Sunday, 26 January 2020

The Day That Innocence Died

Signs of the time:

* A college in the UK was going to host a “Conversation” about transgenderism that was not going to allow (at least) both sides of the matter to be heard, thus suppressing ‘gender-critical thought’.*
     Come on, folks.  Universities, of all places, should be he promoters of free speech and independent inquiry.  Not the limiters.  Or outright deniers.

And speaking of threats to free speech:

The Senate of the state of Virginia has now passed legislation attempting to outlaw criticism of public officials.  Oh, it’s couched in terms of ’harassment’ and such.  But its intent is obvious; and its reach inevitable.  And unforgivable; especially in the land of the free.

And speaking of those who would be our Erstwhile Masters: 

* 5G, and especially as combined with facial recognition and AI, will be - in the current paradigm - both profitable and politically exploitable.  And thus deadly to democracy.

* Failure to drug a child has become ‘medical neglect’ in the U.S..
     Big Pharma doing what they are great at doing.  With their bought-and-paid-for control of political representatives all throughout the states.  Also leading towards mandatory vaccinations.  Including roadblocks, if need be.

* A virus is killing deer, elk and moose in the U.S.  Precisely the animals in the wild providing a substantial food supply for patriots engaged in guerrilla warfare against takeover of the U.S. by the NWO crowd.  As practiced (it’s called beta testing) a few years ago, under Jade Helm 16. 

And speaking of viruses (and clean vaccines for the elite):

* Pneumonic plague (a variation of bubonic plague), Ebola, and ‘novel Coronavirus’ would appear to be a simultaneous, rapid-fire shot at the wipeout of us Deplorables.  As bioweapons aimed at us, after taking out a substantial portion of the, er, mouths that the Red Chinese authorities have to feed over there.
   But when we are largely taken out - or at least, weakened, before their all-out onslaught on us -  they can then move millions of the mouths that they have to feed into our nation - to say, rather, then, onto our land.  For there will be no more United States of America, then.  
   Only Americans - men, women, transgenders, and children - who didn’t wake up soon enough to save their country.  That’s ‘country’ . Figuratively.  And literally.

* The university, under pressure, recanted, and would, in the end, allow the issue to be fully aired.
   Would the same outcome happen in the U.S. these days?? 
   One wonders.  Seriously.
   The land of the free???

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