(Building on my last blog specifically wherein I referred to the subject of Transhumanism and robots…)
I am currently living in a household that contains a couple of high school youth. Eating breakfast yesterday - alone, as per usual, with everybody else in the house already having long since departed into their day - I got glancing through a class work document of one of them left on the dining table, which dealt with, roughly speaking, How To Be A Good Parent. It had some very good stuff in it, to my way of thinking; and was a bit of a relief for me, as to the sort of education that they were receiving, in this state, and at this time.
I have done a considerable amount of investigation into that (sore) subject over the years, and, without going into those details here, can report that it is ‘a (basic) worry’ for us in this country, with socialist (and worse) ideologues having been busy for a long time - and particularly since the advent of the former Soviet Union - in attempting to subvert our educational system(s) into becoming a springboard for their takeover of the country, and the merging of it into their totalitarian New World Order. Which subject was also brought to my attention this week via the current issue of The New American magazine, and an article in it entitled ‘CFR Pushes Central Planning (To Fuse Education With Economy)’.* Some excerpts:
“In a phone interview with THE NEW AMERICAN, CFR task force project director [to land in the country the results of its study called ‘The Work Ahead: Machines, Skills, and U.S. Leadership in the Twenty-First Century’] Ted Alden said the goal of the effort was to ‘make it a top national priority to prepare the American workforce for the changes that are coming [because of the growth of automation and technology].’...
“Alden argued that there is ‘probably a lot that needs to be fixed in K-12 education…We’re trying to build a practical bridge between education and the jobs of the future,’ he said. ‘General improvement in education is an urgent national need.’ And that is why many of the recommendations and outreach efforts [of the CFR] are directed at state and local officials, in addition to the federal government…”
Ah yes: the need to ‘fix’ the American education system(s). Create the problem, then offer the solution…As the article goes on to point out: “Today, the federal government’s own data reveal that American children are being dumbed-down at an unprecedented rate. More than two-thirds of eighth graders are not proficient in any core subject, according to the latest National Assessment of Educational Progress data…” (Emphasis in original) The article concludes this section, before going into “the various changes and recommendations that the CFR is peddling,” by summarizing:
“The CFR does want reform. But it would make the crisis in education even worse than it is now, completely severing ties to traditional liberal education while undermining freedom.” The reference to ‘traditional liberal education’ brings up the allied subject of what is and has long been called, and peddled as, Outcome Based Education,whereby our EMs have long sought to create various forms of robots, to say cogs in the wheels, ’educated’ to be workers in the almighty state’s system, and from the git-go; rather than having a basic ‘liberal’ education that an individual - a sovereign entity (as opposed to the state having all sovereignty) - can then build on, in their independent lives.
Not to say that the CFR gang doesn’t make valid-sounding points:
“In a phone interview with THE NEW AMERICAN, CFR task force member Chike Aguh, a former teacher…seemed well intentioned and highly intelligent while defending the CFR’s proposals. When asked about the purpose of education and whether it included more than just being good workers, for instance, Aguh demurred. ‘The type of skills and mindset that make people good citizens make them a good part of the workforce,’ he said, calling for students to learn both 'timeless’ skills and ‘just-in-time’ skills. ‘There is no silver bullet. There are a myriad of things than have to happen.’
“Asked about concerns over central planning and the Sovietesque element, Aguh again downplayed concerns. ‘Industry will be telling educational institutions what they need, not committees of bureaucrats, so honestly I wouldn’t worry too much about that,’ he said. ’There is a huge array of players that has to work together for this to happen: the federal government, local governments, state governments, universities, and employers. No one player can solve the problem. We need the entire system of players.’”
Fair enough. As far as it goes…As far as who best reasonably holds the focus for all this, the article goes on:
“Government needs to focus on creating enough jobs, [Aguh] explained in a conference call with state legislators. ’Secondly, once we have the jobs, how do we make sure that there are the people who have the skills to do them?’ he asked. ‘This is where I think you all, and the role that you serve, how do we — how does government and all of the other relevant institutions have an idea what that private sector’s going to need now and in the future? And then how do we reverse-engineer our education system going as early as pre-K all the way up through workforce development to make sure that that’s happening?’”
Oh-oh. ‘As early as pre-K’?? With just the needs of the “private sector” determining all this???…This sounds suspiciously like a foot in the door for the Big State to determine this matter; and all matters of state…
…as the reverse image of the - a - kingdom of heaven.
The article concludes Aguh’s contribution to the matter thusly: “‘How do we make sure that all of those parts of the education system, from elementary to tertiary to advanced and workforce development, are all walking in lockstep to make sure that those workers have those skills.’” And how do we make sure that such a challenge doesn’t fall into the wrong hands??
By offering the key alternative to the secular globalists’ version of the future on this planet.
Secular. Or outright satanist…
To the article’s credit, rather than just question the supporters of the initiative on their responses to concerns raised, it allows some critics - “education experts, critics of technocratic governance, and leading lawmakers” - the space to air their “alarm about the CFR’s proposed scheme”. One such critic, from the education field, was Charlotte Iserbyt, author of a definitive take on the subject, a book titled ’The Deliberate Dumbing-Down of America’. After researching in-depth on the subject, since the ’80s, she had this to say on the matter:
“‘The government will be deciding who learns what and when. This is the kind of the phony education the Soviet Union provided. Education should never be workforce training. Americans should be allowed to choose their own future.’
“The term ‘lifelong learning’ [i.e., for the residents (whether ‘citizens’ or not)] was also a red flag, Iserbyt warned. ‘The danger of lifelong learning is that it puts everything under the umbrella of the tax-funded school districts and agencies,’ she said. ‘That means government schools become the center of the community, even for elderly Americans. That is wrong. This is a police state being brought in through education, the COPS program [Community Oriented Policing Services] and other related mechanisms. This has been going on for a long time, but we have got to resist it. This is horrific. It’s the Chinese Communist learning system, preparing people to live in a police state.’”
Yes, automation and technology - “the new paradigm” - are, indeed, major concerns regarding the future, near and long term. And the preparation for it needs to be in the right hands. Or it will be a disaster.
Of monumental proportions.
With the alternative so much more positive.
For those incarnate souls who understand that they are a child of God. And are now faced with a major decision, along
The Way.
And so, with such aware souls coming through on that basis, what is coming will be, in very fact,
in the right hands.
P.S. Speaking of 'In the wrong hands': In my 'My Day' blog of this past Tuesday I referred to some sites that I regularly monitor, including the dinar chronicles dot blogspot dot com. Let me clarify: I take postings on there with a grain of salt. In this business of talking about such things as a Global Currency Reset/Revaluation (GCR/RV) there are many trolls, in the pay, or so to speak, of the banking system as is (ka Central Banks). They are out to trick people. But don't throw the baby out with the bathwater. There is, indeed, something to all this business of a new monetary system for the planet; starting with precious metals-backed currency, and then moving on, into the likes of electronic currency (under the control of a Quantum Financial System). When things are in the hands of the Good Guys. The White Hats. The Alliance.
You will know when The Real Thing comes along. As long as you continue to work on your
state of consciousness.
And so, with such aware souls coming through on that basis, what is coming will be, in very fact,
in the right hands.
P.S. Speaking of 'In the wrong hands': In my 'My Day' blog of this past Tuesday I referred to some sites that I regularly monitor, including the dinar chronicles dot blogspot dot com. Let me clarify: I take postings on there with a grain of salt. In this business of talking about such things as a Global Currency Reset/Revaluation (GCR/RV) there are many trolls, in the pay, or so to speak, of the banking system as is (ka Central Banks). They are out to trick people. But don't throw the baby out with the bathwater. There is, indeed, something to all this business of a new monetary system for the planet; starting with precious metals-backed currency, and then moving on, into the likes of electronic currency (under the control of a Quantum Financial System). When things are in the hands of the Good Guys. The White Hats. The Alliance.
You will know when The Real Thing comes along. As long as you continue to work on your
state of consciousness.
* For the uninitiated: The CFR stands for the Council on Foreign Relations, a ‘globalist’ body of governmental-policy wonks who are busily involved with building a corporate-and-statist-controlled New World Order. As part of The Process - albeit unknown to them - of ringing in The (Authentic) New of the kingdom of heaven. Or actually, a kingdom of heaven. The first level thereof. Of what I call in these pages The Real Thing. Beyond - above, in vibratory rate - this artificial reality of a classroom for aspiring gods that we are learning fundamental lessons in. Speaking of education.
But to continue.
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