Tuesday, 31 March 2020

An Idea Was Born

With Their Own Ayes,
       They Have It

‘We’ve got to stop these Trump rallies.  We can’t have them going on leading up to the 2020 elections.  All our efforts to control the public’s perception of things, including our polls, will go to waste if people can see with their own eyes how much support he has.’

‘Agreed.  But how?’

‘Just don’t cover them, with our media.  They’ll soon dry up, with no such reinforcement.’

‘Yeah, but the alt media will still allow it to leak out.’

‘Yeah.  That damn alt media.  We’ve got to take it either down or over, and fast.’

‘In the meantime…’

‘Right.  Back to the issue.  So what do we do.  What can we do?’

‘Hey.  I’ve got an idea.’


A caveat.  This whole scenario is based on a certain premise.  But there is some evidence that there could be something else behind this free-will caper (and which could be, er, capitalized on by other forces behind even that predicate): that the virus in question - with much to identify it as having been man-made - was engineered to be mostly race-specific, in targeting Asians.(1)  So, that brings up the question of who really was behind its weaponizing.  And that doesn’t even have to do with U.S. (or allied other) bioweaponeers.  It could have to do with the communist masters of Red China themselves, having come up with a Final Solution to their immense political problem of their over-population.  And part of which scenario could well have been to make sure that the virus leaked to the West - and in particular to the U.S. - as well.  Why?  Double possibilities: 1) As cover, so that it wouldn’t be so obvious as to what population cohort it was targeted on; and 2) To clear as many Americans out of the way as possible in the same fell swoop, so that the Red Chinese could then sweep in here and take over this - fertile - continental mass.  Which scenario idea has indeed been confirmed, in more than one lecture by the Red Chinese masters.  And with some related evidence to it surfacing as well: that Red Chinese forces are poised in the mountains of northern Mexico, awaiting the call for Der Tag, in a veritable Red Dawn invasion, of a well-weakened U.S..(2)

And with as well some evidence surfacing that it also causes damage to testicles; and hence, to fertility.  And so, even young males can be said to have been targeted by its developers - with an eye to Depopulation in general - besides its just taking out the elderly, and those with immunocompromised conditions; to say: the ‘useless eaters’. Which brings up another set of potential culprits behind this atrocity.  And behind that whole can of worms could well be a greater Master Plan at work.  Since this material plane of existence itself is programmed.  As a classroom.

So. We will see.

One educational step at a time.



(1) And in particular, Asian males.  For more on which, see below.  (And so to speak.)

(2) If not as well accompanied by a Tet Offensive.  With our borders having been kept susceptible to intrusion, and all.
   And not to mention our own termites in that regard.

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