Tuesday, 21 January 2020

For All The Marbles

The man of the house, where I am currently living, came into the kitchen this late morning, where I was sitting at the dinner table having my bowl of cereal, and, having quickly fixed something to eat for himself, sat down opposite me (in our customary sitting arrangement) and asked me if I had been following the Impeachment proceedings at all, and if so, what was my take on it.  I answered in the affirmative, and proceeded to launch into a brief exposition on the subject from my perspective, and asked him to give me his take on it after I had finished.  Mine went something like this (with nods or shakes of his head during it):

‘First of all, there is no crime, in the two charges.  The Ukraine president has even said that there was no ‘quid pro quo’ in the matter.  The Democrats just don’t like Trump, and are trying to draw this thing out - like the phony Russian Collusion charge - in order to try to weaken him before the elections.  And to deflect attention from the real Russian Collusion matter, involving Hillary.  

‘Now, there are two ways of looking at this Impeachment trial business.  On the one hand, the Senate could open it, and point out that the House has come up with no actual crime, and declare the matter moot, and get on with the Congress’s better business.  And on the other hand, the point would be to open that door and let it all out - including the stuff regarding Joe Biden and his son, and Nancy Pelosi and her son, and John Kerry and his stepson, and so forth.  And including Hillary and her emails - that whole terrible business.  Are you aware of the Seth Rich thing?’ (A nod.)  And so a huge amount of important stuff could come out, if this thing gets opened up.

‘And that includes how the Good Guys - the White Hats - are apparently right on top of a whole lot of information, that would be a game changer.  As Q-Anon has been saying - are you aware of the ‘Q’ thing?’  (A shake.)  ‘’Q’ is the online name of a person, or persons, who have proven to be very close to Trump, and who has been dropping clues that appear to be headed for a major release of information that will turn this whole business of the attempted takedown of the American republic on its head.  You know, the ‘fundamental transformation of the United States’ that Barack Obama called for.  And worked towards during his time in the office.  When for example he fired some huge number of military officers - I think it was around 245, or something like that - who he could not trust would go along with the New World Order thing, and put his own people in those positions.  Which means that we can’t trust a whole lot of the officer level of the military.  But a lot of whom we can, and who have been working for the presidency of Trump, because they know what’s going on..  Which brings up the whole ‘Q’ thing.

‘Which is a very interesting subject.  Including a remarkable story, involving JFK Junior.  Have you heard of that angle?’  (A shake.)  ‘People on the Internet have been sleuthing out some indications that JFK Junior faked his death in that plane crash, and of his wife, and of her sister - the sister along to keep his wife company white they disappeared underground - because he was going to run for the Senate for the same seat that Hillary was going to run for, to keep her political aspirations alive, and he received word that he could likely be taken out, and faked his death in order to keep alive.  And has been involved ever since, with elements of the U.S.military, to attempt to counter the workings of the New World Order crowd, who assassinated his father.  

‘The clues are that other sleuths on the Internet have come up with rather solid info that he - along with his wife, and her sister - have been behind Trump in some of his campaign appearances.  In various disguises, but well-matched with pictures of them.  The point being that JFK Junior has been working with Trump, and with elements of the U.S. military - especially the Marines - to counter the best-laid plans of the Illuminati, and take back the country from their control.

‘Which has been a long time thing coming.  This goes way back.  The Council on Foreign Relations.  The 1917 Revolution in Russia - the Bolsheviks.  That’s the sort of crowd that we are up against.  And so, they have been hankering after that sort of control over the rest of us for a very long time.  But the Alliance - another name for the Good Guys - have been able to utilize technology to keep tabs on them, from the likes of the NSA.  Our intelligence agencies are not supposed to have that sort of spying access to us in this country, but they are using the cover of the likes of the Patriot Act, and the NDAA, to keep tabs on the Bad Guys, and apparently have the goods on them.  Which is apparently what ‘Q’ has been alluding to, when he says that Big Things are about to come out. 

‘And this includes, apparently, their access to what is called ’Stargates’.(1)  And timelines.  Whereby we can travel into the future.  And they can attempt to help us take the highest timeline, that leads to the Light, and avoid any other timeline that might lead us to the Darkside’s takeover of the planet, in their New World Order, like the Red Chinese government ruling over Red China with an iron fist.

‘With things coming perilously close to a dangerous head now.  These people have been planning for a very long time for this sort of power over us, and they aren’t going to give up their agenda easily.  Have you heard about the missing nukes?’  (A shake.)  ’There are two nukes missing from our arsenal.  The plan could be to nuke Washington, D.C., in order to take out Trump, as ‘collateral damage’ - and blame it on the Russians - and then the Continuity of Government in Colorado, to take out Pence.  And that leaves Nancy Pelosi in charge.  Who could then appoint Hillary as her Vice President.  And then resign in favor of Hillary.

‘Things could escalate to these sorts of levels.  And I spend time every evening trying to send out love and light, that we take the highest road possible out of this situation that we are in.’

The man of this house. Who spends his leisure time watching football and basketball and Dateline on the telly.  Replied.  In one word:


“Now.  Your take on things.”

He got up to rinse his bowl and put it in the dishwasher, and I listened closely for his response, as I am getting a little hard of hearing in these, my twilight years, and he had just moved further away.  He murmured - being a soft-spoken man by his nature - something about “corruption”.  I asked him to repeat his comment.  He replied: “I said, that the Democrat Party has become very corrupt.”

I responded quickly: “Indeed.  And that is a tragedy, that it has been taken over by its far Left wing.  A two-party system is a good system to have.  That way they work things out between each other.”

He nodded, and started out of the room, mentioning that he needed to get back to his work.  He has a room upstairs acting as his office, where he can concentrate on his "work" without being interrupted by all the comings and goings that go on in the house (consisting of two teenagers, and assorted other children, and a dog).  He deals in giving people advice as to how to get out of debt.  I wondered what he - and as a very committed Christian as well - was thinking about my spiel, specifically as to how we needed to get out of debt to our EMs.  And regretted that I may have overegged my comment a bit, about spending time every night ’sending out love and light’ to our situation; that I give thought daily (or, more precisely, in the nighttime, before drifting off) to such sentiments as ‘May the Highest be served.'  I, actually, don’t do it ‘religiously’ every night.  Although with the way things are going these days, I have become more ‘religious’ about it.

With others of my ‘favorite’ invocations being:

‘I desire earnestly only to do/What Thou wouldst have me do/That my will and Thine/Might become fused into One.’

‘Help me do what is right/Seek it out, like the Light/And be spotless in Thy sight.’

‘Help me help Man help himself.’

And I sat on there for a moment, thinking as to how the NWO crowd had so many things right, just in a reverse image of The Real Thing.  How it actually was time to leave things like a two-party system - acting as checks and balances against one another, in our elementary-school years - behind.

For the establishment, now, of 

the kingdom of heaven.

Or ‘a’ such kingdom.  As I have said in these pages.  In reference to a hierarchy of such kingdoms, or realms.  As we approach liftoff into the next, higher, level of ‘reality.’  True reality, at that point, in our evolution of consciousness.  Known as


And involving the Earth as well. 

For, we are all

multidimensional beings.

And now, on this Earth,

coming into our maturity.  In recognition of that fact.

And living our lives by that awareness.

* I am ‘cheating’ here a little, in this telling of my conversation, because I couldn’t think at the time of the name of the technology, and used such attempted synonyms as ‘dark holes, or black holes’.


P.S. A friend has sent me a link today to the NYT’s Editorial Board opinion article leading them to back two candidates for the Democrat Party nomination against Pres. Trump.  My response:

What a mix on the part of the NYT Editorial Board of good thinking and terrible newspeak.  But it's all grist for the mill.  And anyway, none them are looking at the crucial key to the whole issue:

‘money, and the very structure of the monetary system.  We have been hoodwinked.  Time to take off the blinders.



As I say: Major change.

For all the marbles, this


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