Following on from having just finished reading/getting through the current issue of WND’s (somewhat) monthly Whistleblower magazine, on the subject of ‘In Love With Lying,’ I have just received a mailing from the ACLU asking for my response to a Survey “to represent Utah by sharing [my] opinions on the impact of Donald Trump’s abuse of power on people’s lives — and on our democracy”. Whoah!…Their covering letter reads, in part:
“Dear Friend,
“It’s heartbreaking, maddening and unacceptable. The Trump administration and its allies are trampling on people’s rights, promoting racism, sexism, and xenophobia, and engaging in shocking abuses of power.”
[But nothing like shocktng abuses of the English language, I reckon.]
“…The ACLU and our supporters are challenging those in power by speaking out and taking action to protect everyone’s rights. But President Trump and his allies show no signs of letting up in their systematic, far-reaching attacks on our fundamental freedoms,” [ - like, oh, say, free speech on the Internet? Whereby conservative voices are being systematically stricken from the public forum as we, er, speak??(1)] “so we have to stay active and vigilant…” (2)
“As the ACLU continues to stand up for the rule of law and defend people against the Trump administration’s draconian policies, your ideas and opinions can help shape our response to the challenges we’re facing…”
I seriously doubt it, ACLU. But let’s take a look at some of those policies, and the language that they are couched in.
From the ACLU’s ’50-State Survey,’ Part 2 - ‘Your Issue Priorities’
“Please indicate how concerned you are about each of the following threats to our fundamental freedoms.
“1. Cynical voter suppression efforts that seek to deny people of color, poor people and elderly voters the right to participate in the critical 2020 elections. Very Concerned, Somewhat Concerned, Not Very Concerned, Not Concerned At All.’
“Cynical voter suppression efforts…” - oh. I get it. Like photo ID cards. Which identify the person voting. (Or getting on various welfare rolls. Or buying liquor. Or qualifying for travel discounts. Or. Or. Or…my answer to this question: ‘Not Concerned At All.’ Now, if we were talking about Election Integrity…)
“2. Efforts to pass state abortion bans and other restrictions that radically erode access to abortion and seek to pave the way for a Supreme Court decision gutting or overturning Roe v. Wade.”
Since Roe was unconstitutional in the first place - under our Constitution, of a federal form of government, not a centralized form (with the federal government having limited and delegated powers - “few and defined,” in the rather authoritative words of the man fairly called the Father of the Constitution, James Madison) - I am ‘Not Concerned At All’ that that unconstitutional law is under attack.(3)
“3. Donald Trump abusing power and undermining the rule of law in ways that have a lasting negative impact on our democracy.”
Oh, puh-leeze. This is such an over-the-top partisan statement that my answer to it should be obvious.
“4. The government’s harsh immigration policies that trample on the due process rights of immigrant families and send thousands of people, including children, into overcrowded and squalid detention centers.”
Since what has ‘sent thousands of people including children into overcrowded’ conditions has been the scheming of the NWO crowd to have this country a) invaded by potential Democrat Party voters, and b) bankrupted by their keep, in order to facilitate its collapse, and fall into the hands of said NWO crowd - a la the Cloward-Piven Strategy - this is nothing but hyperbole - propaganda - and my answer, again, should be obvious.
And so it goes, through the rest of this silly Survey. But I will send it back. Filled out accordingly. Including my Comment under
“6. Are there any observations or concerns, specifically, that you would like to add about how our freedoms are at risk, either nationwide or in your community or state?” My response:
“Our freedoms are at risk from the totalitarian NWO crowd’s attempts to take over the country, and impose their Order on it and the planet.”
That would be the New World Order. Or the ‘Order Out of Chaos’ (‘Ordo ab Chao’) of the higher degrees of the Freemasons.
But that all is definitely another subject for another day.
Although it will have to be soon.
With things heading for
Into another level of reality.
As a Synthesis of The Process that we have been in.
For long enough, now.
To graduate from this level.
Or not.
Your choice.
With your assumed gratitude for having had
in the matter.
The matter, of
spiritual beings having a human experience, on
a Path
and its accompanying sense of
Ultimately, with
The All That Is.
P.S. And another mailing that I received at the same time as this one from the ACLU seems to accompany it rather nicely. Like a ‘matching’ bookend. This, from Liberty Guard, says, on its mailing envelope:
‘America Wants Team Obama Brought to Justice Now!
‘For Using the FBI and CIA to Target and Destroy Candidate Donald Trump in 2016…and Then Launching a COUP Attempt Against Our President.
‘Mr. Stanfield, please sign the enclosed letter to Attorney General Barr urging rapid and relentless prosecution!’
But I think you already know the tenor of my response to this sort of mailing; so I will spare you the details of that response.
Except to point out that I am,
as well as a patriot to and for the American Republic,
a firm believer in mercy.
Because we have all been in this Play -
for the catching of our consciences -
(1) It is argued that the social media giants are private enterprises and so can manage their affairs as they wish. But they are using the public airwaves to conduct their ‘affairs,’ and so should, by rights, have to observe some basic Open Forum laws.
I look forward to the Trump administration correcting this oversight in its second term in office.
Unless ‘time is up’. And we move seamlessly - or at east as seamless as possible - into
The New. Wherein there is no corruption, for The Old realm of Duality to have finished its run.
But to continue.
(2) As a good engager in a war should. Especially one that has had a war foisted on them.
(3) It has been argued, by ‘centralists,’ that the 14th Amendment changed the general tenor of the federal constitutional republic. But it did not say, in effect, that ‘All of the rights and powers formerly reserved to the States or to the people shall now reside in the federal government’. And so Roe was a faulty decision, and is long overdue for overturning. By a SCOTUS getting back to true readings of the Constitution. Not via the personal socio-political proclivities of the Supremes.
All corruption now to be cleaned from our social order. In The New Order of Things now to take precedence. The Play now over and done with. As we get about the business of
The Real Thing.
Which will see the passing of the Constitution anyway.
After its correction. As we get back to, er, “the rule of law”.
But to continue.
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