January 20 is coming up in Virginia tomorrow. Well yes: Everywhere. But let’s speak to specifics.
It promises to be a hot time in Virginia tomorrow, when the NWO crowd make a - promised - big move to create mayhem as a tool to bring Ordo ab Chao - to say, their (totalitarian) New World Order - by forcing into being a call, and extending it from there nationwide, for the confiscation of guns from, at a minimum, American patriots as determined by them - particularly by the actions of Antifa-like ringers in their midst - to be ‘domestic terrorists’. What to do about it.
The best defense being an offense, I would:
* Declare Martial Law, which gives the Executive special powers;
* Put the entire country on Alert, thus activating both domestic and military forces, and especially on our national borders (all of them, including the oceans);
* Arrest all the known members (think the sealed indictments, to be unsealed in one fell swoop) of what is called the Deep State, including those citizens known to be associated with such traitors in the governmental institutions of the country;
* Arrest the troublemakers at the Virginia rally just as soon as they ‘unmask’ themselves;
* Arrest all the known members of the MS-13 gang, and any other potential troublemakers who are known to be in or associated with the likes of ISIS terrorist cells (which have been prepositioned, for a Tet-like Offensive);
* Interdict all the known lines of activity of the various gangs involved with the running of guns and drugs into the country (and child and adult sex trafficking), and those Americans, both politicians and others, known to be involved with them in their nefarious behavior;
* Open up sites where those Americans hooked on drugs can begin - cheaply - their process of getting clean (by more up-to-date measures than employing methadone); and speaking of the area of finances:
* Eliminate the interest-bearing and fiat-money monetary system, including the Federal Reserve as a whole and the international banking system tied to it;
* Install a monetary system with a precious-metals-backed currency to begin with, to evolve into a full electronic money system, under what is called the Quantum Financial System (QFS); this in association with a Global Currency Reset/Revaluation (GCR/RV), run by the Alliance, not the Illuminati;
* Introduce (known) free-energy devices, thus moving out of the Big Oil era (and into a state of Abundance);
* Introduce other aspects of technology that have been kept from The People for some time, by our erstwhile masters (EMs), like replicators and telepathy and teleportation and ‘Med beds’ and so forth and so on;
* and other measures signifying the end of one Era and the beginning of another.
As to, specifically, the touchy issue of illegal aliens.
To begin with, they need to leave, or be sent out of, the country. All of them. They are here illegally. The New Era wilt not tolerate the energy of corruption and outright criminality. And that includes the DACAs as well.
They are not ‘innocent’ just because they were brought here illegally as children. They - before their incarnation into this classroom for aspiring gods - chose to incarnate into that situation. As, clearly, a big test for them, when Truth came - comes - into play in The Process. And for their parents as well, who chose the dark path. Everybody in the family ’loses’ in such a situation. In order, presumably, to have the opportunity to earn big credits, in their consciousness-raising exercise, when they admit to it. Or are forced to. When they are caught out. By the application of Truth. And have to ‘face the music’. The consequences their actions.*
And the question of DACAs brings up the allied issue of what is called ‘anchor babies’. There, basically, is no such thing. That canard is based on a - deliberate - misinterpretation of a phrase in the 14th Amendment to the Constitution; which states: “Al persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside.” (Emphasis mine.) That qualification couldn’t be more clear. The amendment does not apply to anybody and everybody who happens to be in this country - like a tourist, or a diplomat - but who is still “subject to the jurisdiction” of their home country. Their child, even if born here, is still ‘subject to the jurisdiction’ of’ their parents’ home country - and is not a dual citizen.
How could people have gotten things so wrong???
The only answer that I can come up with, regarding this sort of thing, is so that we all would learn lessons big time.
And in time.
Before Time itself runs out. And we move on, out of the hologram, the illusion, of the 3D ‘reality’. As we take a step Up - in consciousness - the spiral stairway to
the heavens.
One consciousness-raising step at a time. Moving towards
* As do the governmental authorities, and specifically, members of the judicial branch, for allowing the families to believe in an untruth, and thus seduced them into an act of criminality.
There is plenty of guilt to go around, these days.
Until we move on.
Graduate from elementary school. And enter
the higher grades.
Of our education.
As aspiring gods.
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