Friday, 20 March 2020

A Martian Speaks

I am dumbfounded.  Unlike the federal constitutional republic of the United States of America.

First, to mention an article that I read last night online, about a retired federal judge who, in submitting his resignation from a federal body of judges, lambasted the current Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court, John Roberts, for presiding over 'his’ Court that, in the aggrieved judge’s opinion, was ‘selling out’ the nation to greedy Big Business types.  How so?  Primarily by the current Court’s overturning of what is called in judicial jargon stare decisis, i.e., the judicial idea of ‘let the decision stand’.  To say: Precedent.

And if ‘precedent’ is faulty, and needs overturning???  Ah.  Indeed.

The aggrieved judge accused, in his letter, the ‘Roberts Court’ of being full of ‘activist judges’ - on the other side of his political proclivities.  For, the aggrieved judge obviously liked judicial decisions of the SCOTUS that agreed with his political position on such issues.  Such issues, that is to say, in reality, as about a proper reading of the Constitution.  And by ‘proper’ I mean as it was intended.  Not as true ‘activist judges’ have made it become:

a wet noodle.  In the hands of experts in the field.(1)

The field of creators of slippery slopes.  Who manage to slip in ‘activist judge’-type changes in the constitutional contract between the sovereign states and their creation, the federal government -  which changes are usually, as history tells us, of the leftist variety - and who then fight like hell to uphold them

with the application of such clever judicial ideas as stare decisis.

All of which brings me to my second point.  Which is similar to the first, only carrying the ‘story’ further along its way.  Into the debacle that we are in today, in this country, regarding its ‘rule of law’.  With new information to me as to just how bad this situation has become - and became, along its way.

For example.  I figured that there had to be something wrong with Sen. Ted Cruz’s Law School teaching regarding constitutional law that would have led him to - apparently - actually believe that he was eligible to run for the office of the presidency of the U.S.  His being a - seemingly - honorable person, and all, who just must have been led off the path of honest law by liberal - to say, more precisely: far Left - professors.  Who wish the U.S. to be a centralized form of government, to all intents and purposes.  The easier to take you over by, my dears.(2)  But I have just discovered the full extent of the deceit, and corruption.

It came in an article in the current - i.e., the March 9th - issue of The New American magazine, a review - titled ‘How To Restore The Balance Of Federalism’ (by Steve Byas) - of a new book out, by Joe Wolverton II, J.D., entitled ‘“What Degree of Madness?” Madison’s Method to Make America STATES Again’.  Generally speaking, it makes the case for how generations of Americans have been led - erroneously - to believe in what we all cali ‘our constitutional rights’.  When the Constitution, complete with its Bill of Rights - which, after all, is just a list of examples of what powers were not given to the federal government over us (as clarified by both the Ninth and Tenth Amendments, regarding 'rights' and 'powers' respectively) - is only a check against undue centralized power over us.  Not a granting of various rights and powers.  All unenumerated rights and powers remain, in a federal form of government, with the states, and are to be secured for The People by their state constitutions.(3)  But the salient part of this (excellent) article resides in his eye-opening comment, and paragraph:

“Unfortunately, the American people have been deceived by centralizers into believing the myth that the federal government created the states, instead of the other way around.  This is the view that is taught in history textbooks, law schools, the media, and in the courts.  But, as Wolverton so ably demonstrates, this turns American history on its head.”  (My emphasis.)


How did things, of the nature of America’s history, get this far off of the truth of the matter  -and not get CALLED on it???

Sufficient to set the record straight??????


But then, it would appear that things of a governing nature in this country got off the founding/legitimate path back in the late 1800s anyway, when agents of the British Crown succeeded in hijacking the country.  And there is serious question about the legitimacy of the ratification of at least a couple of the amendments to the Constitution (and including the 14th itself).  And so it is altogether fitting and proper that this country is subjected to a total Reset, now.  

One that involves the international monetary and financial systems as well.  And so, the whole world to experience a New Beginning.  Because

it’s time.


(1) Or what they call 'a living document'.  In their hands, of course.  Not to apply to the other  crowd's liking.

(2) To clarify, for those who are new to this subject: The federal government - a creature of the sovereign states (what in contract law is called the ‘agent’ of the ‘principal,’ i.e. in this case the states) - is a government of limited and delegated powers - “few and defined,” in the rather authoritative words of the man who is quite rightly considered to be the Father of the Constitution, James Madison.  The 14th Amendment made a change in this basic structure, which states, in pertinent part (after making clear who are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside - a subject in itself): “…nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.”  The ‘original intent’ here - as clarified, for the historical record, by the authors of said amendment - was to make sure that the newly freed slaves, in the wake of the Civil War, were to be considered as citizens, right alongside white Americans, and not to be treated arbitrarily, to say outwith the law (as ‘property’), as they had been before.  ‘Centralizers’ over the succeeding years have attempted to make of this amendment/these words something never intended by either its authors or the state legislatures which ratified it: that it stood the Constitution on its head in toto, and said, in effect: ‘All the powers formerly reserved to the States respectively, or to the people’ - i.e., in the clarifying words of the Tenth Amendment - ’shall now reside in the federal government.’  It did, and says, no such thing.  But in a weasel-legal ‘principle’ called ‘incorporation,’ generations of law students have been taught that erroneous interpretation of the 14th.  But until now, I had not understood just how widespread that interpretation had become.
   Read on.

(3) I grant that some rights - such as the right ‘to keep and bear arms’ - are considered, fairly rightly, to be fundamental, and individual, rights.  But they still have to be secured to The People via their state constitutions.  
   In those days, this was all axiomatic.  Not so in these benighted days.


P.S. Two things.  One: Because of household difficulties in accessing the Internet yesterday I didn’t get around to finishing reading an article by Dave Hodges at his The Common Sense Show site called ‘Although the Coronavirus Is Deadly, the People Must Not Allow Government to Eliminate Civil Liberties’.  The last two paragraphs of his (excellent) article read:
     “John Moore has published a copy [of] a ‘permission to travel’ paper which enables the holder to avoid all checkpoints.  What checkpoints you may ask?  From multiple sources, the government is moving to a ‘papers please’ society and will restrict travel between states without the proper clearance.  Additionally, it is becoming known that the new vaccines contain a biometric marker that can be scanned by [for?] vaccine compliance at key checkpoints.  Many, including myself, believe that the Coronavirus vaccine, effective or not, will be mandated under penalty of law. 
     “An Amerikan (sic) future could easily contain, no Constitution, no civil liberties, forced vaccination, limited travel, a collapsed economy and a form of serfdom servitude.  This must be resisted by all American[s] and it will be at some point.  America is ready to enter a phase of civil war if the Coronavirus does not completely collapse our govdernment (sic) and economy.  What will our society look like at that point?  That will be the topic of Part Two of this series.”
     So: The worst-case scenario.  With a fair amount of evidence pointing to that as the likely outcome.  With the NWO Police State ruling.  But as I said at the end of my blog yesterday entitled ‘What’s The Truth?!’, I see the hand of God at work in this whole business.  And in support of that take on the matter, comes the report today, of ‘Dave’ at The X22 Report, who lists a number of interesting links between things that Pres. Trump has said and which have appeared on the postings on the alt media, over quite a period of time, by the person (or persons) called Q, which ineluctably lead to a different conclusion.  The conclusion that
     the White Hats are well in charge.
     And more.  Somewhat between the lines.  That among the surprises about to come to the American citizenry - and the world - is the fact that 
     John F. Kennedy Junior did not die in a plane crash (nor did his wife and her sister with him on the trip).  That that was a staged operation.  Ultimately, to help bring down, not only the perps behind his father’s assassination.  But the Black Hats - among them the Deep State players in this Drama - in general.  And that he has been working, behind the scenes, with Pres. Trump to bring about a -
     the -
     New World. 
     With God indeed having the last
     A scenario worth checking out.  To know, beyond all doubt, that in the end,
     God rules.

     N.B. Do we not, then, really have free will?  
      In this realm of Illusion - aka a classroom - yes we do.  And, it is in the context of a learning exercise; as in all schools.  And in the further context that 
      it operates by Laws.  And one of them is the Law of Karma.  By which a) individual souls - in the process of their education - have to work out the consequences of their actions; and b) there is perfect Justice in the creation.
      As is befitting a wise, and just, Creator.

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