Sunday, 5 January 2020

On Laying Down One's Head...

...At The End Of A Perfect Day

It’s Sunday morning, and the house is neither curiously quiet nor empty.  I am currently living with a ‘family’ family  of Christians, who take their religion seriously and, perforce, its themes literally.  Themes - in the so-called New Testament (to an Old Testament full of war and rapine, occasioned by a people’s belief in a god of vengeance) - that were old before their purported historical time, the ‘foretold’ generation leading up to the siege and sacking by the Roman legions of Jerusalem and destruction of the Temple there in what our Western calendar reckons as 70 A.D., or CE, for Current Era.  An Era that needs now to come to an end.  For being overtaken by events.  Including an - The - Event.

What all am I talking about.

First of all, I am talking about all the themes purported to relate to an historical figure named Jesus, of Nazareth, or Bethlehem, or at least somewhere in the Middle East.  Themes that were ‘related’ to many a god-man of the time, and stretching far back into the history of that general area (including India); as chronicled by the eminent researcher likes, in our day, of D.M. Murdock aka Acharya S (‘The Christ Conspiracy: The Greatest Story Ever Sold’ et al) and Joseph Atwill (‘Caesar’s Messiah: The Roman Conspiracy to Invent Jesus’).  It’s all there, embedded in our history on this planet; variations on the theme of the Son/Sun of God: the manger/cave of birth; the Slaughter of the Infants; the Three Wise Men and the Star in the East (the three stars in Orion’s belt and Sirius, the brightest star in the sky, whose ‘coming’ - rising above the early morning horizon - heralded the annual, life-giving flooding of the Nile); Jesus/Horus at age 12 and 30; the Dove at the River Jordan (all ancient symbolism); the Forty Days and Temptation in the Wilderness (Question: Who is telling that story?  Exactly: It is a story); the loaves/fishes/baskets being references to what is called astrotheology (and including 12 disciples); turning water into wine/walking on water/healing the sick/raising the dead  - all being motifs of earlier god-men, designed, by being attributed to the, er, fabled Jesus, to make him just as good as and even more so than all those other such god-men who preceded him in folk lore.  And the reason why Christianity took hold so well in the Roman Empire is well told by the Atwil summation of his research into the matter.

The matter of a faux religion, created in order to give the Jews the opportunity to live to fight another day.  And ultimately, hopefully, to prevail over their enemies.  Just as they did in their religious tomes.  Under the direction of their tribal god.  Who was undoubtedly one of the Anunnaki.  

But all of that is another story.*  Or at least, another part of the story.  Of why some of Us get to feeling superior over

the Other.  

A theme as old as time itself.  And about to change.  As we move out of one Era.  And into another.  And this one, characterized by Culmination.

At the end of Time itself.

At least as we have known it.  In our planetary trek around this galaxy.  As part of a larger

Clockwork.  That winds our individual, and sometimes collective, way



As we choose.  As a child of 

our Creator Source.  Who reigns in perfect alignment with

the Prime Creator.

The All That Is.

The Beginning.  And

The End.

* As well told by Zecharia Sitchin, not so incidentally.  Another excellent researcher, into these sorts of matters.

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