Tuesday, 31 March 2020

How Dare You

So the NWO crowd has succeeded in getting the U.S.A. into a position for takeover.  And might well have sprung the trap already if it weren’t for Trump.  Thus, why those Players have been doing everything they can to take him down, get him out of the way of their takeover plot.  With some of them working on another front of that operation; e.g., House Speaker Pelosi, and her calls for both vote-by-mail - as if that weren’t signal enough of their intentions - and elimination of photo ID requirements to vote.  

Could their scenario be more obvious?

The country, and its supportive citizenry, are fortunate to have had some patriotic souls ‘aboard’ who have seen this current situation coming, and have planned accordingly.  With some evidence to support the notion, which has been remarked on online, that they have known the Deep State’s 'playbook’.  And not just from listening in to their conversations, on both phone and electronic devices, and/or from having pilfered copies of their written materials.  But from having had access to technology - called Looking Glass - that has allowed them actually to time travel, and see into the future of the timeline that this planet, and its inhabitants, are on.  Or at least, were on.  And thus, have known what the machinations of the NWO crowd have consisted of.  Knowledge that has allowed them to thwart those best-laid plans.

And override them.  And install their own.

Of the Light. 

And in consequence, as well clarify that 

there is more in heaven and earth than is dreamt of in the philosophy of the atheists - and outright Satanists - behind this attempt to turn this planet into a global gulag, run by them.

In their arrogant assumption of total power.

Power Over Others.

Or POO for short…

Anybody else notice the recent display with the Empire State building bathed in red, and with a revolving light at the top, like a police car’s emergency lights blazing??  And how that relates to Q’s posting of the message: ‘Rig for Red’???  Which means: Ready to Surface. 

As Q has also posted; and a number of times, as though to emphasize the message:

'Enjoy the show.'

And be guided into the future on this planet

the Right way.

The Way

of Truth.

Error no longer.  As we enter a -

the -

Golden Age.

In alignment with the Will of our Creator Source.

With the little wills of men

no longer.


And that means the end of (the likes of) most Big Pharma medications, and a return to understanding the value and wisdom of the advice of the founder of Western/modern medicine, Hippocrates, who is reported to have said: ‘Let your food be your medicine and your medicine be your food.’

He is also reported to have said, to budding doctors: ‘First, Do No Harm.’

Both, points of advice that have been left far, far behind the current paradigm of Western/modern medicine.  And now, here we are.  For example, widely not knowing how a deficiency in zinc is causing a lot of patients testing positive for the cv to do so, and a treating for which deficiency could shorten their time in care.  (It blocks replication of the virus.)  Yes, along with a couple of drugs (the anti-malarial drug hydroxychloroquine and the antibiotic azithromycin).  But an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure: A zinc deficiency causes the body to be susceptible to such as viruses.*  

It also causes a set of symptoms that could be mistaken for other illness conditions (like diabetes, atherosclerosis, Alzheimer’s, autoimmune diseases, neurological disorders; etc.)   Thus, treating for the underlying deficiency condition can clear up a whole host of problems.  And save people a whole lot of money; and pain.  That is the sort of business that we should be in.

And will be.  Once we start living in the shade of

the 'T' tree.  Aka the Truth tree.


* That's why (young) athletes, e.g, come down with this virus, and viruses in general: They lose their zinc stores when they sweat a lot.
   Check out the likes of the sites of Drs. Joseph Mercola and Mike Adams, e.g., for this sort of information, and advice.  Or any good holistic physician.

An Idea Was Born

With Their Own Ayes,
       They Have It

‘We’ve got to stop these Trump rallies.  We can’t have them going on leading up to the 2020 elections.  All our efforts to control the public’s perception of things, including our polls, will go to waste if people can see with their own eyes how much support he has.’

‘Agreed.  But how?’

‘Just don’t cover them, with our media.  They’ll soon dry up, with no such reinforcement.’

‘Yeah, but the alt media will still allow it to leak out.’

‘Yeah.  That damn alt media.  We’ve got to take it either down or over, and fast.’

‘In the meantime…’

‘Right.  Back to the issue.  So what do we do.  What can we do?’

‘Hey.  I’ve got an idea.’


A caveat.  This whole scenario is based on a certain premise.  But there is some evidence that there could be something else behind this free-will caper (and which could be, er, capitalized on by other forces behind even that predicate): that the virus in question - with much to identify it as having been man-made - was engineered to be mostly race-specific, in targeting Asians.(1)  So, that brings up the question of who really was behind its weaponizing.  And that doesn’t even have to do with U.S. (or allied other) bioweaponeers.  It could have to do with the communist masters of Red China themselves, having come up with a Final Solution to their immense political problem of their over-population.  And part of which scenario could well have been to make sure that the virus leaked to the West - and in particular to the U.S. - as well.  Why?  Double possibilities: 1) As cover, so that it wouldn’t be so obvious as to what population cohort it was targeted on; and 2) To clear as many Americans out of the way as possible in the same fell swoop, so that the Red Chinese could then sweep in here and take over this - fertile - continental mass.  Which scenario idea has indeed been confirmed, in more than one lecture by the Red Chinese masters.  And with some related evidence to it surfacing as well: that Red Chinese forces are poised in the mountains of northern Mexico, awaiting the call for Der Tag, in a veritable Red Dawn invasion, of a well-weakened U.S..(2)

And with as well some evidence surfacing that it also causes damage to testicles; and hence, to fertility.  And so, even young males can be said to have been targeted by its developers - with an eye to Depopulation in general - besides its just taking out the elderly, and those with immunocompromised conditions; to say: the ‘useless eaters’. Which brings up another set of potential culprits behind this atrocity.  And behind that whole can of worms could well be a greater Master Plan at work.  Since this material plane of existence itself is programmed.  As a classroom.

So. We will see.

One educational step at a time.



(1) And in particular, Asian males.  For more on which, see below.  (And so to speak.)

(2) If not as well accompanied by a Tet Offensive.  With our borders having been kept susceptible to intrusion, and all.
   And not to mention our own termites in that regard.

Monday, 30 March 2020

A Field Theory

Report from the field: I am having growing inability to access conservative sites.  It started with Ben Shapiro’s site (two of his, actually) some time ago, and now it has extended to at least Tea Party Command Center and The Blaze: their articles won’t load.  I’m not sure if it’s due to something going on at my end or theirs - my wifi connection has, indeed, been acting ’up’ lately, being periodic in its connectivity.  (Not just slowness, with so many people, being at home a lot these quarantine days, online.)  But I am able to access other sites - including several liberal sites that I take - even when I can’t these sorts of sites.

1) I am not a happy camper about all this.  And by “all this” I mean as well reports, for some time now, from a number of what could be called ‘conservative’ sites - including alternative health sites - that they have been discriminated against by their site hosts, in being demonetized, and even outrightly censored, by ideological Fact Checkers.  All of whom should be labeled Bolsheviks.  
     In a free country??!  Well - of course.  That would be the point for such people, wouldn’t it.
     And speaking of ‘such people’:

2)  I sure hope that some prognosticators are right, who are letting us know - before they, too, are cut off - their take on things: that the White Hats (aka the Alliance) are about to make their move against all this infuriating nonsense emanating from the NWO crowd - which amounts to warfare (and good on people on the Right who have refused to take the bait and give the Left its desired excuse to open it up to a shooting stage) - and that there will be Three Days of Darkness coming up soon, during which time the Internet and our cell phones will be offline, and a) the Internet will be cleansed of its ‘dark nodes,’ with the pedophiles and the Illuminati getting theirs, and b) there will be a takedown of the ‘Cabal’.  The Dark side in this Play that we are in.  With the White Hat Alliance cleansing everything of the corruption and criminality rampant in our current society.  Which wouldn’t be able to survive the flood of Light that is about to come in, anyway.  And send us into a - the - 

Golden Age.

Figuratively.  And literally.

As to this business of ‘fields’.     

My family name is Stanfield.  It comes, or so I was told, by my paternal grandparent who was interested in and doing genealogy,* from how families used to be identified in the old days from such things as being a Baker, or a Miller, or a Smith, or a Carpenter, and so forth.  And from such circumstances as a family that marked their property boundaries with a stone in the field. 

I am a stone in the field.  The Field that we all live in.  And by.  And I cause the field to part around me, as I make my Way



As part of

a multidimensional shift going on.

Out of the Dark.  And into

the Light.

May you be able to tolerate it.

In this go-'round.  This

Harvesting.  Of souls.  Who are ready

to move


And Up.


Of one’s childhood.  Spiritually speaking.  Not understanding - yet -

how great you really are.  For being 

a chip off the old block.  Growing into

a stone.  

In the Field.

Or out.


As is your inheritance.

Just waiting.  For you

to claim it.

P.S. And now, in a last-minute checking of my in-question emails, I see that blockage of some conservative sites has cleared.  All except for the Tea Party Command Center and Ben Shapiro’s Daily Wire.  But hang in there, Dee & Melony and Ben.  As I say:
     Help is on the way.
     And from a number of sources.

* from being a Mormon; who believe in ‘baptism for the dead,’ i.e., being baptized for one’s ancestors who never had the opportunity to hear about Jesus Christ, and so were never baptized in the faith, and thus being eligible for the highest kingdom. It all sounds rather hit-and-miss to me.
   But then, who am I.

On Being Good Hosts

‘The least that you can do is let us get credit for saving your immortal soul.  - I mean, …’

I know precisely what you mean, your being members of a very proselytizing church, and all, and thus very earnest in your belief system.  But tell me: How do you handle the fact of the growing evidence for reincarnation?  And as I put it, ‘the natural fact of reincarnation and its attendant law of karma’.  Wherein and whereby we are ‘saved’ by our own efforts, in getting further up the mountain on our way to the top, without the intercession of a surrogate ’savior,’ doing it - the heavy lifting - for us.

‘What do you mean, “the growing evidence for reincarnation”?’

Available - in such as books and articles and videos and studies - to those who have eyes to see.  That is to say, to those who are not limited in their research into, and exposure to, such things by their belief systems.    

‘…This is all so…discombobulating……’

I understand some of this attitude, of needing, looking up to, a ‘savior,’ and which goes a long way back, well before the Christian era.  It is a very ancient tradition, when peoples, living in very bleak and humble circumstances, felt they needed help to ‘climb out of’ their life circumstances, couldn’t do it by and for themselves, and which is why so many peoples have looked to such as a ‘savior,’ or ’the state,’ to help them in that chore; to do that for them, their being so powerless on their own, and all.  But the idea of ’capitalism,’ and of private property, has helped many ‘see the light,’ helped them to climb out of their circumstances on their own recognizance, on their own power.  And thus has been self-empowering, in life.  And therefore, has been, on balance - and I reiterate, ‘on balance’ - a good thing.  People taking responsibility for themselves, and all.  As sovereign beings.  With - as you say - an immortal soul.    

And so you see, maybe I have something to give to you.  Contribute to your progress.  On

The Path.

‘…Sorry if we were, well, …’

It’s okay.  I understand where you were coming from.  I’m sure that I have been there too, in that same boat, as it were.  In my own learning experiences along The Way.  That is to say, being very sincere believers in something, some religion or political system.* 

But I admit that It felt contrived.  And I wasn’t happy contributing to a contrived situation, as though being roped into something.  Who wants to be, or feel, roped into something?  That’s like cattle being roped into a corral.  Being treated like cattle.  Or a wild horse, being broken to the saddle.  Not me.  And not for me.  For my supposed own good.  Which is why we have free will.  To choose for ourselves.  Not to have ‘it’ done for us.

And now, here we are.  At a major Turning Point.  Collectively.  And to wake up to the fact that 

We didn’t choose to incarnate at thIs time in order to maintain the Old.  But to build

the New.  And obviously, people dedicated to aspects of the Old will resist.  Until they see

the Light.  And thus, the need for

an Event.  Filled

with Light.                 

To emphasize

the Point.
And reconcile us to

New Beginnings.

All aboard.  To sail on these new seas.

P.S. More on that last note:
     Many people are having feelings of impending doom.
     Could be (depending on one's personal life circumstances).  Or just of an End,
     of an Age.
     With perhaps - quite possibly - an extra measure of Change in it as well.
     Of a Light-filled nature.
     See above.
     (And so to speak.)

* Or a combination of both.  As in communism.  Which is a secular religion.  Of true believers.  Even though they feel that it is based on science.  And is a total rejection of all things spiritual.  So that its adherents, er, believe in the ’salvation’ of Man through political action.  Thus, their belief in Dialectical Materialism.  That this realm of matter is all there is.  What a limited vision.  Of
   The All That Is.   

Sunday, 29 March 2020

On Events

Some sites on the alt media - which is all that I follow, not having a stomach for the aptly named ’fake news’ on/of the MSM - are talking ominously about ‘civil war,’ if the cv quarantine goes on much longer, and people start losing their composure, under the pressure of not having food, etc., and if the word starts getting out as to how the Dems - and other players in this Drama, involved as well in the NWO crowd seeking to take Power Over Others on the planet  - are attempting to do the likes of keeping an existing drug which has proven to be very effective against this (bioweaponized) virus from being made available to the public (as some Democrat governors are attempting to do in their states), in order to prolong the quarantine situation.  Why?  To create the Crisis which gives them the Opportunity (also known in esoteric circles as Ordo ab Chao) to weaken Pres. Trump (all other of their attempts, as ‘The Resistance,’ having failed) and take over the country (with a little help from their friends in dark places right now).  And so, we live, in not just ‘interesting times,’ as the Chinese proverb has it.  But specifically dangerous times.  Very.

But I agree with other voices in the alt media.  Along the lines of ‘Q’.  That the White Hats are about to swing into overt action. Having put all their pieces in position.  Along the lines of what I mentioned a couple of blogs ago.

that “Help is on the way’.

Not to put that operation in any jeopardy, by saying much more than this, at this time.  But just to point out:

that the universe has Purpose.  

And that purpose is Good.

And so God is in charge.

And there will be some surprises for a lot of people.  Who do not believe in such a thing.

And for some who do.

On A Winning Hand

Q: When do you play the Trump card?

A: When you have
     a winning hand.

On Paying The Piper

In just a few days, at the end of this month, Google is going to institute stricter controls of what they allow on their social-media platforms.  Google owns YouTube, e.g.  And I access my blog site through them.  So, in case they pay attention to my little corner of their empire, and start censoring me, for having ‘opinions’ contrary to their accepted norm, I want to go on record with a few items of importance for the public to know about.  Before other sites are dealt with in the same manner as well.
And much of it has to do with this blog’s title, regarding the notion and expression of the piper, and who calls his/her tune.  For, it turns out that Big Pharma has a big investment in Google.  And hence, Google caters to its wishes, and messages.  Regarding competition to its products.  For example:

* Cancer.  Cancer is a huge moneymaker for Big Pharma.  So much so, that few people have heard of alternatives to its treatment, and even prevention, other than from Big Pharma.  Or Big Med in general, in the ‘traditional’ approach to it, of cut-burn-poison.  But there are a number of ‘alternative’ approaches to it, which have impressive records.  Some of which, hopefully, will remain on our social media sites, and on Google’s search engine; even if buried way down on it, where nobody ever, or hardly ever, ventures.  So: Check out - while you still can - the likes of vitamin B17.  Aka amygdalin.  Aka Laetrile.  And the likes of Dr. Joseph Mercola’s site.  And those of other ‘holistic’ doctors.

* Vaccine Safety.  A horrendous record, of their downsides.  Plenty of evidence of their dangers.  Which have been downplayed, to the point of being disappeared from mainstream sources.  Because why?  For two reasons.  One: Because of Big Pharma, as mentioned above.  (Vaccines are huge money-spinners.  Especially when they are mandated, by Big Med/Pharma’s shills in state legislatures.)  And two: Because they are/can be bioweapons.  In the hands of TPTB - people who want to control humanity, to within an inch of their lives.  And if they get out of hand, even an inch short of their lives.  Take heed.  And know, that among the side effects of vaccines ARE the likes of the ‘autism spectrum disorder’.  (See, e.g., the book by medical historian Harris L. Coulter, Ph.D titled ‘Vaccination, Social Violence And Criminality: The Medical Assault OnThe American Brain’.)  And.  And.  And………

* Climate Change.  A ccn job.  It was instituted years ago - then called Global Warming; but when its prognostications never panned out - and the public was beginning to find out about the fraudulent’ Hockey Stick’ graph/sales job for it - TPTB switched the ‘meme’ to its current status.  Which is, as I say, a fabrication.  The point To put us all under the thumb of our Erstwhile Masters, in controlling the world’s energy sources; and thus, ding away with people’s inabilities to, e.g., drive around free from our EM’s control
   (N.B. Fossil fuels need to go, anyway.  Fo their polluting of the environment, and harm to our planetary home base.  But in a way that doesn’t enhance the power of our EMs over us.  Which brings up the subject of free energy devices.  But that’s another story for another time.) 

* ’The Holocaust’.  A sales job, in its perverted extent.  Even some honest Jews will admit that.  And have, on the Internet.  Which you can access.  For a limited time only.  Because to question ‘the Holocaust’ is to ‘hurt,’ or harm,’ or ‘be offensive’ to Jews, doncha know.  
   The same with criticizing the extreme actions of the LGBTQ+ crowd.  And the like.  You get the idea.  That ‘all are equal, but some are more equal than others’.
   (The Truth, people. The Truth.  That is what we need to live by.  In all things.  At all times.)  

* 9/11.  And a number of other false flag ops.  All designed to separate us Americans from ‘our constitutional rights’.  Which is a misnomer, in a federal constitutional republic.  But the bottom line is the same:
   Dictatorial control over us.

I could go on.  But you get the idea.  And as Joe Martino, of Collective Evolution, has commented on recently, when that site has been shuttered, by ‘Fact Checkers’ on Facebook, for daring to broach subjects anathema to the likes of Big Pharma.  That site, among others, suffering at the hands of the same crowd of (political and economic) censors.  

‘We can’t have this idea spread here,’ says the goons at the likes of ‘Health Feedback’.  

Hey.  You - our - Censors.  Psst.

Your days are numbered.

As The New comes through.  Washing all such darkness away  In the Light of

the New Day.  

Just about to dawn.

With you.

Or without you.

Your choice.

On Gratitude, & Sundry Such Matters

…like Sending - And Receiving - A Message

Today - Sunday - in the (Mormon) religion of my benefactors was a special service, besides the regular Sacrament Service, called a Testimony Meeting.  Familiar with it from ‘the old days’ as a member of the Church, I knew what to expect: The congregation is afforded the space to ‘bear their testimony’ on the truth of the Church.  With quarantine measures in place from the coronavirus pandemic, they have been holding their Sunday services for the last couple of weeks in their front room.  I have been invited to join them in that ritual, and I have accepted the invite.  ‘When in Rome’ - to say, my attitude towards that sort of thing in their lives is that, as an extended member of their family unit, the least I can do is join them in some such of their Church activities (as I have done in the few months that I have been living her), and especially if it’s taking place right here at, er, home.  And so I had joined them in last week’s Sacrament service in the front room (officiated over by the priesthood head of this household, and as joined in the blessing and serving of the Sacrament by one of his stepsons, whose family was visiting for a short while); and indicated yesterday that I would join them in their service again this Sunday.  From what happened at this service, I am left wondering what would have happened if had told them that I wouldn’t be joining them this time.  But to take this story one step at a time. 

When the head of the household knocked on my door and told me that they were ready, and joining the group in the front room, I noted two things.  One: the somewhat ‘black sheep of the family’ daughter of my niece was not present for the occasion.  I had figured that that might turn out to be the case, since her political orientation differs - markedly - from that of (at least) her immediate family; and, because of the nature of that split, could as well encompass her relationship with their religion as well.  And two: The head of the household was not sitting in his accustomed position in the room - directly in front of the TV.  I remarked on it, and he and his mate/my niece indicated that I could sit there.  ‘If I wanted,’ was the way it was put. 

An omen?…In any event, I chose to do so.  And the ‘session’ proceeded.

It opened with the usual: the serving of the Sacrament; the head of this household and the youngest son of the family - still living here, and going/commuting daily to BYU, a bit less than an hour’s drive away - officiating..  Next on the schedule, as was the case last Sunday, was a video, of one of the leaders of their Church giving a talk; this time on the subject of Gratitude, with the message of feeling gratitude in our lives for what we have, even with all else going on in them.     

The head of this household opened the following sharing space with a touching sharing about his gratitude for having found my niece in life, after the breakup with his first wife, and how he loved all of his children, including those of my niece (five of them), whom he ‘inherited’ in the deal.(1)  Who then shared her ‘testimony’ - first about her gratitude in return for her current spouse, and then, with a nod of acknowledgment to me, about how much she appreciated me, for my role in her early life, and that I had ‘chosen,’ out of all of her birth brothers snd sisters (three of them), to come live with her and her family; and then, almost seamlessly, she shifted into talking about Joseph Smith, and how supportive of him that she was, for all that he suffered for his ‘testimony,’ including, and perhaps particularly, for having seen Our Heavenly Father and His Son, Jesus Christ, in his First Version - er, Vision - and how she was, in effect, a ‘true believer’ of it, and of the Church as a whole.(2)  (And if I didn’t like it,…???…)  And then the space was opened for the rest of us to share/‘bear our testimony,’ and in particular regarding the session’s theme of Gratitude.  Silence.  She then asked each of her twin daughters in turn if they had anything that they wished to share (either on the theme of Gratitude in their lives, or on ‘bearing their testimony,’ or both subjects, was the unspoken offer).   With a lack of response from either of them (half asleep in their respective positions in the room and its comfy sofas and lounge chairs) she then addressed her son Rustin, if he wanted to share anything.  (Which he chose to do, in such a low voice - characteristic of him - that, even though he was sitting on the floor next to me I couldn’t catch most of it; which had something to do about his partner on his Mission for the Church in Japan, and how he didn’t like him at first.)  And then it was, in effect, my turn.

I chose not to say anything.  I had been mulling over the situation, and had been thinking of saying something like ‘I am just in a supportive position here, to this family.  But I can share that I am touched by the sincerity that I feel in this room, from these sharings, and from that message about ‘gratitude’ from one of your Church’s leaders.  I indeed experience gratitude, for having been accepted so openheartedly into this family’s space.’  Which attitude I perhaps should have shared, and especially because it was real   But two things were ‘up’ for me at that point.  One was that the lack of response from the twins had given me a sort of ’out,’ that I chose, in the end, to take.  The other was that I was beginning to feel the setup of the whole thing.  Being given the ‘prime’ seat for the session?  Their choice of a talk (a number of years ago) on ‘Gratitude’ from one of the Church’s leaders??  And my growing suspicion that my benefactors had accessed my blog site, and  had seen my recent posting on the founding of their Church, and were ‘sending me a message,’ to see how I would respond???  

As if to say, ‘Well!  The least that you could do in gratitude for our taking you in, in your time of need, would be to join our Church; or at least, don’t knock it.  See, here’s our response, to your blog.  - Oops…’ …

In the event, I first laid my hand on my niece’s hand and thanked her for her words, and then got up and walked over to her husband, who was putting some part of the Sacrament service on the kitchen  sink shelf, and told him how touched I was by his sharing, and its sincerity.  And then I went back to my room, and looked at where I had begun re-reading in a book from some years ago, during my time in retirement in Southern California by the sea.  Having referred to it in these pages recently, it is called ‘The Christ Conspiracy,’ subtitled ‘The Greatest Story Ever Sold,’ by a woman (excellent) researcher by the pen name of Acharya S;(3) whose Introduction begins:(4)    

“The history of religious belief on Earth is long and varied, with concepts, doctrines and rituals of all sorts designed to propitiate and beseech any number of gods and goddesses.  Although many people believe religion to be a good and necessary thing, no ideology is more divisive than religion, which rends humanity in a number of ways through extreme racism, sexism and even speciesism… Religion dictates that some people are special or chosen while others are immoral and evil, and it too often insists that it is the duty of the ‘chosen’ to destroy the others.  And organized religion puts a face on the divine itself that is sectarian, sexist and racist, portraying a male god of a particular ethnicity, for example.  The result is that, over the centuries, humankind has become utterly divided among itself and disconnected from nature and life around it, such that it stands on the verge of chaos.

“More horrors have been caused in the name of God and religion than can be chronicled, but some examples can be provided, as well as an assessment of how religions function:”

And here she quotes an author on that subject; and then goes on:

“Even today [the book was published in 1999], when humankind likes to pretend it has evolved, battles go on around the world over whose god is bigger and better, and religious fanatics of any number of faiths repeatedly call for and receive the blood of ‘unbelievers’ and ‘infidels.’  Few religions of any antiquity have escaped unscathed  by innumerable bloodbaths, and, while Islam is currently the source of much fear in the world today, Christianity is far and away the bloodiest in history.”

And the book goes into that atrocious matter in excruciating detail; besides delivering on her claim, as     in her title, that Christianity is ’the greatest story ever sold’.  As she delivers, as the man who penned her Preface claims and declares, on “(t)he thesis of her work, that Christianity was created artificially out of older religions to consolidate Roman state control over those religions”.

And which thesis is further developed, and rather definitively, in a book, first published in 2006, titled ‘Caesar’s Messiah: The Roman Conspiracy to Invent Jesus’ by Joseph Atwill.  And whioh thus needs to be rejected.  By all free-thinking people.  As 

not true.  

Two things.  One.  I think that my days in this household are drawing to a close.  I will continue to read the tea leaves.  But I think that I was sent that idea as part of the Message that the joint heads of this household delivered to me today (whether wittingly or unwittingly).  And two.  Interestingly enough, I had just this past week begun to think of that sort of thing.  That my time here was doing just that: drawing to a close.  And in major part, because I am not of ‘the fold’ regarding their religion.  (And thus, am not going to be succumbing to their somewhat subtle enticements to become so.  All to ‘save my soul,’ of course.  The good intentions of true believers.)  What occasioned the idea was that a friend of mine, from my Findhorn Community days over in the north of Scotland, and who has been in fairly consistent contact with me, during my retirement period, from her now-home in Maine, mostly via email and sometimes by phone, forwarded me an email from a likewise former member of that community announcing that a big home that used to be part of the wider ‘spiritual community’ up there was now up for sale.  Ker-ching.  Now, wasn’t that an interesting idea.  To go in with some other Ex-members of that Community. in our own small associated mini-community - with likeminded others, spiritually speaking.  Which did not take the form either of the Christian religion or any other religion.  Other than the general ‘religion’ of ‘Environmentalism’ - being good stewards of the planet.  Our common Home.  Gaia.     

A religion that I could - would - be comfortable with.   

The ‘practicing’ of which wouldn’t entail what is going on now in my life, of some degree of discomfort to my current benefactors…

But what about the quarantine circumstances, right now?  Which preclude a soon move - back - to the north of Scotland. 

And what about my deep passion for this country, and its role fin the transformation of the planet.  Into a Golden Age… 

Oh well, I thought to myself.  AlI I need to do, at this point, is keep my eyes open.

And have ears to hear.

Such as


And if Trump is right, about how this quarantine thing could be over by Easter………

…a time - according to many religions; and to pagan nature lovers; and to just observers of the natural scene around us - of

New Beginnings.

P.S. And speaking of: I may yet finish my ‘farewell address’ to this family thus:
     ‘But I am not of you, on the level of your religious beliefs.  So, I’ll move on.
     ‘I have deeply appreciated your having shared your family space with me.  Thank you.
     ‘People trying to do the right thing: Very touching.’ 
     The bright side of Christianity…   

     Time will tell.
     And soon.
     On all of 
     the above.


(1) He even included me in his listing of gratitudes - and even used the word “even” me - for, as he said, my ‘different’ perspectives on life. 
   (Should I have known by then that ‘something was up’? in this setting??…)

(2) The thought occurred to me at that point in the ‘service’ - although it was set up by an inkling when the Church leader on the TV started talking about Gratitude, and I had ‘been put’ right smack in the center of the room for that ‘message.’   As though he were talking directly to me - that perhaps she/they had accessed my blog site - all unbeknownst to me (neither of them has ever expressed any interest in knowing about it, enough to the point of asking me what title I blog under.  Perhaps because they already know???) - and knew of my recent blog regarding the - highly apparent - illicit founding of the Mormon Church, and they were sending me a message back, in inviting me to ‘their’ Testimony Meeting (complete with its added theme of Gratitude) and hearing their ‘response’. 

(3) ‘Acharya’ means ‘teacher,’ but more strictly it means ‘preceptor’ - a headmaster or principal of a school.  And this woman’s academic credentials cause her to be well identified with the title. 

(4) After an opening quote from (the) Buddha:
   “Believe not because some old manuscripts are produced, believe not because it is your national belief, believe not because you have been made to believe from your childhood, but reason truth out, and after you have analyzed it, then if you find it will do good to one and all, believe it, live up to it and help others live up to it.”
   (I would say, rather: ‘Believe it if it is Truth - period.’  But then that’s just me.
   I hope not.

Saturday, 28 March 2020

First Things First

In my last blog (of earlier today) I announced that ”Help is on the way”. What did I mean by that.  And what do I think of Pres. Trump, and his role in all that is going on.

A fair subject.

But first.  A follow-up to that blog’s reference to ‘false numbers’ regarding the cv pandemic.  Wherein such numbers can cut both ways.

Dave Hodges of The Common Sense Show has published an article today titled ‘Fauci’s Research Fraud Endangers Every Life In America and Will Lead to the Complete Collapse of the Economy,’ which is important to note.  Dr. Anthony Fauci being Pres. Trump’s major ‘expert’ on the likes of epidemics.  A major error, from the good doctor’s connections not only with the Democrat Party (he sent a ‘love letter’ to Hillary during the 2016 presidential campaign, e.g.) but the CDC.  But first: The study in question in this article.  

According to Dr. Fauci (Dr. Faustus?), in a ‘study’ (actually, a review of other studies, and so not a study in itself; only an article) that he co-authored, and which was printed in the New England Journal of Medicine: The reproduction number/transmission rate of the CoVid-19 disease is 2.2 (which means that, on average, each infected person spreads the infection to an additional two persons) and the fatality rate is “akin to those of a severe seasonal influenza (which has a case fatality rate of approximately 0.1%)”.  But something is wrong with those figures, according to other reports; they have been set deliberately lower than what is reported by other statistics researchers.  As Dave Hodges (who has a background of “extensive academic experience in research and statistics”) puts it: “This article is the poster child for fraud.”  And Hodges feels that Dr. Mike Adams has the pulse of the thing when he says, e.g,. that “his data shows the infection rate is doubling every three days,” emphasizing the role of the ‘velocity rate’ of the cv spread - a fact “totally ignored” by Fauci et al in their ‘study’.  Hodges’s conclusion: “It strongly appears that the CDC is dedicated to spreading this virus.  And this is where we turn back to the politics of the issue.  
The continued spreading of the virus benefits Democrats because our ineffective mitigation efforts are crushing the economy.  Fausi's [sic] contrived ignorance will lead to more deaths and calls for much longer confinements of the public. The effect on the economy will be catastrophic and this endangers Trump's re-election and places the future of the Republic and our civil liberties at risk. 

“This is the ultimate coup that does not involve the use of guns.”

So.  Let’s get to the truth of the matter.  The whole truth. 

In the meantime:

Take neutraceuticals that boost immune function.  And refuse to take anything that the CDC says as truth.  For, the CDC is proving to be a rogue organization.  Which has patents on vaccines.  And so is, or at least appears to be, fine with epidemics, which require their vaccines to be used.  As Dave Hodges puts it: the “CDC is the nation’s Vaccine Central dedicated to the spread of vaccines”. 

And l will get to the ‘Help is on the way’ idea in my next blog.

First things being first.


P.S. A quick update (as well fromThe Common Sense Show): Symptoms of CoVid-19, as uncovered in the Far East and reported by the South China Morning Post: 

Shrinking of the testicles, and reduction of fertility.

This, with earlier info that the virus seems to have been engineered for ‘ethnic specific’ targeting of Asian males.  Of all ages.

And thus, a bioweapon targeted for depopulation to a particular part of the human genome. 

And thus, more suspicion that this bioweapon was a product of such labs in the West, and was introduced furtively into China via Wuhan, for ‘distribution’ in that country first.

And thus, why there would appear to be a lot of smokescreen stuff emanating out of the U.S., where hospitals are being ordered, by higher-ups, to claim many deaths as due to the cv regardless of the truth of the matter; and why its, er, virility is being underreported, in order to let the virus spread as much as possible - and keep it from being treated efficaciously by the hypoxychloroquine cocktail (until a vaccine can come out in, you guessed it: 18 months) - and thus help camouflage its targeted effect primarily on Asian males.*

A lot of people in the West are due for a major uncovering for criminal conduct.  And they aren’t all Democrats/socialists.  Count a large number of capitalists among them.   Who have been capitalizing on such as infections - and ill health in general - 

long enough.


* As for all those cases reported out of Italy: A major factor there is that the north of that country is ‘infested’ with many Chinese (brought in for economic reasons).  Not Italians.

Making Illegal Aliens Feel Right At Home - Not

An article in the current issue of TNA (the magazine referenced just previousl), under the heading of ‘Growing Trend: Putting Interests of Criminal Aliens Before Those of Law-abiding U.S. Citizens,’ contains the following comments:

“A panel discussion on February 15 on MSNBC Live centered on the special agents [known as BORTAC, for the U.S. Border Patrol Tactical Unit] being sent into sanctuary cities to arrest illegal aliens…A frequent guest…mentioned that the action ’means that this [Trump] administration is doing anything that it can to terrorize the Latinx [sp.?] community.’ 

“[An attorney] then added: ‘I’m going to go a little bit step further and say that this isn’t just to terrorize the Latino communities.  It is also for Trump to score political points with his base because cruelty is the point.  The more he can show that he is cruel against immigrants of color — also very important to point out because you never see any talk of illegal immigrants from Europe or anything like that.  It’s the brown immigrants.’”

Because….um……perhaps………because an illegal alien is an illegal alien?  Of whatever race or religion or nationality??  I mean……

…and “cruelty”.  And  “to terrorize”…

I really need just to cut to the chase here.  This is all simply outright deceitful propaganda.  

It all depends on whose ox is being gored, eh, comrades?  ‘You say potato and I say potahto’??  Everything is fair in love and war???…

And then, further on in the article, there is this doozy:

“Not all the news that is fit to pint is apparently fit for us to read.  In February, the New York Times clouted the president for his ‘scathing rhetoric on immigration,’ apparently overwhelmed that ‘he used the term ‘illegal alien’ at least five times during the State of the Union this month.’  Talk about shock and awe!  That just happens to be the correct legal term, as has been pointed out by the Department of Justice and reinforced through its use by the Supreme Court, among others.

“The perpetually affronted ‘woke’ community, to be sure, is offended by the term and it has been dropped from some ’liberal publication stylebooks.  And New York City, which is one of the sanctuary cities that shields lawbreakers from immigration laws, has outlawed its use.  Really.  The Commission on Human Rights there not long ago banned the use the term of ‘illegal alien’ by employers, housing providers (including hotels), and law enforcement — declaring that it is ‘discriminatory.’  Violators — that is, practitioners of the First Amendment — may be fined up to $250,000 per offense.”

First of all, surely this is a misprint.  $250,000?  Surely the Bolsheviks haven’t taken over to that extent in New York City.  Surely not?  Surely??  

Secondly.  Presumably the, er, correct expression is ‘undocumented worker,’ or at least, ‘undocumented immigrant’.  But can we all agree that in either case, that is simply a euphemism?  If we were being honest about the matter??  Beyond the politics of it??? 

Which is getting heated up to the point, now, of open warfare.

And I would hate to see that happen, in this country.  At this time.

This crucial time.  For Breakthrough.  Into 

something completely


Like, say,

living our lives by total Truth.

And leaving all the POO behind.

P.S. And just to set the record straight, on the BORTAC units; there is this, from the same article:
     “Embellishments and hyperbole are common among those seeking to take Trump’s job.  That includes Elizabeth Warren — who vowed in February that, when in the White House, she ‘will make sure that these raids that sweep through our neighborhoods stop.  We will not engage in this kind of deportation.  It is wrong.’
     “Here’s what is wrong: her assertions.  ICE has been clear on this, such as in the following public letter issued not long ago.  In part it reads:
     “ICE makes targeted arrests every day; ICE does not conduct ‘raids.’
        “ICE does not conduct raids or sweeps ad does not operate roadblocks or checkpoints.  The use of these terms evokes images of indiscriminate enforcement actions taken without probable cause.  Nothing could be further from the truth.
        “ICE focuses its limited resources first and foremost by targeting those who pose the greatest threat to public safety and border security.’”
     The article also goes into the terrible business of ‘Motor Voter laws,’ whereby the far Left has succeeded in making it easier for their cadres amongst illegal aliens - and other non-citizens - to get registered to vote.  As they are attempting to do under the current quarantine situation.  This, Elizabeth, is what is “wrong”.
     Before the Bolsheviks take over totally in this country, and I can no longer speak my piece in the country’s social media, let me say, here and now, as clearly as I can, my position on this whole subject:
     If someone is in this country illegally, they need either to self-deport, or they will be deported.
     Full.  Stop.
     A caveat: 
     If they have not committed any further crimes whilst in this country, they can apply to come back in - through the front door this time.  Where there is a Welcome mat.  
     Which is not out outside the back door.  Or the side windows.  Or under the ground.
     To all prospective immigrants, and those in the country illegally at this time:
     Take your pick.


P.P.S. And this business about places like San Francisco where the residents (and undoubtedly people from surrounding areas) know that the police won’t respond if they take goods from stores worth under $950??  And the storeowners and employees can’t respond because of anti-gun laws, and have to watch helplessly while hoods help themselves to their ill-gotten gains???
     A true American Tragedy.  To be tolerated
     no longer.    
     Help is on the way.
     And speaking of that aspect to all this:
     1) Five (liberal) states have outlawed the ability of doctors to issue prescriptions of a particular drug for treatment of the circulating pandemic infection that is proving to have excellent results.  Why the ‘prescriptive’ law??  Ah.  
     Read on.
     2) I see, from a couple of different sources, that the coronavirus numbers - of both infections and deaths - have been found to have been pumped up.*  Why?  In order to get us to “surrender our rights, break the economy, and put us into servitude,” as a commenter to an article at Dave Hodges’s The Common Sense Show put it today.  And as for the duration of the quarantine being touted as 18 months, this same sharp-eyed citizen (who also monitors Steve Quayle) pointed out that that amounts to 6+6+6.  And further commented on the apparent fact that the satanic forces are ‘bound’ to “TELL us ahead of time what they are doing”.
     As they did regarding their 9/11 caper, for example.  In a feature of life called ‘predictive programming’.  Apparently in place to test our level of awareness.
     This Time being a showdown battle between good and evil, and all.  
     (‘But I thought you weren’t a Christian,’ I hear some of you say. 
      I’m not.  But I am also not in the habit of throwing the baby out with the bathwater.)


* E.g.: A Stanford U study says that the cv numbers are exaggerated to a “great magnitude”.  And hospitals around the country are being told, by higher-ups, to indicate the cv as the cause of death regardless of the truth of the matter

Friday, 27 March 2020

On Proving A Point

…And Being Here NOW

In my last blog I talked about the dangers of “the stultifying, distorting, ‘heavy hand’ of Big Government in people’s lives”.  Case in point.

I see that the far Left is taking advantage of the current pandemic by taking quarantine measures to extremes.  It is one thing to observe a Social-Distancing policy of no gatherings by more than 10 people, and keeping a good distance from one another whilst out and about.  It is another thing entirely for the far Left critters, in cities or other areas controlled by them, to issue stay-at-home orders, on penalty of large fines and jail sentences - and even, in some cases, home invasions and the confiscation of (still-private) property.  Thus, no biking, jogging, etc. etc. ad nauseam.  ‘You will do as We say or you will suffer the consequences, at our hands.’  The arrogant attitude of tyrants down through the ages.  And the closing of ‘non-essential businesses’ - like gun shops; but the Open For Business sign still out for abortion mills…

It depends on whose ox is being gored, eh, lefties?  In places like L.A. County, and a county in Texas, and in Chicago…the list goes on.  Of places where the Bolsheviks are taking over.  As I say: taking advantage of the martial law-like circumstances in the country, from the cv scare.  Confining The People to our homes.  But letting prisoners out…

This is all a political ruse.  Not ‘hoax’ - people are indeed getting sick and dying from a virus gone pandemic.  But a ruse it is.  For the NWO crowd to attempt to take down and then over this country.*  As the main stumbling block to the imposition of their global gulag…

As Dave Hodges of The Common Sense Show has concluded, in one of his blogs today:

“The Democrats are purposely wrecking America.”

Indeed, Dave.  But I would say, rather:

are attempting to.

And if Pres. Trump is right, and the White Hats are about to spring their counterattack:

They won’t succeed in their attempt.  Because there are too many Americans still left in the country, who believe in the essentials of this country, to let them get away with their best-laid plans.

And I hope you are on the right side of this Completion stage of The Process.  And that, if you are currently just playing  a dark-side part in this incarnation, at this Completion time, you awaken in time to that fact.

And come over to the Right side.  That is to say, the side of

the Light.

For, your success, as a facet of our Creator Source, and therefore a god in the making, depends on it.

At least, in this go-‘round.  For, if you fail this graduation test, it will be a long time ‘round for the next 

Mass Harvesting time.

* Including a potential Red Dawn-like invasion, by ChiComs, now gently gently massing in the hills in northern Mexico.  Who are as well taking over in (the likes of) Africa.  And interestingly, the Dems have included in the Stimulus Package billions - billions - of dollars for Africa.  
   Wouldn’t have anything to do with the ChiComs taking over there, would it, boys and girls???  With their Surface-to-Air missiles, and running the ports, and in charge of the likes of food supplies…

   …and California’s governor looking to borrow money from a Chinese bank to stave off a looming bankruptcy.  Thus setting that state up for a takeover as well…….

A Servant Or A Master

There is an interesting collection of articles in the current issue of The New American magazine.  Taken together, they tall a tale that emphasizes an issue that I have dealt with just recently in these pages, that is, of the threats to human ‘essential liberty’ - as spiritual beings having a human experience - from both the far Left and the far Right of politics - to say, from both overuse of government and underuse of it.  

To take the latter ‘course’ first.  It is from an article in the issue titled ‘The Case for Moral Libertarianism,’ which is essentially a review of a new book out, titled ‘Against The Left: A Rothbardian Libertarianism’ which deals with a number of the subjects ‘up’ in today’s world.  On the one hand, the book extols the principle of private property rights, but almost to a fault; whereby, if left strictly to themselves, ‘capitalists’ could well descend into unfettered/rampant capitalism - capitalism, like Nature, red in tooth and claw.  Nothing and nobody matters but me, and my bottom line.  The ‘moral’ aspect that the article refers to is the restraining nature of some such capitalists/libertarians having a religion; but their fundamental position and belief - ‘code’ that they live by - is a “resolute commitment to property rights”.  But there is, indeed, a larger picture involved in this matter of what we are a part of in life; one that would aid us in seeing, and acting upon, the idea - the principle - of living our lives in cooperation with Nature; not warring against it, with a sense of dominating it.  (Which many Christians believe that they are entitled to, by verses in the Bible’s book of Genesis.  So, so much for the religion of some of them.)(1)  

But on the other hand, the book makes an extremely valid point regarding the stultifying, distorting, ’heavy hand’ of Big Government in people’s lives.  An example that the author - Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr. - gives is regarding ‘the Family’.  The author of the article (Laurence M. Vance.  An “associated scholar of the Mises Institute,” a leading libertarian think tank) says that “(Rockwell) believes that ‘the fundamental threat to liberty comes from leftist programs to promote absolute equality’.”  What he is talking about - in my words - is that the far Left wants to get women out of the home and into the workforce in order to break down the family unit - a la Marxist theoretics - so that the State can take over the raising of the children.  It is not really about ‘equality’ per se.  It’s about “chiseling away at the foundation of society” - as referred to in one of the articles on the ERA in this same issue of that magazine.  

And another interesting article in the issue, involved in this same ‘discussion,’ has to do with the matter of ’religion’ itself  being part of the problem.  That article is on the recent murder of a whistleblower from the Department of Homeland Security, named Philip Haney, “who exposed the Obama administration’s interference with tracking and arresting jihadists” and who “was found dead just before a new book [of his] was due out”.(2)  Whose death, not so incidentally, was at first described as due to “a single, self-inflicted gunshot wound,” but under pressure by very skeptical members of his family and the public and alt media journalists - many of whom knew him personally and knew that he had no reason to do such a thing, and that there was every reason, given his plans to very shortly have his new book published and go on a speaking tour about it - a correcting press release came out from the County Sheriff’s office (in central California) after the weekend of the event, stating hat the FBI would be asked to assist in the “investigation”.(3)

Now, what am I saying here, exactly.  I am saying that both radical Islamists - the built-in danger of some religions, with their fanatical true believers - and the Obama administration authorities who blocked Haney’s investigation into jihadist activity in this country, need to be investigated, and dug out of their dark holes, to face justice.

And thus, that government does, indeed, have a role to play in our lives.  As long as it is kept - as George Washington observed, presciently - a servant. 

And not a master.  


(1) The (missing) sense of ‘having dominion over’ Nature could at least bring in a modicum of responsibility into the matter, that is missing from today’s - obvious - comprehension and interpretation of that idea.  ‘The bottom line’ being almost the only thing that matters in our, largely capitalist, society.  Hence ‘planned obsolescence,’ and ‘the throwaway society,’ and so forth.

(2) His first book, published in 2016, was titled ‘See Something, Say Nothing: A Homeland Security Officer Exposes the Government’s Submission to Jihad’.

(3) And given the role of the FBI in the phony charges against Pres. Trump, which led to his very partisan ‘impeachment’ by the House Democrats, that is not a very helpful sign to anyone who would like to see all these allied things going on these days uncovered to their full truth of the matter.  
   A terrible, terrible shame.  On us all.  By not insisting better.  To be governed by