Monday, 20 January 2020

On Objects Of Scorn

High on the list:

* The near-monopolistic MSM; but now being joined by the near-monopolistic social media giants, engaging in such shoddy shenanigans as demonetization, shadow banning, numbers-falsifying, and search-outcome burials of what are simply conservative sites.  It is to the point now of an all-out assault, not just on conservative (and Christian) perspectives, but on Truth.  And as such, is reprehensible almost beyond words.  But I will use some here to call ‘them’ on their truth-annihilating behavior.

     And who is ‘them’.  Primarily, official and unofficial agents of the totalitarian New World Order; who wish to control The People - of the entire world - to within an inch of their lives, and thus treat them - us - like serfs to the almighty state.  And increasingly, to deprive them - us - of even our position, and capacity, of/as human beings, in their desire to have the likes merely of a species of robot - of obedient cattle, to service their almighty state.  In thinking of themselves as superior to the run-of-the-mill Homo sapiens.  

     And thus, about to have a great fall.  But to continue.

* Those who have ‘signed on’ to support our EMs in their mad ambition for total control over The Herd.  That category would include all those who use such demonizing words as ‘racist’ and ‘hater’ and ‘bigot’ in an attempt to discount the perspectives of people that don’t align with theirs.  Thus, Pres. Trump is labeled a ‘racist’ .  Why is he one?  Because he is attempting to do his duty, as the Chief Executive of the nation, to counter the flooding into the country of illegal aliens.(1)  Their presence here long planned for, in order to dilute the normal voting patterns in the country, in favor of our EMs; many of whom have moved the formerly legitimate Democrat Party terribly to the far Left.

     But that’s war for you.  As in how Saul Alinsky, in his ‘bible’ for such people - ‘Radicals;’ dedicated to ‘the very first radical, Lucifer’ - got such revolutionaries to think of The Other as, quote, ‘the common enemy’.  The Other being members of the status quo: the likes of conservatives, Constitutionalists, Christians, Ron Paul supporters, Second Amendment supporters,(2) Donald Trump supporters .  And just because many such Illegals are Hispanics with a Christian background doesn’t discount the idea of their being used to feather the nest of the far Left.  Being in the country illegally, because of the shenanigans of the Dems, makes them beholden to the Dems - their masters, then, as well.  

     And as for the ‘voting patterns’: All of this being the reason that the far Left fights so mightily against such commonsense voting measures as photo ID, and for such cynical voting measures as Early Voting, and a large use of (corrupt) Absentee Ballot voting, and the use of electronic voting machines; the latter of which ‘devices’ for corruption allow it in two ways: a) to be programmed, so that the outcome is not a true record of the vote (there’s that word ‘true’ again, as the bottom line to this whole subject); and b) to obviate the ability to have a paper trail for accurate recounting of the vote.

* Particularly the youth who have been brainwashed by the MSM to believe in man-made Climate Change - and the adults, including the sold-out scientists (relying on TPTB for their funding) who are making them believe in that canard.  The far Left (with the aid of puppetmasters on the very far Right) is trying to remove ‘wrongthink’ from YouTube, e.g., in the form of critics of the CC meme, which is so crucial, and in so many ways, to the takeover attempts going on to ring in the Brave New World of the NWO.

I could go on and on, of course, in this catalog of The Reprehensibles in our midst; who want to paint their common enemy as 'potential domestic terrorists,' and thus bring about their desired gun confiscation of the public.  But you get the idea.

And, hopefully, the desire to set things right.  In particular, in order for humanity to enter into a New Era.   Our elementary-school days over.  And the incarnate souls ready for their higher education.

And by ‘higher,’ I mean 

higher.  As part of

an Ascension process.  Into a higher realm.

And beyond.

For those who make

the grade.      


(1) And of MS-13 gang members, and members of the likes of ISIS terrorist cells, and drug and gun runners, and child and adult sex traffickers.  You know: Criminals, of various stripes.

(2) And I see how those Second Amendment supporters who showed up in Richmond today, in freezing temperatures, to demonstrate their support for the right to keep and bear arms in this country, have been smeared by the far Left as being the likes of ‘white supremacists’.  Um…the last time I looked, that Amendment applied across the board, in referring to all American citizens.  Subject to such considerations as not being criminals.  I’m not sure why ‘white supremacy’ is being referred to in this context.  Unless one’s mouth has been fixed in a certain way.  As in a robot.

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