The other day I found myself almost involuntarily muttering to my niece, or at least in her presence: “I am losing patience with all the corruption in the country, and the world.” I can’t remember now if it was occasioned by something that we had been talking about. But the gist of the matter is that I want to wring all the corruption out of the picture. So that I can feel at home here. And so that all these, my fellow incarnate souls - inmates, in a way - can, if they so choose, move exponentially forward on
The Path.
Here, briefly - shorn of any fine detail - is my thinking on the subject.
The excesses of the joint ‘thesis’ of capitalism and Christianity - the basic hallmarks of Western civilization, with an emphasis on the individual (and his supposed ’salvation,’ or at least, predominance) - have generated the ‘antithesis’ of communism and atheism, but with the added ingredient of outright Satanism; all of which interaction has now generated the crowning ’synthesis’ to the Process:
the spirit of cooperation within ‘the kingdom of heaven’ - a social and moral construct, ‘state,’ Order dedicated to, and in alignment with, the Will of our Creator Source:
The One.
Becoming at-One with which has been the whole Purpose of
The Process.
Or something very like that.
And people really need to understand that Christianity itself indeed needs to go. For, it is built on Error. On political circumstances of ‘the day’ of its creation. Which I have referred to in these pages before, so will not bother to go into those details here. But just to point out an effect of that Error:
the current ‘take’ on the LGBTQ+ phenomenon. As the John Birch Society’s biweekly magazine The New American points out in its current issue - in an article entitled ‘Good Public-School Teachers Under Siege’ - Christians look on homosexuality (and its spinoffs) as, literally, “evil”. Because ‘the Bible tells them so’.(1) But there are environmental causes of said condition(s).(2) And we do ourselves a great disservice - in our classroom of Life; this matrix, this hologram - if we fail to recognize that, and thus fall to deal with the matter on its causal level, rather than ‘choosing’ to deal with it simply on its effects level.
See how it all works?? We are given exercises in Life. To see how we deal with them; what degree of consciousness we choose to deal with them from, and by.
And I could go on.
But you get the idea.
Don’t you??
Tell me -
at least by this time -
that you do.
And having said all that, let me close with an apparent sort of non sequitur, but from the point of view of taking value from wherever value resides: a quote from that suspect source, The Bible. To wit:
Without a vision, the people perish.
And you can take that bit of advice to the bank.
And only so to speak, ironically. Of things to come
to pass.
(1) Including the Old Testament. So, this is an entire Judeo-Christian ’thing’. Which is generating reaction to it.
As part of said Process.
(2) And very possibly other causal factors as well, related to (the Law of) karma. But to continue, in this brief dissertation on this general subject.
P.S. And in all this, not to overlook the likes of the SPLC labeling of ‘potential domestic terrorists’ — i.e., conservatives, constitutionalists, 2nd Amendment supporters, Ron Paul supporters, Christians. It certainly gives the game away. Doesn’t it??
And how about all these so-called ‘Red Flag Laws' - whereby ’family, friends, and neighbors’ can have guns taken away from people simply on the basis of their say-so. Pretty convenient.
When that is your object.
One fine day we will have a true New Day on this planet.
Not just another Der Tag.
P.P.S. Former President Ronald Reagan: America is “the last bastion of freedom on this planet”.
Indeed, Ron. Indeed. It was true then. It is all the more true now.
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