Reading a little in my Christmas gift of Eckhart Tolle’s ‘A New Earth: Awakening to Your Life’s Purpose,’ and speaking of The Real Thing, as I was at the end of my last blog: a thought, on reflection:
The Ego is not the Self. The Ego is a projection of the Self into matter, for lesson learning, conveyed back to the Self, in lifetimes in matter, until the Self graduates from needing any more lessons on the 3D level - in the 3D classroom - and moves on, and up the spiral airway to the heavens. Of which there are, apparently, 12, or 13, before Unity, and each has sub-levels as well. Again, I say ‘apparently’. I don’t know any of this for a fact. My current Ego is in the way of my direct apprehension of
The Process. I am just reporting what others, in incarnation and via channeling, have reported, that rings a bit of a bell to me. Al I do know for a fact now is that I as an Ego am feeling that
it is time
for a Change.
A fundamental Change. Which I can address along the following line into
the New:
(said insidiously) ’It would be nicer if people were nicer to each other. Don’t you agree?’
Well, yes. But in your championing of laws against so-called ‘hate speech,’ for example, you would appear to be thinking like the Communist Party leaders in Red China, that people should be controlled to within an inch of their lives by the all-powerful State. And the United States of America was not created with that attitude in mind, and, in point of fact, pretty much the opposite mentality. So - buzz off. To Red China. Or some other totalitarian state. But leave the U.S. alone.
(more direct) ‘But you see - we can’t. The U.S. is standing in the way of our New World Order. So - it must go.’
And so you would go to the extent of releasing a bioweapon in this country, to rid it of its populace en masse, in order to preserve the resources for your takeover. And that strikes you as being oh-so pure and moral in your sweet attitude about ‘hate speech’?
(more outrightly malevolent) ‘You seem rather…irredeemable.’
Oh, I am ‘redeemable’ alright. Just not in and for your scheme of things. And you see: There is a further step in The Process that we are in, which incorporates elements of both, or all sides, of The Process. So, people will be ‘nicer to each other, in the true New Order of Things. Just not in the way that you would think to order it. By imperial command. In taking away people’s free moral agency, to make that decision for themselves. So - as I say…
(snarling) ‘You and your Way…It is not MY way!’
No. And that makes
all the difference.
(cocky) ‘Your Way needs Me! I demand Justice!’
Oh, you will get it. Perfect Justice. Because that is part of
The Way.
(smugly) ‘You are so sure of yourself. You just wait. People prefer MY way. They flock to MY way. You are just jealous!’
Um…well, let’s see what happens when they awaken to the likes of the so-called Galt technology. A game changer, that. Based on the Way that the universe works. Not on your feeble attempts at creation.
(total arrogance) ’It will never happen. My cohorts are too far in control of things on Earth. You have lost, and you just don’t know it.’
It seems me that that is the sort of thing that your side always says, in accusing the other side of what is true for themselves. In any event: We’ll see. And very. Very. Soon. Because
it’s time. To go
To say: Beyond the Ego. And into
our true
And it can’t happen soon enough. The latest scam that I have just come across:
Walk in the door of your doctor, have a check-up, pay your co-pay. And then get in the mail a bill for your ’co-insurance’. Wouldn’t that be, or at least be covered by, your co-pay? In a legitimate transaction. But you are being charged a double charge. Why? Because the scammers have figured out a way to make even more money than they already are, via the corrupt system of, er, ‘health care’ in this country.
Another way that people -
incarnate souls -
have been seduced into forgetting their true natures, and fallen victim to those Egos who have sold out to the world of Mammon.
This matrix - this elementary-school artificial reality - can’t end soon enough for me.
For my Ego. AND my Self.
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