In my last blog I referred to having retired some years go in my old home town of Long Beach, California, and spending time there down at the beach. Dr. Mike Adams, at his Newstargetdotcom site - which has been under attack, by, considering the nature of his postings there, the NWO crowd - has come out with some important information regarding a) the novel coronavirus now circulating in the U.S., in relation to b) our ‘modern’ public farming - aka 'sanitation' - techniques regarding what is called biosludge.
What am I talking about.
I am talking about, specifically, the West Coast of the United States. Where a number of the major cities - under the control of the Democrats - have turned a blind eye to public sanitation, whereby the civic authorities are allowing the homeless to use the city streets as a toilet. Whereupon that urine and feces gets washed away into the storm drains. Whereupon it gets deposited into -
that’s right:
the ocean.
What could go wrong with this scenario?
That which is happening. Before our very, still fairly blind, eyes.
Viruses - like the current (curious) coronavirus; now known to have been carried into the U.S. from its (curious) source in a part of Red China, and now causing a major crisis there, looking to become a pandemic, with consequent lockdown of many cities - are carried in liquid waste. Like urine and feces.
The coronavirus is all up and down the West Coast. In the water. And on the beaches.
And in the people who visit those sites.
And as if that weren’t bad enough of a scenario: consider my point ‘b’ above.
How many people know that the U.S. has been practicing a novel form of ‘conservation’ called biosludge. Whereby our human waste, in our sewage treatment facilities, is converted, via a dehydration process - and note, I didn’t say ‘along with a disinfecting process’ - into a soggy solid, which is then given -
not even sold -
to farmers, to use on their fields.(1) Thus causing infectious diseases to contaminate our food supply.
Like the current coronavirus. Which has all the indications of having been created in a lab. To say: a bioweapon. And many times more virulent than any similar strain in nature.
And as if all this weren’t enough. It turns out that farmers - like those in the Fruit And Veggie Basket of the U.S., i.e., in the Central Valley of California - use, as their irrigation water on their fields,
reclaimed water from, er,
Our Erstwhile Masters having thought of almost everything. To do a huge number of us in.
The better to control us by, my dears.
With the rest of us Deplorables to be corralled into FEMA camps. (It’s ‘the virus,’ you see. It’s for your own protection; and that of others. You do see that, don’t you??) And there to be stripped of our usable organs. Before being done away with.
Like, say,
With the idea of being carnivorous - of humans - being seeded into the populace. As we speak.
And all of this in conjunction with the Dems’ policy of open borders. And Sanctuary cities and states. So that the nation is as vulnerable to pandemics as possible.
And in conjunction with the Marxists demonizing the ‘class’ (via their favorite MO, for Divide and Conquer, of ‘class warfare’) of ‘white supremacists’. Or even just ‘white nationalists’.(2) So that the black Americans, and Hispanic Americans (as many of both ‘classes’ as possible), will join in on the taking down of the established order in the soon-to-be former United States of America…
…while they spin out the time to bring this about by attempting to string out the (fake) Impeachment proceedings……
Clever, these, our EMs.
Just not clever enough. For not having realized -
accepted -
that there is a larger reality than just this material one.
And things can get passed through the various realities.
Kind of like - oh, say -
P.S. I see where Mike Adams has now informed the public of “(t)he now-legal practice in Washington State of liquefying dead human bodies and flushing them into the municipal sewage system, where they become biosludge to be spread on crops.” Washington State. Now let’s see…where was that Ground Zero case of the coronavirus found in the U.S.?
One guess.
(Follow Mike Adams at Natural News/Brighteondotcom, and/or Dave Hodges at The Common Sense Show, for ongoing info regarding all this, er, sludge.)
P.P.S. You may well be asking, What is the answer to all this, er, crap going on these days?
Answer: A new monetary system. Based, not on making a profit - i.e., the 'individual' way. Nor on a Big State wielding a Big Stick - i.e., the 'collective' way. But on the Way of both, working in harmony. And with abundance, now. That we have come to -
not actually a 'Perfect Storm'. But
a Turning Point. Into
The New. Which is to say: The -
a -
kingdom of heaven.
A crowning achievement of Homo sapiens.
At long last.
With just a short ways to get there, now, in front of us. Depending on
our recognition of that fact.
For both sides of The Process to come out of their deep sleep, and look around, and say:
'Oh. I see.'
No longer to be at sea. Subject to the likes of
The Perfect Storm.
P.P.S. You may well be asking, What is the answer to all this, er, crap going on these days?
Answer: A new monetary system. Based, not on making a profit - i.e., the 'individual' way. Nor on a Big State wielding a Big Stick - i.e., the 'collective' way. But on the Way of both, working in harmony. And with abundance, now. That we have come to -
not actually a 'Perfect Storm'. But
a Turning Point. Into
The New. Which is to say: The -
a -
kingdom of heaven.
A crowning achievement of Homo sapiens.
At long last.
With just a short ways to get there, now, in front of us. Depending on
our recognition of that fact.
For both sides of The Process to come out of their deep sleep, and look around, and say:
'Oh. I see.'
No longer to be at sea. Subject to the likes of
The Perfect Storm.
(1) It is also spread on the likes of city parks. As a fertilizer.
And as a human danger.
(2) And ‘conservatives’. And ‘constitutionalists’. And (even still) ‘Ron Paul supporters’. And the like. As marked down by the likes of the SPLC - as ‘potential domestic terrorists’ - for incarceration. Or worse.
Whatever It Takes. To satisfy our EMs.
Who have been hankering after this day for a good long while.
And wile.
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