Not to intrude on your private lives too much, Americans, but you appear to be unaware of a few things that will intrude on them far more than a gentle word of warning. This has to do with how the New World Order crowd are coming after you - with a vengeance, and a short timeline.
Let’s take three items in particular, for this take on such matters: a) 5G; b) Ebola; and c) the USMCA.
First: 5G. On its surface, 5G appears both innocuous and inevitable. As to the latter category: We’ve had 1, 2, 3 and 4G roll out, as the technology developed - why not 5G? And even The New American magazine, product of the John Birch Society, who are, usually, right there at the front of the warnings to the American people about the takeover of their country going on from the New World Order crowd, has been surprisingly languid about The Potential & the Risks’ of 5G, as expressed vary recently in a cover article on the subject in their December 9 issue. After the author cites only one study into the safety of the matter, the article finishes, rather lamely:
“Whether 5G will be as fundamental to the next technological revolution as the steam engine was to the Industrial Revolution is yet to be revealed. But it is, without question, one of the core technologies that will form the foundation of the next step in our civilization’s further technological advancement.” And it had set this conclusion up with its favorable comments about 4G, which glossed over the full story on that stage, as regards its safety.(1)
My point: We have been warned about the dangers of 5G through the even less impact on our bodies of 4G (an impact covered up to an atrocious extent by both the NWO crowd - who want Big Tech control over We, the Serfs - and the industry, made shortsighted by their lust for profits). Time to wake up, and stop taking the MSM’s word on such things. Even as we need to stop taking its word on the socio-political issues of the day. Massively controlled by our Erstwhile Masters as it is.
Next: Ebola. Our EMs have long been engaged in developing bioweapons against We, the Cattle. To that end, they have employed vaccines as a vector. Now what has been developed is a two-stage operation on us: a strain, or strains, of the Ebola virus, to which the CDC has a patent (as tried out in Africa), and a vaccine against it, or them, to be used against us as such a bioweapon. The, er, beauty of this particular operation for our enslavement is that the Ebola virus has been made, not just infectious by one-to-one exchange of bodily fluids, but airborne.
As in, sneezes.
And further, as in infected persons being deliberately sent into concentrated areas of humans in the U.S. (take, for example, Los Angeles),(2) in order to spread the virus more easily and quickly, before it can be stopped. By appropriate precautionary measures. And by, er, a vaccine. Happily right at hand.
Happily. For our EMs.
Next: the USMCA. To give credit where credit is due, I am happy to report that TNA - with its parent organization, the John Birch Society - is right on top of this measure, of sovereignty destruction (See their material on the subject.) Succinctly: the USMCA trade agreement is hardly much of an improvement on the old proposed TPP, or the in-place NAFTA, trade agreements, both of which sacrifice U.S. sovereignty to unelected bodies of ‘authorities'.(3) The purpose? The installation of our EM’s totalitarian New World Order.
Which process is part of a larger Process.
To bring in the kingdom of heaven.
Another subject for another time.
But soon.
Very. Soon.
P.S. A word of particular concern at this point. It would appear, from various indications, that President Trump is well aware of all these factors. And yet he seems to be supporting them, if only by his inaction to suppress them. Perhaps he, and what are called the White Hats, are waiting, for as many of the Deep State actors as possible to unmask themselves, in pushing for these sorts of actions. If so, I would caution him, that inaction on these fronts could get out of hand. Including our EMs deciding, in their last-straw desperation, to take him out. And/or the country itself, via such as an EMP attack.
An outcome - either way - to be avoided. The country should cease to exist only when it is In Perfect Timing for it to. Not when our EMs decide.
And the same for the soul who has incarnated as Donald Trump, to help this country, in its hour of great need.
(1) Alarmingly, no concern was expressed about its EMFs, even though there is considerable evidence available as to serious safety factors involving even that level of EMF radiation.
For those who don’t know that much about the John Birch Society: They are very anti-communist (sort of on the one hand) and anti-globalist (sort of on the other). But they are very supportive of American free enterprise. To a fault, as far as I am concerned. Case in point.
(2) As part of a larger resettlement campaign, as organized by our EMs, to place ‘refugees’ from war-torn countries - torn on purpose, for just such an outcome - throughout this country. For the consequent breakdown of the prevailing culture. (Which is standing in the way of our EM’s desire to create a culture more amenable to their interests. Like pedophilia.) And for the collapse of the country economically. (See the Cloward-Piven Strategy, of takeover by bankruptcy, and social collapse, via a welfare state.) And for the seeding into the very heart of the country of ‘Tet-like offensive’ terrorists, and MS-13 gang members specifically as assassins.
Thus confirming Abraham Lincoln’s statement that the only way that the United States could ever be taken over would be from within. That is, by “suicide”. Or by a stealth invasion.
(3) See, e.g.., TNA’s article ‘CFR: More Migration, Bigger Welfare State’ in its current/January 6 issue:
“As readers of this magazine know well, though, when the [Council on Foreign Relations] advocates ‘trade’ it is generally referring not to genuine free trade, but to sovereignty-shredding ‘free trade’ agreements that strip nations and peoples of the right to govern themselves. Mass migration, meanwhile, also helps smash national identities, culture, and, eventually, the nation-state itself, as Europe is learning the hard way right now.”
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