Tuesday, 14 January 2020

My Day

Building on my last blog:

My niece has a habit of periodically asking us at the dinner table to share one positive thing that happened to us in our day.  I usually have to dig for a contribution to that cause.  My day consists mostly of reading  - in books and magazines, and online, and in my daily mail (the latter category of which is basically al requests for donations to various worthy causes; but informational material nevertheless) - and there is not a lot of ‘positive’ things going on in that vein, to make my day.  I read, and follow, things about, roughly speaking, ‘the state of the world.’ and it is not in a very good state right now.  But - as with most things  - that is subject to change.  In the meantime, the best that I can come up with, in said family sharing time, is some positive thing that happened during my fairly regular afternoon walk with the family dog.  That might consist of his successfully ‘taking care of his business,’ as I used as my sharing contribution on the subject about a week ago, or, as I shared last evening, how he wanted to go on a different walk that afternoon, and how I took it as a positive thing that I wasn’t so caught up in habitual activity that I couldn’t break the mold and go along with something new.

But herein I don’t want to dwell on the perhaps rather bleak news, and feeling, that the highlight of my life these days is when the dog successfully does his business on my (usually) daily walk with him.  I feel that I would like to share - to pass the time, if for no other reason, until Breakthrough happens - what My Day consists of.  First, I don’t get up until around 9:30am, because, well, because I don’t have to get up any earlier than that; and any later and I would feel like a sluggard.  After my morning pee and shower, and comb of my rapidly disappearing hair (I think it’s the water, which is fluoridated; but I have no evidence for that suspicion), I eat breakfast, and then, after brushing my teeth and trimming my beard, I am ready for My Day.

Which consists, first, of reading.  Usually in one of my many books that I have still not completely read (I can tell that by the underlying that I engage in habitually and voluminously, or, rather, by the lack thereof), or in either The New American biweekly magazine or the other publication that I subscribe to, the monthly magazine of World Net Daily called Whistleblower.  Although the reading itself in those two latter sources is usually rather bleak - as I say - at least it keeps me abreast of What Is Going On in the country and the world, from a ‘conservative,’ or as I prefer to think of it, anti-globalist/NWO, perspective.  Which is the main issue of our day.  Meaning, that attempt by the Dark side to ring in their totalitarian superstate, in thinking that it is the ultimate state for humanity to aspire to - with them in charge.(1)  But, in keeping with the intention of this particular bog - i.e., simply to share what My Day consists of - I will not dwell on that subject, and instead will share about one of the happy outcomes for my retirement life in the (quite large and well-kept) home of one of my nieces: that being a very comfy upholstered rocking chair in the corner of the (lovely) room that they arranged for me to live in.  Called the Peacock Room, for the large painting (by one of my niece’s daughters) over the headboard of the (very comfy) bed, the theme is picked up in said rocking chair, with the design of peacock tails adorning it.  And complete with chair-side table lamp, and surface there for a container of granola snack and a bowl for pistachio nuts, I am a happy camper, indeed.  On that level.

That reading session usually lasts me until around 3 pm, when it’s time to decide whether I want to take the dog out for a walk that day or not.  Living now in mountainous Utah, from my many years growing up in and, after the most of my adult life living out of the country, retiring in Southern California, I am back to living in harmony with the very clear seasons,(2) and some days these winter days can be, shall we say, not conducive to engaging in one’s outdoor daily exercise.  But in either event, around that time I leave behind my in situ reading, and go online.  First, I often go to my (many) emails and scroll through them, looking for tidbits that I might want to nibble on at that time.(3)  Then, depending on when the evening meal is, and in any event after 6pm MT/8pm ET, I go to the x22 report dot com site for ‘Dave’s’ daily offering (on both the economic and strictly political news); then to Dave Hodges’s The Common Sense Show for his daily (and very conservative, including very Cristian) offerings (which are numerous), and then back to my emails for a more comprehensive scan, which always includes a read of the daily offerings at Golden Age of Gaia.  Much of that menu is channeled material, and such material is, of course, always subject to an individual’s application of discernment, because it is always subject to ‘static’.  But I have found the material on that site, overall, very helpful, as reference outside of the normal box.(4)  That usually wraps up my check of my emails.  And last thing online, first I habitually check out intel dinar chronicles dot blogspot dot com, to see what the latest postings are regarding what is called the GCR/RV, for the Global Currency Rest/Revaluation;(5) and then I often close out my evening online and the day by checking out State Of The Nation dot co and james fetzer dot org.  Both of which are ‘voices’ outside of the MSM’s control.

Which we sorely need at this point in

The Process.

The Process of landing the kingdom of heaven on earth.  Because

it’s that time.


Or not.   

P.S. Somewhere in there I often pen a contribution to my blog site.  But it comes as it comes.
     As do positive things in my life.

P.P.S. And to conclude, speaking of My Day:
      Re the USMCA: “USMCA is NAFTA plus TPP plus a few tweaks.” - Richard Haas, President of the CFR.  This is the very ‘trade agreement’ that the New World Oder crowd want, and could hope for. 
      As Dave Hodges points out (in his article for Jan. 14 titled ‘USMCA Estabalishes [sic] a Corporate Dictatorship Which Will End America As We Know It’:  “The American Republic, under the USMCA will erase the power of the three branches of government and replace that power with a corporate dictatorship…Here is a summary of the implications of the USMCA :
     “ Take our sovereignty,
     “ Override our Constitution,
     * Circumvent our Congress,
     “ Take jurisdiction over our Courts
     “ Override our Property Rights with the UN’s Sustainable Development/Agenda 2030
     “ Establish a Single Energy Grid for Canada, Mexico and the US run by the UN
     “ Establish a Supranational Bureaucracy for all three countries
     “ Establish Open immigration among the 3 countries
     “ Climate Change regulations & taxes will be implemented
     “ ‘Gender identity’ and ‘gender related issues’ (aka LBGTQ) will be promoted
     “ Control our Customs Duties
     “ Effectively make us a member state of the globalists run North American Union
     “ And then there are the exceptions for each country (even more UN control of America)”
     Pres. Trump, to put the best spin on this matter possible, is being snookered by his advisors; just as he is regarding 5G.  
     He has done good work, to put a brake on the drive towards the NWO by our EMs, and thus was The Man of the Hour.  But now we need The Man of the Age. To see The Process through to its


(1) And operating under the ‘principle’ of Service to Self.  In a materialist’s pov.  Rather than Service to Others, in a spiritual content.  But to continue.

(2) Back, because my earliest years were spent in (the northern state of) Idaho, until we moved to So Cal at the end of my second grade in school.  When my mother told me that we wouldn’t be taking our sleds with us, where we were going.  What? my 8-year-old mind wondered.  A place where there were no seasons?  How could that be??  And what did they do about Christmas, and all that Jingle Bells stuff???  
   Life had mysteries to uncover… 

(3) This evening such an example was the weekly vlog by Patricia Cota-Robles (from eraofpeacedotorg).  As I emailed a friend - who is particularly into ‘spiritual’ things - after viewing it (titled ‘Transfiguring Our Earthly Bodies’): 
   “I went to one of Patricia’s annual get-togethers, in Hawaii, in 2012 or 2013.  I found it ‘uplifting,’ but wasn’t overly impressed with the feeling of the gathering.  But she has continued to do good work, and I found this particular vlog of hers vaiuable.  FYI.
   “Don’t know the Truth of her take on things.  But it helps us to open our minds to a/the larger reality, of which we are a part.  And then it’s over to us, to follow up.

(4) I take particular exception to the host’s ‘take’ on Barack Obama, since he faithfully believes one of his main channeler’s take on the man, as ‘a highly spiritual soul’ etc  etc.  As I have emailed said host (in words to the effect): The only way that that could be true - seeing as how he was ineligible for that particular federal office, and so was a Usurper in it; and while there, advanced the cause of the Dark side’s New World Order - would be if he had volunteered to help bring things on Earth to a head, by walking on the Dark side.
   We’ll see.
   And soon, I feel.
   Very.  Soon. 

(5) Which may or may not be a true thing.  But my feeing is that it is.  Because - true or not - we are headed for a new monetary system, emphasizing a/the gold standard first, and then moving away from a precious-metals backing of currency altogether, and on to a higher degree of such a system, emphasizing the role of Abundance in our lives.
   But to continue, here, for now.  

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