Monday, 13 January 2020

In Perfect Timing

‘Under the USMCA, Codex [Alimentarius] is back with a vengeance.” - ‘If Passed, the USMCA Is a Bigger Threat to America Than Russia, China & Iran Combined!  This Will Be the End of America!’ - Dave Hodges - January 13. 

An international corporate dictatorship aside, with “the end of civil liberties, judicial oversight and political sovereignty…a total dictatorship”: Under the Codex, you have to get a prescription from a doctor to purchase vitamin supplements at ‘therapeutic’ doses.*  That could mean the inability to purchase OTC vitamin C, say, at more than 60 mg. strength, about the amount of vitamin C in one orange.  I went to jail in 1972 in protest over this Bolshie sort of thing.  I will do it again, if necessary.

It is all connected to the UN’s Agenda 2030, for control of The People to within an inch of our lives, by a government wielding a big stick, on both the - to-be former - nation-state level, and the global level.   I would use a big broom to sweep such monstrously arrogant governments all away.

And introduce the first stages of the kingdom of heaven.   Setting it up for its more complete version, state of being.  All,

In Perfect Timing.

P.S. Part II of Hodges’s three-part, highly-informative series on this issue also appears on the above date, in his article titled ‘The USMCA Will Place the Average American Into Feudalism’.  It deals with Economic Integration (much like the EU), Environment, and Energy Integration.  “Gender and culture issues and more will be covered in Part III.” 

* So that you aren’t self-medicating, you see.  It’s for your own good, you see.  Never mind that allopathic doctors aren’t trained properly in nutrition, or in other than drug-based medicine.  Which it is in their professional and financial interests to treat you by.  Especially with the medical-pharmaceutical-government complex in power these dark days.

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