I spent the major part of my adult life living in an international spiritual community in the north of Scotland called Findhorn. Or, to be more precise, the Findhorn Foundation; to distinguish it from the nearby fishing village of Findhorn, from which the community got its name, from its having begun in the Findhorn Bay Caravan Park. Or, to be even more precise, in a former four-star hotel in the further nearby ‘royal burgh’ of Forres, called the Cluny Hill Hotel. Which is all another story. But I mention this, to clarify that this particular blog is about my time spent living in that former hotel, which, under our auspices, became the Cluny Hill College, the major educational arm of the Findhorn Foundation Community.
I came across information about the Findhorn Foundation in1975 (it began in the ’60s, with a slow increase in its membership until a decided jump in the early ’70s; all another story as well), just after it took a chance and bought the former hotel - at, conveniently, a rock-bottom price - in anticipation of its further growth, and need for both accommodation space - for members and guests - and workshop space.(1) Which proved to be, if not prescient, at least prudent. For that, indeed, was what happened, from then on.
But back to my specific tale, here. All of this as Foreword to my time in said community (which covered some 30 years of my adult life, with a couple of intervals in between), which was spent mostly at said College; first in the Maintenance Department, and then in the community’s Education Department, serving in various capacities along that specific line of its endeavors. Somewhere, earlier on in my ‘career’ at said community, and perhaps triggered by my time in its Maintenance Department, I noticed a particular lack of ‘good’ use of space in the building. As a former 4-star hotel, it had a space in the Ladies' restroom for them to hang up their coats before going on into the stalls space, with a counter there, presumably for an attendant to assist them with their coats and for security thereof. In our use of the building, and that specific space, that was a misuse of it, to my mind. For one thing, there were coat hooks in the hallway just along from the Ladies. And for another, I just sensed that we could put that space to better use; and, as I recall, I mentioned it at one our Maintenance Department daily get-togethers before we headed out into the building on our various jobs, to keep it, well, maintained. I forget the consequent details, but one thing led to another - including my moving on from that department into the Education Department, and some time spent living at the other, original site of the community, before leaving it altogether for a time back in my home country - and the day came when I returned to the community, and life at the College itself, and found that the Maintenance Department had picked up on that idea and was converting said ‘unused’ space to office use. (Which, not so incidentally, also led me to using it in that capacity in my time in the community later on as, then, head of the Education Department.)
Now, I am not saying that my particular planting of that seed earlier on was the precise cause of its flowering. It was, after all, a logical ‘thought’. But I find it interesting; especially in looking back at my time in the community - and in the College itself; which, as I am indicating herein, was my specific home for a large part of my adult life - and realizing that there was another, similar instance, of my thought becoming reality.
That had to do with a similar space in the Gents, just down the (Main) hall from the Ladies. When one entered, there was a small, cubicle-sized space before moving on into the faucets and toilet spaces proper. It was smaller than the space leading into the Ladies, but still, going to waste; and I mentioned this at one point to one of the managing staff, shortly before leaving the community for some years spent living Down Under in Australia, and when I came back, to and behold, that space had turned out to be used for a couple of phone cubicles, accessed from the Hall side. Now again, I am not saying etc. But it has all put me to mind of another - and major - instance in my life, when I ‘put something out there,’ and it has come to fruition. That had, and has, to do with the subject of money.
What is money, properly speaking? Answer: Simply a medium of exchange. A convenient medium of exchange. From cows, or whatever animals, to coins made of precious metals. To - in our day - pieces of paper, with a ‘promise to pay’ written on them. At first, a ‘promise to pay’ in a certain amount of either silver or gold. But then, after a period of (all-unsuspecting) time, a ‘promise to pay’
in nothing but itself.
What is called fiat money.
But I am getting ahead of myself, in telling this particular story. For me, the question of ‘What is money’ came up many years ago - in 1961, as a matter of specific fact - when, in riding the bus to work one fine morning in Southern California, it just hit me.
The reason for all our aches and ills on the planet was
the use of interest-bearing money.
Whereby ‘wealth’ was being created
our of thin air.
And the love of money had taken over.
At least in the Western world.
But other peoples didn’t, and don’t, use usury, as ‘a way of life’.(2)
They had, and have, something else going for them.
In a word:
And a particularly strong sense thereof.
I don’t want to go, here, into the whole subject of ‘utopian communities’ in the early days of the American experiment in self-government. I just want, herein, to stick with the basics. Of what is money. So. In the absence of Abundance, ‘money’ is a way of parceling out the absence of Abundance. But put even simpler: ‘Money’ is a way of acknowledging the value of something to someone. Either of, er, ‘goods’ or a service. And you do not have to add the concept of ‘interest’ onto the top of that basic value. Meaning, to use another word involved here, the idea of ‘making a profit’ - on ‘the deal’.
All of which brings in lower dimensional feelings and thinking. To do things out of the promise of - and desire for - a ‘profit’.
But, as the (so-called) Bible says, something to the effect that ‘What does it profit a man to gain the whole world, and lose his soul’ in the process.
I say ‘so-called,’ because I don’t want either Christianity or Judaism to cloud this story, to cloud what I am fundamentally getting to herein. Which is to recognize that ‘life’ as we know it - this three-dimensional, physical universe - is but part of a larger whole. And what could be called Whole. Bringing a spiritual component into the matter. Because, once it is recognized that our ‘life’ is but part of a larger whole
that means, in itself, that life has meaning, beyond just in and for itself only.
And I realized, on that early morning bus ride to work that fine day, that that was what we needed to get to.
That stage, and state, of awareness, and consciousness.
And ‘money’ -
our current concept of it -
was standing in the way of that awareness, and consciousness.
Had become ‘the purpose of life’. At least in the Western world. To say:
To make money.
Rather than to make community. Common unity.
As the children - incarnate souls - of a Grand Being.
Recognizing each other as that.
Rather than as competitors. In a world of Lack. Thereby giving us some educational experiences.
In order to grow therefrom.
Into our full potential.
As apprentice gods.
Aspiring gods.
Chips off the old block.
Some of whom (in any given incarnation) succumb to the Dark side of things. Meaning: the lack, to varying degrees, of the full Light. In order to give us - individually and collectively - those educational experiences. Including seeing what can happen, when one lives one’s ‘life’ without regard to its fuller Purpose.
And so, we need to cut those sorts of incarnate souls some slack. Now. In the way of Forgiveness. As we head for
Now, homeward bound. On the Pilgrim’s Path. Now that we are approaching, and are partly into, a stage of our physical life wherein we have learned to work with the very energy of the creation (called plasma). And can manifest our Needs from that source. And so can live in a stage, and state, of Abundance.
Which includes the state of abundance
of Awareness
of Who We Are, really.
At which point in our education,
The Play is over. And - as - it’s time for
The Real Thing.
The first rung on the stairway to the heavens.
This physical realm having been a facsimile of the real thing.
As a classroom is.
P.S. What did I do with/about my aha! moment? I started making arrangements for a trip across the country, “to see the President and draw to his attention that the way to rid ourselves of all our aches and evils is to do away with money,” as I put it in a Letter to the Editor that I dropped off at newspaper offices along My Way. And then quit my job, to do just that. And thus headed off into the unknown of the rest of my Journey in this 3D realm.
Which, in the event, didn’t allow me to do the specific point of it. But at least I did the basic point of it. Which was to make a suggestion. And see how others picked up on it.
As with my suggestions at the international spiritual community where I ended up spending the major part of my adult life.
And have been gratified to see how others have ‘picked up’ on the idea in such as a) LETS systems - for Local Energy Trading Schemes (or synonyms thereof) - and b) the idea of a cashless society. Which has originated on the Dark side, by people who are looking to have Power Over Others (or POO for short). But which basically is a good idea. In engaging in an energy exchange - recorded as credits and debits - between us apprentice gods via the use of quantum computership. Currently being called the Quantum Financial System (QFS). As part of a Global Currency Reset/Revaluation (GCR/RV). Which can lead to a Golden Age.
If enough us wake up to that -
our -
In that direction as well.
(1) The community was primarily about educating people to the need for greater awareness of our need to be better custodians of the planet, in relation to a spiritually-oriented New Age. Early on it became a Non-profit Educational Trust, with a Trust Deed identifying itself as ‘a spiritual community with a particular emphasis on living in harmony with Nature,’ or some sort of allied wording, as to its mission. With a Mission Statement itself of something like ‘to engage in Personal and Planetary Transformation’ - the main theme of the community.
(2) Some people think - have been made to think - that ‘usury’ means ‘excessive use of interest’. But it actually means, simply, the use of the concept of ‘interest’. Either simple interest. Or compound interest.
Or whatever you can get away with. When you start going down that enticing road.
Enticing. As in leading one astray.
But to continue.
P.S. Just took the family dog out for a fairly regular afternoon walk for the both of us, on a rather cloudy day, after a snowfall overnight, and noticed some patches of sky, and one thing in particular about ’it’: that one section of it, fairly overhead, was a bright and deep blue, but over to the east, just beyond a big cloud, was a section of the sky that was a different blue, a lighter one. I found it quite interesting, in such close juxtaposition to one another. And while gazing up at said sky, I found myself thinking of ‘reports’ that we get messages from our Sun. From the sunshine itself.
That we are being programmed.
In a way - to say: beyond the way of various of our potential EMs - that we can trust.
From coming, er, from
on high.
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