I was listening to the X-22 Report this evening before dinner, and I got a message. From a ‘flash’. In a downloaded instant.
I have been wondering how I was going to inherit my kingdom. Now I know.
Let me back up a bit in this telling of my ‘insight’. Recently - for whatever kicked it off; I forget, now - I have been thinking about how ‘we’.are, our solar system is, supposed to be traveling through space, on our arm of our Milky Way galaxy, as it is supposed to be moving/traveling as well. This is all supposed to involve a/the Big Bang theory, that set everything in motion. Expanding. And as the Creation expands, everything in it stays relatively the same. And thus, the stars are in their same positions in ‘the heavens,’ over our centuries. And our view of them changes slowly because of the ‘precession of the equinoxes,’ i.e., because of the tilt of the planet on its axis. And we are supposed to ‘come around’ in a Grand Round every 25,920 years or so, to where we were those GR years before (2,160 years in each ’sign’). But how does all of that actually work?? If we are moving, and everything is moving/expanding as well…I couldn’t get my mind around it.
And I remembered reading, quite a few years ago now, a book about the Photon Belt, and how we were supposed to be starting to move through it at that time. But how did that work?? Is our solar system the only thing that is moving around in space???…
I let it all go. But now, I’ve got it. Or at least, part of it.
Stranger in a strange land. No more…
What am I talking about. As to that specifically, another part of this preface
It is no accident that we talk about the Light and the Dark in metaphorical terms. And I don’t mean just as in bringing things out into ‘the light of day’. ‘Keeping things in the dark.’ ‘It dawned on me.’ They also stand for something else; something behind them. ‘Of’ them.
Photons - tiny packets of energy that make light throughout the universe - also carry information. DNA captures light (their very health and function depends on it). Without going into all this in any great detail,* it is enough here for me to say that
we are passing through a region of the cosmos where things - all things - will be ‘brought to light’.
Notice how things are beginning to come out into the open? To ‘the light of day’?? The truth about the Steele Dossier, and the phony Russian Collusion delusion?? And the ‘skeletons in the closets’ of the large and the small, the former including the likes of, say, Barack Hussein Obama, and Joe Biden.
And of course, Hill and Bill, under the pressure of an honest judge and the patience and persistence of the upstanding gang at Judicial Watch??? And on it goes. And it is all just the beginning.
Think, not just the Comey Report. And the Declass. And the IG Report. And the unsealed indictments. But think, as well, the truth about 9/11, and other false flag ops. And about the Reval/GCR. And Disclosure.
And Ascension.
All things will be revealed. Under the new frequencies coming in. Dismantling the Old...
We have rounded the final curve - for this dispensation of Time - and are heading for
As I say:
Fasten your seat belts. And enjoy the ride. Into
the Light.
We are heading into very
interesting times.
* In David Wilcock’s ‘The Synchronicity Key’ he goes into all this - subject snd research - in very intriguing, and ‘insightful’, detail.
We are living in a live, conscious Source Field. Which he also went into in his earlier book, The Source Field Investigations’.
We are being given help along The Way.
It is up to us to realize it. And utilize it.
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