Monday, 27 January 2020

A Lesson On The Constitution

from ’Trump Admin to Pro-Abortion Calif: You’ve Got 30 Days To Stop Abortion Violations’ - Carmine Sabia- January 25; posted January 26
(“President Donald Trump just dropped the hammer on California, a state that seems to think it can do whatever it wants to do, federal law be damned.
The Golden State has been flouting the law by requiring private insurers to cover the cost of abortion, the president said. And he is threatening to withhold federal funding to the state if it does not stop…”
(I am OliveRaindrop)

Frank2018  Leader  1d

This is a simple and clear fact: Every state when it joins the United States accepts, adopts and submits, to the United States Constitution and particularly Article 6 Clause 2, The Supremacy Clause, which says, "[Federal law] shall be the supreme law of the land; and the judges of every state shall be bound thereby, any thing in the constitution or laws of any state to the contrary notwithstanding." Why is the law not being enforced NOW?
  • GoldButterfly
  • 4h

    I guess you could debate the Constitution or even state's rights but no one doesn't agree, heavily, in their body of law, i.e the laws that are on the books in their individual states, that the right to life is one of the PRIMARY standards in a state ruled by law. Killing someone, murder, in every country in the world, as so defined, is illegal. Most punish it with long prison terms or death. Does that tell anyone anything? It's not a parking ticket.

  • mondo_cane
  • 1d

  • Because too many people interpret the tenth amendment wrong by difference of opinions or ignorance of what it can potentially mean. In it's most liberal interpretation, it's extremely wide and all inclusive.
    1 Like

  • Frank2018
  • 1d

    Yours may be as good an explanation as any. The problem I see is that the question remains for the time being, until the Supreme Court addresses it, whether the 10th Amendment nullified the Supremacy Clause. I don't think it did. Read the exact language of the 10th and see what you think. There cannot be 51 different laws in the United States, with 50 of them overriding federal law.

  • OliveRaindrop
  • Now (Jan. 27)

    A clearer read of the matter: The Constitution establishes a federal government of LIMITED and DELEGATED powers - "few and defined," in the rather authoritative words of the man well called the Father of the Constitution, James Madison.  Thus, the Tenth Amendment was simply underscoring that fact, to emphasize it.

But hey - under the New Dispensation of Time, we will now move under new, higher Law, anyway.

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