the atheistic philosophy - and as personified by Saul Alinsky, in his social and political overthrowing classic ‘Rules for Radicals’ - of Whatever It Takes.  By Any Means Necessary.   Lie, cheat, steal.  Kill, even.  Whatever It Takes to accomplish your goal.  The end justifies the means.  

Why?  Because ‘there is no right nor wrong but thinking makes it so'.  What is right is whatever advances your agenda, and what is wrong is whatever impedes it.  And this spirit - of a satanic nature (with Alinsky dedicating his tome, with tongue in cheek or not, to ‘the very first radical - Lucifer’) - has permeated all the institutions of our culture.(2)  

Setting up a - the - reaction to it.  In the form of the - a - kingdom of heaven.  On planet Earth.  At its major time of need.  For Breakthrough.  Into another - a higher - state of being.  

That.  Or institutionally spiraling down into the muck and mire of the Dark side’s way of being.  Which will end, er, ‘up’ in attempts to do away with souls incarnating into human vessels altogether.  And leaving this realm in the hands of those entities who have forsaken their birthright, for a mess of pottage.  In the form of what is called Transhumanism.  Half human, half robot.  On this realm’s way to being controlled totally by the equivalent of robots.  Machines mimicking the true life force, for having learned to tap into the energy of the universe for their sustenance, and very being.  And thereby, falling off The Path.  Which leads to the sunlit highlands of A - The - New Day.  And thereby surpassing the basic, higher-primate human level of consciousness

the Right Way.

Don’t be fooled, by the siren song of these, your Erstwhile Masters.  You have a world to win.  On your Way.  To its - and your - rightful outcome.  As a child of God.

Not Mammon.

But it’s yours to choose. 


Your rightful legacy.   

And part of inheriting it will be to forgive those who blocked, or at least impeded - seemingly - your Way.  Because it is - has been - all part of

The Plan.

P.S. But - and speaking of the “higher-primate human level of consciousness,” and an attitude amongst some such of a “common enemy”: Never forget that all genocides have been preceded by gun confiscation.  That is its very purpose.  Beyond the propaganda.
     Of the likes of our (largely monopolized) mainstream media.  Which is
     a sign of our times.


(1) Which turned out to be utilized often if not primarily for one-night stands.  Which I found out about - awoke to - one evening via the noises in the room next door.  And a short time later by a knock on my door by what turned out to be a very good-looking young gal with black hair; and some time after that a similar knock by what turned out to be a young gal with blonde hair.  
   All I could think of to say to both of them was “You must have the wrong apartment,” and closed the door on both opportunities.  I was of the age for such shenanigans, but with neither the money nor the inclination for such activity.  I had my reading to get back to.  Although I remember wondering - giving the matter some thought - that if the next time that I heard a knock on my door, I would open it to find a young guy standing there.  
   (‘What is this guy doing living here?’ must have been a question going through the minds of the managers of the place by then.  Answer: Living as cheaply as I can while looking for answers to all of life’s mysteries.  You are near the city’s main public library, you understand.  Not just Times Square.  With all of its sordid knock-on business.)     

(2) And as specifically recommended by the Communist theoretician Antonio Gramsci, in his well-known (you have heard of it, haven’t you?  Well, haven’t you??  And if not, why not???) statement about “the long march through the institutions”.
   Not so incidentally, as regards ‘community organizer’ Alinsky’s ‘bible’ for radicals: This is where the idea of the far Left’s “common enemy” comes in, as ‘a uniting element in communities’ (as reported on in Wikipedia).  Thus, the far Left has been literally at war with the ‘established order’ in America.  This is not the call for one party of a two-party system to take over control.  This is a war-cry.
   And needs to be treated accordingly.

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