Friday, 31 January 2020

On Going Too Far

I see, in an article posted today at OpEdNews by Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, that now there is something called ‘cultural imperialism’ or ‘cultural insensitivity’ whereby if a white author writes a story with a black character in it, it stands a huge chance now of being turned down by a publisher flat.*  

I am reminded of a full-page cartoon in an issue of the New Yorker magazine many years ago.  A young man in an obviously affluent family and household is at dinner with his parents who are both at the other end of a large dinner table from him, and he is addressing them thusly:

“It is not broccoli.  I say it’s spinach, and I say to hell with it.”

I say this PC crap is spinach, and I say to hell with it.

More specifically: that ‘it’ has gone too far.  It is, and has been all along, a tool of the New World Order crowd to be used to overthrow the existing order, and bring in their so-desired totalitarian super-state.  To beat the majority - the Other - over the head by, and with.  And so it is part Marxist.  And part corporatism.  Aka fascism.  With the same nest of vipers at the top of the pyramid of power in the world.  

About to be overthrown, itself. 

And just in time.  By the looks of it.  With other such ‘signs of the times’ as well as the title to another of my day’s helping of emails:

‘Muslim Rapes Boy, Says It’s “Culturally Acceptable” in His Home Country’.

Just not in this country, boyo.


* And, there are now ‘sensitivity checkers’ for publishers to send manuscripts to, to get, or be turned down for, ’sensitivity approval’.

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