Saturday, 21 March 2020

On Best-Laid Plans

Aha!  Mike Adams, as posted on 3/20 at The Common Sense Show dot com:

Advanced knowledge of the coronavirus pandemic that’s now leading to forced vaccinations for everyone

The CDC appears to have had advanced knowledge of the coronavirus pandemic outbreak, as the agency which deliberately delayed testing kits in the USA for nearly a month was hiring quarantine program advisors in November of 2019, to cover Texas, New York, California, Washington, Florida and many other areas where the pandemic is now exploding…

“How did the CDC have advanced knowledge of the coronavirus pandemic before it was announced to the world? Well, we already know the CDC is a criminal front group for the vaccine industry, and we know the CDC had a hand in releasing measles at Disneyland in California in order to create mass media hysteria to push for the vaccine mandate law there, SB 277, which just happened to be pre-written by the pharmaceutical industry and ready to push through the California legislature.

“Although we have no direct proof, it would be entirely consistent for the CDC to be part of a globalist program to deliberately release a deadly pandemic virus in order to push for mandatory vaccines and funnel billions of dollars into the vaccine manufacturers (which has already begun). Former CDC head Julie Gerberding, you may already know, went to work as a top executive for Merck, and the CDC functions largely as a revolving door with Big Pharma. Part of her job was covering up vaccine fraud involving the mumps vaccine.

“What better way to enrich the criminal pharmaceutical companies than to watch as a global pandemic virus gets released, granting the CDC extraordinary new powers (and funding), leading directly to mandatory coronavirus vaccines (the kill switch for global depopulation).

“It also just happens that this coronavirus is the perfect excuse for a global financial reset that steals money from taxpayers by mass printing trillions of new dollars to bail out wealthy corporate executives, drug companies and industrial giants. Did you notice that the new family leave act which guarantees companies will pay employees for quarantine isolation time is exempting all companies with more than 500 employees?

That’s because this planned pandemic is being used to achieve all the goals of globalists: Censorship, confiscation of wealth, mandatory vaccines, depopulation, medical tyranny, martial law, a cashless society and much more.

“And yes, the CDC had advanced knowledge of it all. The proof is right on their own website. Long before China even admitted to the existence of the coronavirus, the CDC was hiring quarantine managers in all the areas that are now being hit hardest by the coronavirus. There are no coincidences when it comes to such alignment of events.

“To learn more about how the coronavirus achieves all the top goals of the wicked globalists, listen to this podcast:

(‘The Coronavirus Pandemic Achieves Top Goals For Globalists’)

Mike’s conclusion: How this pandemic accomplishes the goals of TPTB: global depopulation (esp. of the elderly, who are a drain on government financial resources); economic collapse via the quarantining involved (thus this Crisis creating that Opportunity); a total rollout of Medical Martial Law, under their power-assumed control to include gun control and outright gun confiscation; all of which sets up a global Reset, under their administering. 

Or, a Reset alternatively…

as I said in my last blog. 

P.S. There is also the ‘predictive programming’ of a simulation exercise some weeks ahead of time of the Wuhan report, that Bill Gates was involved in, which included live-like scripted announcements on/for TV, and which ’followed’ the subsequent Wuhan scenario to a t.
     I am reminded of two things here.  The first: How the Sandy Hook Elementary School ‘Massacre’ was in fact the last day’s outcome of a FEMA Exercise.  (the orchestraitors of which forgot about the scenario-required need for MediVac helicopters; or just didn’t want to go to the expense of them.  Perhaps figuring that with their control of the MSM, they could get away with their con job without bothering with such details.)  And the second: How Josephus Flavius & Co. scripted a story, subsequently known to the world as the New Testament, which was intended to set up the Roman general Titus - who in historical fact was behind the siege and sacking of Jerusalem and destruction of the Temple there - as the Son of Man of Jewish expectation, and which ingeniously-scripted fable ended up taking on a life of its own.  Stretching down to our day.
     And needing, now, to be part of the general Reset going on in the world.

     As to all of this.  One may well ask: All for what?
     I would say, for us to have an Awakening.  To wake up to the fact that we have been living in, not so much a lie as a scripted reality.  
     Why?  For what??
     For educational purposes.
     As gods in the making.
     And in that Process, not being allowed to do real damage.
     As I have said:
     Life is a school.
     And the purpose is
     to graduate.
     Into the Real Thing.
     Made of Light
     and Love
     And in which, no corruption can abide.
     Get ready.  For
     The Big Change.

And please: As soon as possible: No more nonsense about outlawing or censoring the free-speech likes of 'vaccination deniers' and 'Climate Change deniers' and 'Holocaust deniers'.  A proper education should include looking at all sides of matters.

And allowing them to be expressed.

Just as we have been allowed to explore all sides of our potential.

As creators.

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