Friday, 31 January 2020

On Playing With The Law

from ‘President Trump Makes U.S. History With This New Law On Immigration’ - posted at - Jan. 31:  

Just this month the highest court in the land has ordered it permissible for the Trump administration to start enforcing new limits on immigrants who are more likely to be dependent on government-funded programs such as WIC or housing assistance…According to NBC:

The court voted 5-4. Justices Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Stephen Breyer, Sonia Sotomayor and Elena Kagan said they would have left a lower court ruling in place that blocked enforcement while a legal challenge works its way through the courts. 

The Department of Homeland Security announced in August that it would expand the definition of “public charge,” to be applied to people whose immigration to the United States could be denied because of a concern that they would primarily depend on the government for their income.

“In the past, that was largely based on an assessment that an immigrant would be dependent upon cash benefits. But the Trump administration proposed to broaden the definition to include noncash benefits, such as Medicaid, supplemental nutrition and federal housing assistance…”

As it should be.  The country is not obligated to take in immigrants who are either immediately or soon going to go onto the welfare provisions IN ANY WAY.  The U.S. citizens are not doormats, to be subjected to being trodden on by immigrants, with their hard-earned tax monies being siphoned out of their own pockets into those of newcomers to the country - those for whom the welcome mat is always laid out: If they can meet basic, commonsense criteria.

Some people in this country seem to think that the federal government has its own money, or states their own, to pay for such largesse.  They need to be disabused of that notion.  Hey - the federal government is $23 trillion - that’s TRILLION - dollars in debt.

Wake up and smell the coffee.   

“Anyone who would be likely to require that broader range of help for more than 12 months in any three-year period would be swept into the expanded definition.”  

And the immigration requirements of other countries?  Is this so abhorrent, so out of step with other nation states??  I would doubt it seriously.

The socialists - and the New World Order crowd in general - have been in charge of this country long enough.  Time to set things right.

In all ways.

Which, actually, includes a major renovation of the country’s, and the world’s, monetary system.

But first things first.  Which means establishing the consciousness by which The New can manifest.  

And be maintained.  And that means, to demonstrate that one can honor

bona fide, righteous


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